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This was a great final episode of the show. I have to say the prison episode was my favorite from this series. There were so many hilarious moments throughout.  This episode will go on the list as my second favorite. I love how the show ended with them still on the run adding more crap to their criminal record lol. Max's buddy was insane and hilarious, his rivalry with Paddy was the best thing about the episode. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Max and Paddy


Kieran B

That’s it’s now for the Phoenix Shared Cinematic Universe, unless That Peter Kay Thing gets covered in full. Sad times. Peter Kay’s Car Share is pretty decent too


Can I make a suggestion Josh? I'm not sure show others might feel about it but maybe you could react the the Bottom live shows each time you finish a programme? Like next Thursday you said you're doing the bloopers for this but maybe the Thursday after you could do the first Bottom live, then the Thursday after move onto whichever show gets voted in place of Max and Paddy. The next time something ends do Bottom live 2 and so on. Just an idea of how you could fit them into your schedule 🤷🏻‍♀️ :)


I actually prefer Car Share to the other Peter Kay shows. It's not necessarily as funny, but despite its simplicity it has believable story development with a feel-good factor that is earned and not forced like some of the Ricky Gervais shows. And Conleth Hill's turn as Elsie is hilarious and brilliant in equal measure.


Very short series but really like it. Onto the next ‘short’ series next Thursday then! (Come on, This Is England TV series) lol

Tony Smyth

Let's get this flippin' poll started...


Hope there's another goofy type comedy that wins for Thursday. It's nice to have a light hearted laugh during the week. Sits nicely next to after life and only fools and horses.


Yo that's a great idea. I don't know if I want to do a poll for it or not. I might do it and see if people like it or not. We will see. Thanks I appreciate the idea.


As one of the voices who thought Phoenix Nights might be too regional, I am absolutely delighted to have been wrong and that you enjoyed both series!


Love to see peter kays car share added to the next poll