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This was a funny episode it cracked me up. Sucks my throats still acting whack so my laughing was a bit jacked up. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Only Fools and Horses



Were you cwying with laughter?


OMG The performance is absolutely hilarious. I could he in a really bad mood and watch that and still laugh. Classic fail by Del.


This episode always has me CWYING 😂😂😂


The down at the Riverside club negotiating scene is excellent.


"It's quicker by tube" refers to the London Underground, colloquially known as the Tube. This episode has one of the best payoffs in the entire series, I'll never forget the first time I saw it. The tension builds brilliantly, you know something is going to go wrong but you don't know what.


This episode cwacked me up too. Weally funny!


The guy playing Tony Angelino is actually a very talented musician and composer who just did a bit of comedy acting on the side (Phillip Pope). He was the composer and musical director for many BBC comedy shows of this time including Not The Nine O’Clock News, Spitting Image, The Fast Show and lots of others, writing all the parody songs too.


This is one of the episodes which sticks in my mind the most from when I was a kid. Still great even when you know what's coming 😂Thanks Josh.

Ash Jeffries

Brilliant episode, one of my favourites, and a great reaction as ever, Josh! :-) To explain a joke you said you missed - Rodney's quip, "They say it's quicker by Tube". So, due to fertility issues, Boycie and Marlene went down the test tube / IVF route so they could have a child. In London, the Tube is the most common name for the Underground rail network (called Metro and Subway in other cities across the world). It's the quickest way to get around London, frequent, direct, and avoiding traffic etc. So when they're talking about how difficult and drawn out Raquel's pregnancy could be and Boycie says "We were lucky as Marlene gave birth after only 8 months", Rodney's immediate quip, "Well, they say it's quicker by Tube" floored the audience - a very quick-witted response but yes, admittedly, not one that translates to anyone outside the UK I shouldn't think. :-) The other one I think you missed was the term "Fly Pitching" which was clarified later on by Raquel as "unlicensed trading".


I love Raquel's little mistake when they're singing. ''Cwy-Crying!'' I could see that being a mistake they just left in, but its just brilliant.


Fly-pitching = unlicensed trading, usually on the streets like Del does. Not to be confused with fly-tipping, which is illegally dumping trash or items :)


Has to be one of the most iconic moments in British sitcom history when he starts singing! :))

Gary Tamblyn

Think that was scripted, the first one she over emphasises the ‘R’ in the hopes Tony would take the hint, then she pretends to get mixed up on the second one. I must admit when this originally aired, I didn’t notice he was missing his ‘R’s, I thought he was just being a crap club singer (a bit like Vic Reeves used to do), so didn’t get the joke initially, until she said cwy-crying, then the penny dropped. 😃


Love it


I don't like Rodney is this series... he seems so off.

Joe S

Yeah, and boycie’s kid being essentially a test tube baby


Golden Handshake just means an agreement between employer and employee, that they get more privileges than others. As Rodney was married into the family, This just means he couldn't get fired.


Nah, a golden handshake is your final payment at a company before you either retire or are made redudant - so usually a fair bit and Rodney drank all his!


Bit of a boing episode until the final payoff at the end in my opinion

Josip Buretic

Hilarious episode and great reaction Josh!! That was awesome

David Lyons

Y'know, I think "Et tu, Brute?" is the first bit of foreign language Del has ever got right!

Gary Tamblyn

This could have been done in a half hour episode, too much of a setup. An ok episode but not one of my favourites. However I was never a fan of the Del Boy falling through the bar episode either, which is regularly voted “The funniest sitcom moment ever”, different people like different things. 🙂

Stuart Fewtrell

I remember when I first saw this one I thought “Surely he must have said a word with an R in it before the reveal” so I went back and checked. No, not a single R! Or not one that would be noticeable, anyway.


Quicker by tube means tube slang for London Underground train network and tube as boyice had to have test (tubes etc) to have a baby. So if you put the two meanings together you get quicker by tube joke


Fantastic episode, really funny. I don’t know which person you were thinking of Josh, when you said about a character in another show who talks like Tony, it might have been Michael Palin’s performance as Julius Ceasar in Monty Python Life of Brian, Biggus Dickus etc, reminds me of that anyway.

Sam Dilks

One of the biggest differences between UK and US comedy is shown here. The famous cwying scene, if that was in an American sitcom they would've jumped straight out with the twist and made a big deal about it from the start - whereas, here you have Raquel sing the whole first verse and chorus without much trouble so you're left guessing what's wrong - and then they hit you with it and it's all the more satisfying for it. Also I always love it when Raquel tries to correct him by really emphasising her "R"s and then getting it wrong herself. Wonderful episode


Theres also Barry Kripkie out of Big Bang Theory who has a similar speech impediment