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Hey, folks please read this before you post a question. There's a chance I have already answered the question here or in a previous post links are at the bottom.

You are allowed to vote on more than one show. Please pick all of the shows you would like to see.

Remember if it's a sketch show it will not be added to the poll. This poll is for shows requested that have 27 or more episodes. These shows were selected based on how frequently they have been requested. If a show with 27 or more episodes you would like to see voted on isn't on this list please request it below. There will be another long show poll after Only Fools and Horses ends.

Previous Six poll posts.









I need to see your reaction to Still Game. If you’re looking for a show to get invested in and get invested in the characters and form that kind of bond you had with peep show then Still Game is definitely the answer! You will not be disappointed, honestly😊


hey josh, i thought taskmaster was going to be added to this poll?


One Foot in the Grave must win! :)

Chris H

Desperately hoping for Fresh Meat but I feel like all choices are futile, I think Friday Night Dinner will take it by a mile!

Sam Reeves

Imagine watching My Family for 2 years 💀💀💀 surely there needs to be an episode limit?

Michael Harrop

Damn such a shame no Taskmaster, its so damn good. Id take Fresh Meat out of this batch i imagine itll be Friday Night Dinner though

Richard M

There's no accounting for taste if One Foot in the Grave doesn't win comfortably. One of the finest sitcoms of all time and not afraid to go quite dark at times.


One foot in the grave what a classic!

Kieran B

I think if Taskmaster gets added it would be good to do one series at a time on the short poll or something, I love Taskmaster but watching every series back to back may get a bit repetitive


Ofitg! Such a perfect sitcom.


I'm so glad 'Friday Night Dinner' is winning! Don't let me down democracy 😁 ..... Absolute quality writing, funny throughout and some amazing characters. Josh will love it and if you haven't seen it, you're in for a treat if it wins!

Michael Harrop

Ive only seen bits and pieces of it but i only hear good things. Will be good to watch it for the first time along with Josh if it wins.


I think it's more an age thing than taste and they just haven't seen some of the older classics. I have a feeling there are more younger patreons than older ones now. Could be wrong on that but that's my theory on some of the voting.


Wheres taskmaster?😩


Rooting for One Foot In The Grave or Men Behaving Badly. Not seen Friday Night Dinner but will probably give it a go if it holds onto it's early lead.

Michael Harrop

Inside Number 9 doesnt get as much love as it deserves, its a phenomenal show. Some of the most creative and consistant in quality writing ive seen.


One foot in the grave or men behaving badly for me. Both classics.

Richard M

I struggle with Friday Night Dinner, I wait for it to be funny and, for me anyway, it never really gets there. It's a strange one because it's so popular. Almost as few laughs per episode as Last of the Summer Wine.

Josip Buretic

I only know one show from this poll 🤭🤪 and this show is not winning, I just have to believe in you all that you would choose a good show


Dad's army is class and lovable, sad its not got more votes. But Friday night dinner and inside no 9 need to get more love and boost one of them to the top !


Lots of shows I love on this poll but unfortunately none that are close to winning :/


I hope Friday night dinner wins


Yes, Friday Night Dinner has been a favourite for years!

Joe S

Hi mate, I remember you saying you would do drama shows and movies too, like This Is England. Could ‘Peaky Blinders’ and ‘Luther’ be added to whichever poll that would be, they are both on Netflix. Cheers 👍


I'm really hoping for people just do nothing


really dads army had 80 episodes? I thought it was like.....205 or something mental...either way not votinng for it, too long and I'll be honest the behind the scenes story of that show is far more interesting than the show


Also come on people friday night dinner really? Over fresh meat which is arguabley better....everyone reacts to friday night dinner, its not even a fun show to react too :(

Mick Mills

Slim pickings in this list. It was always going to be hard to find something even nearly as good as Peep Show.


I think it's a good list, I wasn't a fan of Peep Show so glad it's over ;-)


I still say "JONATHAN CREEK" would have deserved it's place on one of these polls and is a lot more popular than a lot of the dead wood that barely receives any votes

James Chalmers

Lots of good shows here would be happy with any. A suggestion of a show for future poll is Auf Wiedersein Pet about a bunch brick layers from Newcastle working in Germany in the 80s. Its got a great cast many who went on to other films and shows its also really funny. The first two series are amazing.


On this poll i am hoping for One Foot In The Grave, Men Behaving Badly (do not bother with season 1) or Brittas Empire (season 1-5 great, 6&7 not as good due to new writers) There is only one show on here i really do not want to win and that is Benidorm which is awful


I love Jonathan Creek. I think it would be great to see Josh react to that tbh. Would make a nice change as well.


watching Benidorm with bxkid , such a great show ! along with still game and fnd! cant wait to see what we get!


Mainly for nostalgia, I'm going to be the sole champion for Allo Allo. I watched a couple of episodes recently and it still holds up. Could we see Lovejoy added to a list at some point? Not necessarily a sitcom, but it was fantastic light entertainment with some very funny bits. Also loving the suggestion of Auf Wiedersein Pet and Jonathan Creek. Minder would be another great classic series to add. I think as the pickings start to get slim, it would be great to see UK light drama added, as they could be a lot funnier and better written than the more generic comedies the UK was kicking out.


Surprised Green Wing is never on these polls. I've not seen it personally, but I've always heard great things about it. Would love to see a reaction of that one day.


No Taskmaster?? So disappointed :(


Goodnight Sweetheart is really good. I reckon you'd like Plebs, if you were a fan of the Inbetweeners.


I'm glad Men Behaving Badly is doing well, probably won't win but looks like it won't be too far down the line.


Shame no Taskmaster on the list.


Really don't get why Friday Night Dinner is so popular to be honest. Maybe it just isn't for me.

Mr K

I'd vote for that, recently rewatched the first two series. Still as good as when I was a wee lad.


I agree, after a couple of seasons it does get quite repetitive.


The longer run shows are not as good are they. He should put some us shows he hasn't watched. Like curb or they think its sunny but if has watched them then no point


Most UK comedies only last 2-3 series, and pretty much most of the truly great and original comedies fall within this limit. When you get to longer shows, you are generally talking about much older shows or more mainstream stuff. With older shows, they may be classics for their day, but the humour is arguably dated. In the same way I wouldn't want a reaction to a US show like Bilko, I wouldn't be interested in re-treading Dad's Army, although I can appreciate both for being classics of their time. Looking at the list, the comparative quality between the shorter poll and this is night and day. The fact that 'Allo! 'Allo! and The Vicar of Dibley are even listed says it all really. However, if you step out of the strictly 'sitcom' criteria then there are some good comedy dramas worth a watch, such as Auf Wiedersehen Pet and Minder as others have mentioned. Also, would it be possible to react to some US shows, such as South Park and Curb Your Enthusiasm? And if so, could you add these to the list? Also, I know you are not reacting to sketch shows, but will you look at comedy quiz/panel shows, and if so could you add Never Mind the Buzzcocks to the list?


Fingers crossed someone pays for some bots to make Inside No 9 win lol


Bad lads Army would be a good one to add to the list, it’s not a comedy but does have a lot of funny moments, it’s a show where they took a load of young offenders and wannabe gangsters and sent them off to do 1950’s style Army training (National service) . Season one was just regular people and then season 2 was the young offenders. It does really well on YouTube reaction videos.


It comes up occasionally and I always vote for it but it never gets enough votes to stay on so then gets bumped. It's a real shame as it's brilliant!


Benidorm was good for the first few series but went downhill with each passing season. I might have a look at Brittas Empire. I'd forgot about that and loved it at the time.


Geez never realised how many stinkers were "long shows" all of these shows are the kind of shows you just watch a random episode of when nothing is on to kill half an hour but never go out your way to watch let alone watch the full series


Personally, I don't want to see dramas on here, I hope this channel doesn't diverge from being focused on comedy, but I would like to see more variety than "British sitcom". Taskmaster would have been great, it's different enough to give more variety to the line-up, and it can be really funny. I also think comedies from other parts of the world should get a look in. I know Josh is American but if he hasn't seen Curb Your Enthusiasm for example, that would be much better to react to than anything on this list. Just my two cents.


It's a shame to see my choice so far down the list. Coupling is one of the best and more cleverly written comedies of all time. It does things in comedy that have not been done before or since, sch as doing an entire episode in split-screen and the same 12 mins from 3 different perspectives.


This poll is so difficult. Everything is quality. I'm gonna have to go with One Foot In The Grave.


Misfits is incredible


Misfits is a great show very unique concept


Because the shows are long and we have to wait sometime before our favorites are shown. I wish Josh like you do with the movies you'd do a 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place slot guaranteed watch and then start a new poll. It's a shame because One foot in the grave is 2nd at the moment but will have to start again from scratch if it loses where it could be viewed after Friday night dinner as 2nd place and fresh meat as 3rd place eg. just an a opinion your doing a great job though Josh it can't be easy keeping your patrons happy Lol


Oh by the way I have to agree with Josh Clulow I'm watching Misfits on Netflix at the moment wow what a show would definitely watch that again with Josh if it was to win

Z is for Zed

I really like Misfits up to a point (and without spoilers you can probably guess which point, it's a common opinion).


Wow just seen the list and there are a number of really old shows which weren't they for at the time and especially not now! This list need to be reset!


Josh I would just stick to short series/episodes. This would really drag for long series that people are not in to. 30 mins episodes and 2-3 series are pretty much spot on for me.


one foot in the grave is amazing, because its different to these other types of teeny or stupid sitcoms that seems all samey, it can relate to you so much even tho youre not OLD yet ,but u can feel it coming


But these shows are long ones. By the time he finishes the current show, his patreon fanbase might have changed a bit. This is the fairest way.

Gary Tamblyn

I liked it a lot at the time, but on recent viewing it did seem a bit slow and dated.


One foot in the grave, the good life and inside number 9 the only ones worth watching there

Kit Taylor

While I love One Foot in the Grave, I think Friday Night Dinner or Fresh Meat would be ideal. Especially to fill the Peep Show void, as the humour is fairly similar (I believe Fresh Meat is the same writers), and there aren't as many episodes as PS.


I would say fresh meat and peep show are very dissimilar and dont have the same writers


I think One Foot In The Grave will be a great Only Fools replacement if it doesn’t win this poll. I put them both up there as the greats. Like only fools it has great numerous specials with the series.


Definitely one Foot in the Grave, I've watched it start to finish half a dozen times. Never really got into Friday Night Dinner, RIP Paul Ritter.


yeaaaaaah love the One foot in the grave fan base lol

Ash Jeffries

One Foot in the Grave!!!! I have nothing against Friday Night Dinner but I've also never watched it so it's a real sting to see the masterpiece that is OFITG being beaten only by a show that's never been on my radar! 🙃


Love the reactions and community on here. Noticed that you may react to dramas at some point. If you do I highly recommend that you check out the top boy series. It starts with Top Boy: Summer house, then the Netflix (Drake produced reboot) series after


Cmon fresh meat! Seen every man and his dog react to FND.


My feelings also. I’d rather see a show that hasn’t been reacted to many times before.


Friday night dinner ain’t even funny ffs




I'm sorry but that's just your opinion. Friday Night Dinner was one of the most popular sitcoms to be made in the 21st century. your opinion is not the be all and end all.


@Ben The dramas mentioned here had alot of humour in them. "Light" drama would be a better description. Arthur Daley from Minder for instance, is recognised as one of the UK's greatest comedy characters, and Auf Wiedersen Pet's Jimmy Nail and Timothy Spall characters weren't far removed from the kind of characters you'd find in a sitcom. They were made to be mostly entertaining and lighthearted, so it wouldn't be that far removed from the comedy series on the polls. If you think about it, Only Fools and Horses was not far removed from being a drama, considering it tackled some dramatic story lines. I suppose the shows mentioned just didn't make throwaway jokes a priority, more as a complement to the story. Agree that it would be nice to see comedies from other parts of the world. Curb would be a fantastic choice, and there's some great comedy from Australia and New Zealand.


My god, I'm so happy you've added one foot in the grave to the poll, and I'm amazed it's doing so well! It's my favourite sitcom ever. I also adore Allo Allo.


shame that repetitive show friday night dinner has overtook it now :(

Michael Oliver

Auf wiedersehen pet needs to be on the list


I've just been watching Lovejoy from the start. Tails off very quickly halfway through series 2. Best British sitcoms that haven't been done yet, Spaced, porridge, good life, catastrophe. Auf wiedersehen pet written by same guys as porridge and a definite all time classic. Incidentally one of them devised Lovejoy too


Has anyone ever suggested Game On? or is it just me that fondly remembers that show