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Happy about this. I think Gavin and Stacey splits to country across the middle. Living down South I don’t know many who didn’t like Gavin & Stacey but personally I struggled with Phoenix Nights, seemly a more Northern show….. A small country but there is a big difference between Southerners and Northerners…


Aye I’m vice versa , Gavin and Stacey always rubbed me the wrong way, I reference Phoenix Nights everyday 🤷🏻 such is life


At least this means that League of Gentlemen will most likely win next time.

Michael Harrop

Get ready to fall in love with some fantastic characters, this show never fails to make me laugh and cry in equal measure.


Great Show! Never fails to make me laugh


Love this show, even if it doesn’t make you belly laugh you fall in love with the characters. And this is from someone who doesn’t like james cordon!

Michael Harrop

Same i cant stand Corden post G&S but i adore this show, one of my all time favourites

Joe S

James corden really doesn’t seem as bad as people say lol it doesn’t seem like it’s the case here obviously but there are people who actually pretend this show is bad just cause he’s in it and co wrote it lol which is just sad

Joe S

Hmm I don’t necessarily think it’s about the north and south divide per se, maybe these two specifically but not generally. I mean only fools is the most popular across the whole country. I love Peter Kay, but almost entirely just in stand up.


oh god..it happened....I am sorry Josh.....this is not the best show engands ever made...in fact in my opinion it was made at very dark point in British comedy


Rather dramatic. I can agree it's not the best show ever made though. Released/running around the same time were Extras, Peep Show, Inbetweeners, IT Crowd.


Not much of a fan myself, but theres absolutely golden parts and i think Josh will enjoy. Especially as it mixes 2 very separate UK cultures.

Austin Stratton

I'm just happy that this is done cos the other shows that this always beat off the top are much more my thing..


This is a win win result. Not only will fans of Gavin and Stacey be happy, the ones that hate it don't have to wait as long for their choices to be picked, and don't have to see it on the polls anymore. Personally I really enjoy Gavin and Stacey, and like others have said, I'm sure a large percentage of the dislike is from James Corden. Admittedly it does feel unhealthy to relate to and enjoy a Corden performance, but don't forget that there's some other talented comedy actors that make up this show.


Wahooo! Can't wait to watch it.


Yes, let's just get this out of the way. 😄


Will this start tonight or next Monday?


I like the show but maybe because of of the bias as its my hometown Barry town growing up. Its not a nice place




i am sure you will enjoy this Josh

Chris H

Exactly. We all know that Corden is a bit of a bellend but some people act like he's Jimmy Saville reincarnated or something. It's not that difficult to get past. There are plenty of other characters bringing the laughs to the show.


well we had to get it over with sometime I guess




i know a lot love it so had to come up eventually. But Il be glad to get it out the way