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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below




Jack Morgan

Yeaaaaaaaaaah boiiiiiiiii! Just what I need before I go to sleep :-)

Toby Lewis

Ricky’s performance in Derek is fantastic. Often in Extras and Afterlife it’s very easy to slip out of it and just feel like you’re watching Ricky, but he’s brilliant when he’s playing a character. I think a few people find it offensive, but if you’re not allowed to play a character then you might as well not bother being an actor

Ash Jeffries

Whilst I don't rate Derek as highly as Extras or The Office, this episode is a really strong one. The interactions between the residents and the new girl Vicky (and her character in general) are strong points, Dougie has some great lines, Hannah's kindness and honesty is at full mast, and I do really love that final montage after Derek makes himself sick on cake and beer. It's helped with the use of the song Bones by Radiohead, which is one I love to bits, but the lyrics (the whole song but "I used to fly like Peter Pan..." is particularly vivid) and imagery used at the end here - all very touching and effective. A great choice by Ricky there. I don't think Derek is as subtle as Ricky's work with Stephen but there are some great moments. I still hold that his more recent show, After Life, is wholly disappointing though. Derek doesn't have the nuances and detail that The Office had but it does have charm. After Life has neither IMHO, but it is very popular nevertheless so it's just my view. I don't much rate the second series of Derek, but this first one is, to be fair, half decent on re-watch. :-)

David Lyons

While mixing cake and beer wouldn't do you any favours, it's far more likely that Derek got sick due to Kev's choice of beer. Special Brew is twice the strength of ordinary beer, tastes more of alcohol than lager and is a common choice for alcoholics and tramps/bums!

Tony Smyth

Fair play to Ricky Gervais. Written by / Directed by / Starred in, the list goes on. He should be proud.


I love the bit at the end with all the old people looking back at their lives


I remember parties at my old care work...virtually every single time it would end up with a vomit scene with the kids (not from special brew I may add!!) From over eating and over dancing. Its not till series 2 but can't wait for you to meet Kevs Brother 🤣

Tony Smyth

My favourite parts are when Karl has to talk to camera, reciting lines that everybody knows were written by Ricky, but it's STILL Karl.

Austin Stratton

I think Karl writes his lines.. or at least tells Ricky what he would say in that moment


Great really enjoyed that nice ending too

Austin Stratton

I have to agree with you Josh.. I love Ricky in this.. he plays the character so well, the hand movements, the lines.. even the stuff he doesn't say.. you can almost hear his thoughts as Derek by his eye movements and stuff.. I'm not sure why his performance got criticized either..


I think most scrutiny about Rickys performance of Derek, is that people say he is making fun of people with mental disability with the way he acts. But that can only be based on his jokes in the past, of which Ricky has no problem making a joke about anything. It's funny, as the character type of Derek has existed for years, for Ricky. In his stand up he describes and even takes on the mannerisms of Derek, when describing autograph hunters (which Derek is) . And even earlier than that on the XFM show , when Ricky makes the terrible magazine ads for Karl (which you just reacted to) he puts on the dozey sounding voice he uses for Derek and even uses the name Derek!

Gary Tamblyn

The more I watch it the more I like it. I think anyone who can write, direct and play such a challenging character in such a perfectly judged, light hearted way, deserves nothing but credit. I think the standard throughout is pretty good. I think it’s a fair comment if it’s not someone’s ‘cup of tea’ but I don’t think Season 1 can be criticised on its execution. My only criticism is I think they should have ended it after Season 1, as the story felt nicely rounded off. Season 2 just seemed a bit like ‘more of the same’ and a bit predictable. But I’m looking forward to revisiting it, to see if I change my mind.

Tony Smyth

I watched this series ONCE for the comedy value. I knew it was going to be good, but different... I watched it TWICE because AWR suggested that I do so, so I did do that. I recommend that EVERYBODY watches it more than once. There's so much going on in the background.. There's a lot more to it than anyone can say.


Awesome man. I totally agree, Ricky has done a great job with this series so far. I can totally understand it not being enjoyed by everyone also but I love it!

Jack Veazey

I haven't really watched Derek before but I can't see why people would say rickys performance is bad. I'd say it's spot on and he's doing an amazing job of it


Hey Josh, could you consider watching Afterlife at some point. It’s a newer Gervais series with both great comedy and drama. I think you’d enjoy it.


Being able to play someone on a spectrum without making that person the joke, or exaggerating it to the point that it's insulting, must be very challenging to do. I think Ricky did a great performance, and I assume many people criticising his performance, probably didn't bother to watch the programme to understand what he was trying to do.

Mike Doel

When they filmed this they used half actors and half real residents so yeah those pics are real


The david beckham joke is he really does not sound like you would expect him to. At least he USED to have a much higher pitch voice


I think MAYBE SOME people find rickys performance a little jarring in Derek because, and i cant really explain it, it's kind of a british thing. I can imagine an american watching derek and not minding it at all. but i COULD see a british person being a bit hmmmm about it. Either way i enjoyed it


I think Ricky does a good job it’s just a lot of people don’t see him as an actor and expect his characters to be funny. But he writes some very moving things whilst also having a slight humour to it. Not many programs can make you laugh and cry in half an hour


Honestly before I actually gave it a chance, my outwardly impression was that it was likely to be a bit mean spirited and more bad taste than the kind of comedy I normally personally enjoy. After giving it a go, I soon saw that the heart that runs through Rickys solo work. When writing with Steve the balance for them together tends to tilt toward the cringe for the most part with the emotional payoff right at the end of the run. Ricky on his own tends to be tilt more towards the human condition with a bit of social commentary. One isn't better than the other imo. They are just different. Some people like a certain style and just want more of it. Neither view is right, just an matter of subjective taste. I'm not a fan of the toilet humour part of the show but it's part of the show. I don't really like the Kev character at all. But he does have his part to play. But I still really like the show, warts and all.


The reason Ricky's performance is bad, is that he looks and sounds like an actor playing someone with learning disabilities, rather than looking and sounding like someone who actually has learning disabilities. His physical mannerisms are not too bad, but listen carefully to the voice and look at the eyes and you'll see and hear Ricky pretending to be someone else. A good actor disappears into their character; which is not the case here.

Louis Hessey-Antell

After rewatching this, I think it's the best comedy has ever attempted at this. I mean, think of Baldrick, or Mr Bean. At least admit for a comedy it's pretty damn good! I agree it ain't Rainman, but it's good enough to make this show effective.


I agree man he does a great job in general but especially with this show. He is hilarious but also great at those sad moments.


Just shat myself.... meetings over


I think it is fair to say that Ricky Gervais is a genius. I love everything he does.


I love everything about this show, it's clever and funny, with a huge heart. This is my 2nd time watching it and it's still just as great. So pleased you're enjoying it.


I loved this the first time I saw it but this time I get to sit back and enjoy it without comparing it to anything else and I'm liking it even more . Very funny in places but also deeply moving and real too.