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Spoiler Free: I don't know what to say that will not be a spoiler so I will keep it brief folks  . Moss is becoming my favorite character. Don't get me wrong they all play off of each other perfectly .But Mosses socially awkward traits , facial expressions and weird behaviors such as spraying water on his hot ear and eating candy as cereal lol. I can go on and on , the dude is such a silly character . 

Spoiler!!!!  Spoiler!!!! Spoiler!!!! Spoiler!!!! Spoiler!!!! Spoiler!!!! Spoiler!!!! 

Favorite moments in this episode 

The moth in the Bath argument between Moss and Roy. 

Moss panicking and screaming I feel trapped like a moth in  bath and the look on Roy's face.

Moss on the news talking about the war in Iraq.

Roy working on Douglas computer .

Jen's my tits are on fire scene 

Moss saying Ah well prepare to put mustard on those words, for you will soon be consuming them along with this slice of humble pie that comes direct from the oven of shame set at gas mark egg on your face ! 

As always folks thanks for watching and I look forward to reading your thoughts below. 

Stay Happy, Safe, and Healthy !!! 


The IT Crowd_ Season 2, Episode 5 Smoke and Mirrors.mp4



This is a really good episode. I agree, all the characters are great and work perfectly together but Moss is brilliant 😀 some of the things he does and says are hilarious. Thanks for the upload :)

Michael Harrop

The moment with Moss appearing on the news was a parody of a real thing that happened on the news over here. His name was Guy Goma and he was coming into the BBC for a job interview. And he ended up accidentally live on the news being interviewed 😂


My favourite character was the boss in season 1, shame he got written out.

Tony Smyth

When Roy asked Moss "Google?" at about the 11 minute mark my computer went haywire and started asking me questions. I had to switch it off. Then I switched it back on again.


I just bought a Raspberry Pi Zero and the GPI Case.

Tony Smyth

Matt Berry is hilarious. (The guy in the white suit at the very end.) Toast Of London is superb. The I.T. Crowd is about to get better. I sent this message backwards in time from the future, via phone, because Ray Bloody Purchase's wife is on my laptop.

Adam C Turek

Look up Guy Coma on youtube, what happened to Moss actually happened live on BBC News, its hilarious.

Louis Hessey-Antell

He didn't get written out. Chris Morris is like a Mount Rushmore figure; it's a miracle he did the first season. A bit like getting John Cleese or someone.


And sadly didn't got the job after all that pressure. He handled that like a pro. Haha

Faisal Ramzan

Another great episode. Yes shark tank is the same as dragon's den. It is (or was) really popular here in the UK.


I agree this episode is hilarious =] Moss is awesome, he is so awkward I love it. Thanks for watching appreciate it =]


Ok ok thanks man I appreciate the info. I haven't watched Shark Tank in a minute. It is pretty popular over here.

Samuel Coghlan-White

The news fail actually happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Y2uQn_wvc


Just a suggestion, referring to your like for sci-fi comedy, have you seen the orville? It's by seth macfarlane, don't have to react to it, just thought you'd be interested. Brilliant stuff from you as always boi


Thanks to this review, for the first time I've realised that Netflix has edited out the bit where Jen makes Roy sing "The Locomotion" and now I'm sad.