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Spoiler Free: This was a fun episode to watch. I didn't laugh as much in this episode as I did in others but I did enjoy the message of the episode. That's the great thing about watching something with Karl everything isn't always hilarious but it is always fun. I don't have a ton to say about this episode except it was a fun watch. There's only one episode left and we will select a new show to fill the slot.  Looking at the polls its seems as though The Office or Extras will be next. The Office has 85 Votes and Extras has 82.

Thanks for watching folks and as always I would love to read your thoughts below. 

Stay happy , Safe and Healthy !!


The Moaning of Life S02E05 Waste

As Karl explores the impact of waste on our planet, he meets a roadkill chef, as well as a man who has found a unique use for old bottles.


Rich Moyse

The office is better than extras IMO

Rich Moyse

Why not double up on OFAH 😉


I second this motion ^


I love extras and the office, probably extras slightly more.


Red Dwarf is a great show, I grew up watching that, but yeah good luck having that on youtube without copyright problems. Red dwarf is just so comfy, i think the first series is a little slow but its important to set everything up. So many whacky episodes


I get what you mean about it not being funny, but i don't see The Moaning of Life as a comedy programme. I mean Karl is naturally funny but its his charm that is the main draw for this series for me. Yeah an idiot abroad is funny with karl being put in situations he doesn't like. but i think you get the best of karl when he is enjoying himself and meeting new people. oh and the bottle island guy in this is from Birmingham UK, he has a brummie accent which karl talked about previously.


Hey man you should give misfits a look ! Even just for your own viewing pleasure it’s a comedy superhero show. I know you have loads of stuff to react to but it’s definitely something you would love


Right like I don't consider it a comedy but it for sure has funny moments and is very enjoyable. Karl just has a naturally funny personality, especially when he is uncomfortable. Thank you, stay safe =]