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This was a fantastic movie, I didn't expect it to go in the direction it went. David Jason as a Mafia leader was hilarious. One of my favorite scenes was Rodney roughing the don up in the hallway. I'm guessing the part when the Don drops the F slur and the scenes with mainstream songs were the parts edited out in the new version ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I really enjoyed this special it was entertaining throughout. I hope everyone is having a fantastic day.

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Only Fools and Horses



This is David Jason's personal favourite episode because he got to play two different characters.


David Jason's favorite episode and my least favorite 😬


Absolutely fantastic episode! I also love the scene where Rodney roughs up the don, thinking it was Del, and then realising what he done haha

Mick Mills

Lovely Jubbly. Nice and early.


Great reaction Josh, it's one of my favourite Only Fools specials.

dratsab888 .

Don't get why people don't like this, it's one of my favourites honestly. Can't wait to watch this tonight !

Daniel Davies

Filming this was a nightmare. Apparently, they weren’t allowed to bring their own film crew to Miami with them, so they had had to arrange things with the Florida Film Board and hire the crew and vehicles. But then when the Teamsters’ Drivers Union heard about this, and because they weren’t hiring their vehicles, they made everyone go on strike and threatened to send them back to England. They compromised and had to hire three of their vehicles and drivers. One of them was made John Sullivan’s chauffeur and he had just been let out after spending sixteen years in prison for armed robbery and murder. Another issue came about when Sue Holderness (Marlene) almost got attacked by the alligator in the Everglades, while she was recording David and Nick doing their scene with her own personal camcorder, and yes, that alligator was really that close to David and Nick, there was no glass to separate them from it.


Uh, a "n***ter is an offensive term for a homosexual.

Teddy Alison

Love the bit with Del on the Jet Ski and where they try to snipe Del Boy but he bends down to pick up his cutlery 😂


Things may have changed now as the world has gotten smaller but back then it seemed a lot of Americans thought that British tourists with regional accents were Australian! My Uncle lived in Connecticut in the 90s and we visited them over there a few times, we went to lots of places in that part of the country, New York, New Jersey, Boston etc….almost all of the locals thought we were Aussies 😂. It seemed unless you spoke the Queen’s English with a cut glass RP accent (stereotypical) they couldn’t tell you were English. My family are from Birmingham, about 100 miles from London (our accent is different, basically the same as Ozzy Osbourne but without the slurring)! As I said things may be totally different now but it certainly seemed that way at the time 😂. But I do like Miami Twice. Also gives you some idea just how popular the show was by this time to make a movie style episode in Miami for a much larger budget than usual plus have cameo appearances from the likes of Richard Branson and Barry Gibb!


very good reaction knew you would enjoy it :), one scene that i think was cut was when they introduced themselves to del and rodney they the scene where they talked to them a bit more including about how they owned the rv before lurch went through the luggage on board.

Manly Stump

I'm from the UK and when my brother went to the US people often mistook him for an Australian!

Kieran B

It's not changed a great deal, well perhaps it has somewhat but I still get mistaken for Australian, or even Canadian or simply an American 'out of state' - which seems to be a slightly too common default for 'I can't place your accent'

Kieran B

Have been looking forward to this, was in the shop buying a few beers when you uploaded this so perfectly timed! Thanks Josh!


Glad you enjoyed this episode Josh :) it's been ages since I've seen it and I hoped it held up as well as I remembered and it did. Although it's so unrealistic it's a fun episode and I'm glad I was able to just take it for what it is, your reaction made it better to be honest. Love the bit where Rodney was roughing up the don as well and he asks where he got that stupid tracksuit from, don't know why that part tickled me :D I think some Americans assume 'the British accent' (like there's only one) is just a posh London accent and when they hear a regional accent from elsewhere in the UK they think we're Aussie. Or they think strong English regional accents are Scottish/Irish/Welsh. A family friend from Liverpool (Northern England, speaks like Lister/Denzil) used to travel to the US and would always get asked if he's Scottish or Irish. I suppose some people are only familiar with the British accents they've heard in films etc and think we all sound like that :)

Mick Mills

Really good episode. I think for this one though it works better without the laugh track.


Love this episode. It's just pure farce and played for laughs. Light hearted comedy for when you just want to put your feet up and have a chuckle.

Joe S

Some say this one was just too silly, and it is very silly but as you say it’s still entertaining


Enjoyed this alot not taken too seriously just right for a Friday evening entertainment of laughter nice one Josh


Fantastic episode. I can vouch for Americans thinking English people with a non Hugh Grant accent are Australian. I'm from the North-East and when I visited America lots of Americans thought I was from Australia.

Gary Tamblyn

Mine too (second only to Video Nasty) 😃 Obviously a lot of money spent on it, but just a bit of a novelty to see them in different surroundings, and to fill the Christmas schedules. For me... I could imagine any B list Hollywood actors, like Ben Stiller or David Schwimmer playing those roles, and it would have been equally as good (or bad). But Everyone enjoys different aspects of the series, which is probably why it’s liked so well 30+ years later. I personally think the funniest moments of OFAH usually come from stories or comments by Grandad, Uncle Albert and Trigger. Take them away, it just becomes two stooges in a farce. 🙂

Josip Buretic

I really enjoyed watching this special/movie, I have never seen it before and it was very entertaining for me.

Gary Tamblyn

I think the laughter track was added quite sympathetically or perhaps it was recorded from an actual audience watching it. I know when it was originally shown it didn’t have one, I think it feels a bit warmer with it. Have you ever seen the clips from friends with the audience laughter removed ? It changes the mood of the show quite a bit. Especially the awkward pauses while they were waiting for the laughter to stop. https://youtu.be/4BFSZ8XzWOM


I know people think this one is silly, but I think it's underrated, and it's one of my favourite episodes. Really glad you enjoyed it


Btw Josh about Del saying 'the dog is knackered' dog is short for the Cockney rhyming slang 'dog and bone' = phone :)


Fair play to David Jason for leaping waist deep into actual (possibly) alligator infested swamp waters during the escape scene, apparently there was no way that even the on set rangers/crew could 100% guarantee that there wasnt a stray alligator or two that could have been hiding beneath the swamps thick algae during the recording of that scene.

Jehan Ariyaratnam

I don’t know why but I always much preferred the version of this with the laugh track( I’ve heard most ppl don’t). There is a seen from this that is cut- the bit where Rico and his goons introduce themselves to Del and Rodney is a bit more extended in one version and there’s a joke where they say they are on holiday, Rico looks at them blankly and Salvatore has to explain he means “vacation”.

Jehan Ariyaratnam

I think the episode shows the bringing together of 2 different cultures in a hilarious way. Do you think the Americans and America is portrayed accurately in this Josh?

Keith Pratt

I'd not seen it with the laugh track before, it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.


Thanks bud. Oh no thats a bummer, maybe one day I will be able to rewatch the entire show in its entirety.


Thank you, I really loved this episode. Awesome I am glad you enjoyed as well. I totally agree about the accents. To be honest before watching these shows I couldn't tell the difference between the the different accents. To be fair though, I sometimes cant tell the difference between the various southern accents lol


Love this one, I'm pretty sure the cop who is watching them was in samurai cop

Ash Jeffries

As others have said, this is David Jason's favourite episode, which I do get from an actor's POV. I also think it is quite "fun" and entertaining in its own way. It isn't one of my favourite episodes simply because it just doesn't feel like OFAH to me. It's too "big" and too far-fetched. Don't get me wrong, there are silly and OTT moments scattered across the whole show, but for me the silliness and heightened plot smothers the whole episode and it just feel a bit of a jumping-the-shark moment for the show. There are some funny lines and David and Nick are as good as ever, but I just feel the story ended up being more important than the comedy and the characters. I watch OFAH for the latter two primarily, and a decent story is a bonus. I think as a one-off it just about worked but I do prefer specials like The Jolly Boys' Outing, absolutely grounded in the minutiae of the characters' positions in their community, examining friendship and family, and with enough plot for it tick over but mainly just great, hilarious character interaction. To Hull and Back was another plot-heavy special but it felt subtler and grittier than this one somehow. Just better written overall IMHO. The next two specials are much better I think, especially the very next one. A great idea, and actually very in-keeping with the tone and themes of the show hitherto. I would've been surprised if John Sullivan hadn't gone there at some point but he did and I will comment more about that next week when it airs. All of this said, this isn't a terrible episode on "A Royal Flush" levels. Del is in-character and the location filming and generally upbeat nature of it is fun as I say, in its own way. A decent enough comedy action romp, just not quintessential Fools and Horses for me. I'm glad you enjoyed it Josh! :-)


Few cuts in this version still sadly,especially first meeting with Rico in the club. Makes no sense that lurch just appears at the van an takes the luggage without even knowing who's can it is! Pretty much my least liked episode of only fools this one, if that's possible. Guess you didn't notice the scene where the man steals dels camera and in the next scene he has his camera back and the camera of the would be thieve. Sad they had to put canned laughter over it also!


The links for the older episodes are not working. Not sure if you can work around that?


I'm from the UK, and several times on my travels I've been mistaken for Australian by people from North America...once by an American family in Greece, and also a lady shop owner in Ottawa...the southern english accent must sound similar to Aussie to some people


What a brilliant actor David Jason is! Not many actors could pull off doing 2 roles like that.


I was never keen on these 2 episodes when they were first broadcast it always seemed too far fetched for only fools but I’ve watched them a few times over the years and it has grew on me. Thanks for reacting to this josh 👍 I enjoyed it

Mr Snrub

This was shot at Al Capone's old house


It's definitely grown on me too, since it first aired. On a side note - I'm sure I saw the Mafia when I was on holiday in Southern Italy! Our tour bus was on a narrow road near the mountains, and had to stop for 5 minutes to let a car pull on to the road in front of us, from a villa on the side. There were big guys in suits and dark glasses getting in the car, which looked like a limo. I'm didn't see Don Ochetti though 😁