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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below





Gavin and Stacey was super popular and you'd like it. The program gets so much hate just because people do not like James Corden any more. I've never liked him outside of Gavin and Stacey, but the program was like one of the most popular comedy shows in the UK in it's day. Wasn't the recent Christmas Special like the most watched thing this century in the UK? Besides the Euro final the other night.

Alex P

I was extremely skeptical of Gavin and Stacey before I eventually gave in and watched it after recommendations from several people. I thought it would be lowest common denominator crap (think Mrs Brown's Boys or later series of My Family) - but it was actually really good. Gavin and Stacey the characters are ultimately quite boring, but the remainder of the characters really make the show.


Gavin and Stacey is a good show, James Corden is so annoying now but in G&S he was good tbf. Fingers crossed for Life's Too Short, think you'd love it


I could watch those outtakes all night...😂🤣😂🤣God knows how they ever managed to finish an episode let alone a series!! Gonna miss Derek but fingers crossed for "lifes too short"...think that's the last of the Gervais, Gervais/merchant catalogue 🙁


These have been, and will continue to be, the funniest outtakes I’ve ever seen! I cry laughing every single time, without fail!

Ash Jeffries

Ricky Gervais outtakes are always worth the time. I laugh so much it hurts! :-D Re Gavin & Stacey, it really is all just down to personal taste although I would agree that some people have gone off it in recent years due to James Corden which is a shame. I am not Corden's biggest fan but I still love G&S. It's hard to explain the show and why I think people love or hate it without spoiling it but I will say this: It's not really a typical Britcom whereby the main characters are the stars of the show, the focus on their fall from grace and spotlight on their glaring flaws. It's less structured and traditional in that sense and more of an ensemble piece whereby the eponymous Gavin and Stacey are the almost "sane" core and the comedy surrounds them via the exploits and personalities of their friends and family. It's a warm show and rarely cynical, again something not all that common in the British sitcom. I think if you want dark, witty, and edgy, Gavin and Stacey doesn't fit the bill at all, but if you want an engaging ensemble character piece, and don't mind it a bit soapy and a little twee at times, and yet wickedly funny and occasionally touching, it'll appeal hugely. It is very British in one sense (the dialogue and geographical precision where Essex and Wales are concerned...) but the way it speaks to the audience is much more akin to an American sitcom I think. They want you to laugh with - not at - the characters.


I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm gonna really miss reactions to this show. I can't believe people have actually asked you to take G&S off the poll. I've never really watched it for any longer than the first couple of episodes but if it's getting votes then it says on! I had zero interest in Brass Eye, many of the films that win and I gave Come Fly with Me a chance with first episode. But you know what. I've just sucked it up, stayed out the comments and waited it out for something else I'd enjoy to win. Because I didn't want to come across as whiny baby whose dropped their pacifier. People said you wouldn't enjoy Derek and After Life after The Office and Extras and you have and are. I'd just tell those people to get back in their box. 🤫 You got way more patience than me man. 🤣 I would say, just keep doing what ya doin dude.👍🏻

Sam Reeves

Ignore those idiots man. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Gavin and Stacey, it's a good-hearted show and funny - just like Derek. That said, I would still prefer League of Gentlemen or Spaced to win.


I LOVE Gavin and Stacey. Always makes me feel warm and happy.


I only ever watched 1 episode of LoG and really liked it but never continued. If it ever wins will defo watch it with Josh for the first time!


I find it really odd how people would message you directly to ask for Gavin and Stacey to be removed. I personally wasn't a big fan of a couple of things that Josh has reacted to, but I just didn't watch them, Simple as that. I don't feel the need to force my own opinions and tastes on the 1000+ patrons to this channel, and I don't think anyone else should either. We're only paying a small amount a month for Josh's great reactions, and it would be nice to respect the other patrons here, and not put Josh in a position where he feels forced to try and cater for the loudest, pushiest voices. As for Gavin and Stacey, I'm with the other comments on this post. It's a great watch. Really funny, and very well observed comedy.


Yeah it's disappointing to hear people have been messaging Josh privately to tell him to take it off the poll! Especially since he's made it clear he'll ALWAYS go with whatever wins the polls. I'm not a fan of G and S but then again I'm only going off a few episodes I saw years ago, so I'm willing to give it a chance. But even if I hated something I'd never be telling Josh it shouldn't even be allowed on the list! :D other people might love it and they're paying for this Patreon too. And as you say, he's liked everything so far - even the stuff people have told him he'll hate.

Mick Mills

I don't see anything wrong with voicing negative opinions about what gets picked. We've all got opinions and Josh's channel is about tv comedy for most part, its natural to have favourites and dislikes when it comes to comedy. I agree with OP though, if its something I don't like, I won't watch it. Watching Josh laugh at something I don't find funny would spoil some of the illusion I guess.


I agree with you that voicing an opinion about a show they're not keen on is fine, but people actually sending direct messages asking Josh to remove a show from the poll just because they don't like it is (excuse my language) fucking pathetic. Plus calling it "the biggest pile of crap" is just an opinion and not a fact. Personally I think anyone demanding certain shows are removed from a poll are a bunch of ignorant and arrogant arseholes.


tbh i wasnt a fan of peter kay..but josh's reactions got me watching and it wasnt too bad. so i am more open to stuff i wouldnt watch on my own to see josh react to it


Why'd you delete your latest comment? Looks really bad.