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Spoiler Free:  This was an ok episode.

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I didn't go into this expecting to be mind blown with the first episode. There was a lot of hype built around this and I didn't want to get my hopes too high. Whenever I set my expectations too high for a show or movie it ends in disappointment. Batman V Superman comes to mind lol. While watching this episode there were a lot of similarities to The American Office. The dopy boss, the mild receptionist, the squabbling desk neighbors, etc. The biggest difference was Ricky's style of humour, primarily the long moments of silence after something cringey is said or done. I have a similar view of the first episode of the American Office. It was ok but not really for me, fortunately, I have been learning from my past mistake of walking away from a show too soon without giving it a second shot. I would usually watch the first episode of a show and if it doesn't win me over I move on. I did this with the American Office and came back to it later on and thought it was a great show. I assume this show will make a similar progression and win me over later on in the season. Overall I can only say this episode was decent.  

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


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No inbetweeners 2 reaction?




The first series of the US Office sucked because it was a copy and didn't work. However series 2 onwards they went their own direction and it suited Americans much more. However for me the UK Office an US Office are so different they cannot be compared.


I agree with you completely, I enjoyed the UK office as a whole when it was first released. I watched season one of the US office and hated it and never returned till years later, however I love it now. The US office obviously came with more seasons and had to develop the character of Michael Scott more but they failed to capture the essence of David Brent, it never worked and that shows in season one.


Can't access the google drive link Josh. It just shows my email address and says I'm requesting access to view the video when I click on it🤔 and my request has been sent. Weird.

H Grazza

Me too. Dailymotion not working either, doesn't seem to load

Kevin Liversage

I love both the UK and the US ones, both excellent shows - different shows for different needs. Initially I hated the US one, picked up stream from the 3rd episode onwards. I really hope you can get into this too, it's amazing.

Steve Small

The UK version is a completely different monster to the US version. Gervais always said it was supposed to be a piss take out of real managers that act in the same way as Brent. However it was designed to be done in such a way that it was to be as realistic as possible. So much so, that new viewers to the show often mistook it for a real fly on the wall doc. The humour is skillfully woven in with such things as Brent's absolute awareness of the cameras and his furtive glances towards them as he is constantly worried about how he is coming across to the viewers. The UK version also allows you to wallow in the cringe in a way the US version never did. The US version did about 3 episodes as direct word for word copies then went off in their own direction when they realised this format wouldn't work for a US audience. Brent comes accross as a dick because he is one and has few redeemable qualities (he does have some that emerge towards the end), but Michael Scott had to be made to be a "misunderstood idiot" rather than a complete dick, because people just wouldn't want to watch 9 seasons unless they were allowed to feel like they were rooting for him to succeed.


I must be a fucking retard is the password is not working for me


I live in the UK and even I have to admit when I first started watching the office, I found the first episode kinda boring but honestly the show is hilarious. Glad you're gonna give it time Josh, stick with it! Once you really get hooked on ricky's character and the other characters, it becomes a much more enjoyable show!

Tony Smyth

Seriously Josh... THIS is the REAL Office. Steve Carrell carried the American version brilliantly, but please... There's a lot of reasons why this got to No. 1 in the polls. I voted for The Young Ones.

Michael Harrop

The biggest difference between the UK and the US version is they make the characters in the US show more likeable as the show goes on. Michael Scott is often clueless and inept, but hes a good guy who genuinely cares about his employees almost to a fault. David Brent is a narcissist, a petty, slimy dick who has a higher opinion of himself than anyone else has of him. He is absolutely deluded. In the US show Jim and Dwight have almost a friendship and actually quite like each other deep down. In the UK show Tim and Gareth cant stand each other. It's all true to real working relationships in the UK, every character is so well observed and they stick to this is real no matter what. They dont have crazy comedic moments that wouldnt make sense in the context of the documentary. You wont get as many laugh out loud moments as you get in the US show but the story told and the character depth is what makes this show so damn good.


The uk and US offices are definitely two different shows. I really enjoyed the U.S. office till Steve Carell left...got a bit too wacky for me after that. The UK office definitely improves as it progresses. Like you I wasn't too impressed after the first episode...glad I stuck with it tho! Mackenzie Crook it just priceless as Gareth!

Tony Smyth

Are you saying that we all agree, because if we are..? WAIT A MOMENT...Steve Carell left?


There are so many little subtleties in the UK version, it's really easy to miss them. They really go for a realistic style of 'documentary' with these. I find it all hilarious though, the small glances and the awkward moments.

Ash Jeffries

It's been mentioned but I was one of those people who thought they were watching a documentary the first time I saw The Office UK. The naturalistic style and the premise of a documentary film crew filming simultaneously make it ultra-subtle, and there are jokes made so subtly at times that they can be easily missed. The progression of this show is superb and unmissable though and some episodes do have more of a narrative drive (for want of a better expression) than others. The overall arcs of the main characters is so skilfully done, and as with the Extras finale, the two-part Office UK finale is one of the best pieces of television you'll ever see. It wraps up everything that came before beautifully. Extras is more accessible from the first episode IMHO, the celebrity conceit, the filming style, hilariously funny but so much less subtle. I think The Office UK is a show that might take a bit longer to get under your skin but once it's there, you'll rate it extremely highly. I've seen the first two seasons of Office USA and my observations are much like others'. It starts with a similar tone to the UK Office, entire scripts lifted and adapted for the US characters, but by season 2 it was brighter, more optimistic, less subtle, and it lost all its ties to the UK show accordingly. The Office UK gets darker in series 2, so it's quite the contrast. Stick with it, Josh! Even though it didn't knock your socks off, so much of what's to come you will appreciate and enjoy I'm sure! :-)


I had the exact same first reaction. I stuck with series 1 because I was too awkward to tell my friend I wasn't enjoying it but luckily season 2 got me really into it. I rarely watch series 1 but when I do I can enjoy it for what it is.


I thought we’d of been getting the inbetweeners 2 movie today

Steve King

As others have alluded to, The Office is less of sit-com and more of a comedy drama. You'll get really invested in the characters and the story-arc as the series progresses. I've never seen the US version (outside clips on Youtube) but my understanding is the Season/Series 1 of each are similar in terms of situations/jokes set up but by the second season they diverge a lot. I promise you Josh, by the end you'll be asking why they didn't make another season and be gutted they didn't


For now movies arent on schedule, movies are a bonus, I decided to start doing them when I can. You may have missed my original post about starting movies. In my original post, my goal was once a month for now. I have done one about once every 7-10 days but that won't always be the case. Sorry for any confusion here is my original post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-pick-some-41275606?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare


anybody else Having problems watching it or is it just me.


I think people may have misconstrued what I was saying lol my bad. I don't plan to stop watching the show, I was just saying if I came across this show in the wild after watching the first episode I probably wouldn't have given it a second chance lol.


Excellent thanks for the breakdown bud. I really looked forward to growing with the characters with each episode.


thanks, I agree when Steve Carell left it did get too wacky. I never finished the US office after Steve left I watch maybe 3 episodes and that was all she wrote.

Bob K

The first season of the US office was directly lifted from UK if I remember correct. At the time the UK Office was a groundbreaking way to tell a story, and the story was very relatable, it wasnt six broke friends who somehow live in luxury apartments hanging in a coffee shop. I don't think it should be, or even can be, compared to the US version of the office. Michael Scott was made to be likeable, Americans don't like cringy degenerates like David Brent. Watch it for what it is and I think you may get in the groove.

Ryan Lynch

I don't think "crack of Dawn" was referring to her buttcrack. Crack is sometimes used to mean fanny :) And by that I also don't mean butt.


So glad you’re doing this Josh, it is one of the funniest best written shows in UK history, and the two part Christmas special is my favourite ending to a series ever. All the subtleties of Brent, Keenan and Tim are superbly acted and so many minor sayings and phrases are used widely throughout the UK to this day (I physically cannot be in a meeting and not say “I did no get an agenda” for example!) - some of it is so cringe, but brilliant


Yes it’s working now thanks

Chris H

That's one of the things I love about it, those little sideways glances and the expressions on people's faces in the background. Even after so many watches I still notice things I've missed in the past. The ending of the Christmas special is up there with the last episode of Blackadder Goes Forth.


Tbh, I like Life on the Road over everything.

Louis Hessey-Antell

Okay, here’s the real truth. No one should have told you this is just funny. The IT Crowd will win there. They should have said this is the greatest piece of art between Shakespeare and the Sopranos, and then you can absorb it gently and your intelligent emotional mind can engage properly. That’s the facts, brother- please act accordingly so we can watch joyfully together!


you would really like misfits , it a gritty UK show were they all have super powers !


I absolutely hated The Office US when I was watching the same jokes play out so took me many years to even give it a second chance still hated the first few episodes but then once the US version diverted away from the original it became much more organic and enjoyable to watch. I can totally understand how you feel about having to watch a different version doing the same scenes. Thankfully it doesn't last too long and you will start to enjoy the show I'm sure of it. I will say you are the first reactor (of about 3 I have seen) to have picked up on the "crack of dawn" gag at the start always makes me chuckle that one as to just how inappropriate it was. Great reaction as always.


I have honestly really enjoyed many shows that didn't grab me in the beginning. It can sometimes take a show a bit to find its footing.


Thanks for the info bud, much appreciated. I am sure I will end up loving it like I have the other shows I have watched so far. Take care!


Thanks bud I am looking forward to it, I am sure I will end up liking it just as much as the other shows I have watched so far; Take care =]


Yea to me the US Office wasn't too great but once it took off I really did enjoy it. I am looking forward to checking more out thought. I am sure I will enjoy it like I have the other shows.


Not sure what happen to my comment. Seems to have disappeared.


The US and UK versions of the Office can't really be compared. The US version is more of an outright comedy and less subtle and deep than its counterpart. Many people in the UK thought the Office was an actual documentary series when it first aired, as most didn't know who Ricky Gervais was prior to the show, and it was designed to parody the spew of reality TV shows around at the time. The David Brent character is also not so far fetched as to be unbelievable, as I've encountered many Brent-like people in my life. David is man who lacks a certain amount of self-awareness coupled with low self esteem, who desperately tries to hide his insecurities (even to himself), and who has managed to talk his way into a leadership role he is not suited for. He really wants to impress others and make friends, but alienates people with his awkwardness and social faux pas. Underneath his facade, he is actually decent(ish), and a lonely man who needs a hug. There is a lot of pathos in the UK show that is lacking in the US version. You'll come to empathise with David Brent, in a way you cannot with Michael Scott.


holy shit your description there in the post just reminded me that Batman v Superman actually existed and i actually went to the cinema to go see it. How the hell was that wiped from my memory. wasnt ben affleck in it? was that a fever dream?


Its definitely a lot more subtle than the American version, and the characterisation is a lot deeper and more consistent. David Brent's arc across the show, culminating in the finale special, is one of the most satisfying arcs in TV history. I wish Ricky had just left the character there, because the ending of the special is sweetly perfect. Some of the David Brent stuff since then has been very funny, esp. his music videos, but it has cheapened and broadened the character in a way that diminishes the Brent we saw at the end of the finale.


It takes a while for the characters to develop and the humour to come through. Worth it if you stick with it though. It really is one of the best TV shows ever made. I've probably watched the second ep of the Christmas Special a dozen times.


Agree with all comments saying UK and US office very different, both great just different. When the UK version came out some people actually thought it was a real documentary, it really was original in that sense. Like most comedies it becomes a lot more enjoyable when you know the characters well and those lingering Brent looks at the camera thinking he's been clever are classic.


Also just for the record, Ricky (tall intern guy) was the same guy from the 'Who wants to be a millionaire?' episode of IT crowd


The best thing about the Office Josh is the subtle looks to the camera by Brent and his desire to just be liked. I’m sure you will love by episode 3/4

(Just) Steve

When this show first appeared it was like watching my life on TV. My boss was the same by coming out with "management phrases" such as 'Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions', always trying to be friends, telling bad jokes and hanging around just that little bit too long so it got uncomfortable. (especially when he was drunk at the Christmas parties where one time he started talking about having "butt love" with his wife) I was "Tim". I was in love with "Dawn" on reception who had a shitty boyfriend. I even had a "Gareth" who I put up a screen between us and i'd mess with regularly by hiding his things, switching letters on his keyboard (like swapping the T & Y keys) etc. I was a massive Buffy fan at the time and he hated the show so I went to the office early one day and covered his desk and wall (including lining the drawers in his desk) with pictures of Buffy. I also changed his desktop background, screensaver, desktop shortcuts (and renaming them all to "Buffy") and mouse cursors to Buffy pictures, then I changed the Windows sounds to audio clips from the show. The first episode (and a lot of the first season) of the U.S. version is a direct copy of the first episode of the U.K. version but, to me, the delivery was all wrong. The U.S. Office got better when it found it's own footing and stopped trying to replicate the British sense of humour. It rarely works when the U.S. tries to copy a British comdey show. Red Dwarf, The Inbetweeners, Fawlty Towers (Payne), Taskmaster, Men Behaving Badly etc. are just a few off the top of my head that were awful remakes.


The Office is great!. I then saw the first episode of the US version and my thoughts were "wtf is this it's just a ripoff" so I left it and I started watching it again around season 2 or 3 which was over 10yrs ago I believe. I've seen every episode ever made twice over if not more, the characters are iconic and still to this day the US version of The Office is the greatest TV show ever made!


I really do love the US Office, it is one of those shows I can watch over and over. I am really starting to love the UK Office as well, it has a different vibe to it but I like it a whole lot.