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This patreon began as the home of Wreckage Systems, a live stream of infinite music broadcasting from 65LABS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Wreckage Systems is what you will wake up to in the mornings and fall asleep to at night. It is your digital noise comrade. It is the end point of electronic musicians alienating themselves. It is the dark heart of a collapsing music industry. It is the cold, numbing embrace of data centres. It is audio anaesthetic to accompany your doom scrolling. It is the future without future. It is everywhere. All that is solid melts into air. It is weaponised ephemerality. It is 65daysofstatic stretched into a lifetime.

By becoming a patron, you are helping keep this stream online and available to everybody who wants to watch/listen.

Wreckage Systems concluded Season One in February 2022, though the stream itself remains online.

In June 2023, 65LABS launched a new project: Wild Light Decade. In celebration of the ten year anniversary of this record, every week we are dropping previously-unheard demos, sketches and miscellaneous noise. There’s a introductory post you can read about the project HERE.

You now have access to the archive built over the course of our first  year for your monthly subscription. There's a huge amount of music, ideas, weird diagrams and nonsense tucked away in old posts that you might enjoy. These include:

  • The four bespoke Season One Wreckage Releases from 65daysofstatic. These are: Under the SummsTomorrowdAvailable DataMIMIK. Click through to the relevant posts for more info. Unlike the stream, these releases will be written by the four, entirely fallible human members of the band, rather than their Incendiary Non-Sentient UltraCode, and therefore resonate more completely within your heart/brain/ribcage.

  • The V1 Archive is a piece of standalone software that you can download to stream your very own version of Wreckage Systems Version One. Check the original announcement trailer HERE and the main post HERE. Follow that links to connect your patreon to itch.io (where the software is hosted) and you'll be good to go.

  • So much music in the form of 'Research Releases' scattered across the year. This end-of-year round up post is a good starting point to help you find it. If you're after an overview of how the Wreckage Systems Stream actually works, may we recommend THIS post for a short video overview, along with a detailed written version if you really want to get into the technical side of things.

The end of Season One coincided with the launch of Version Two of the Wreckage Systems Stream. The bulk of Season One consisted of developing this update, which was essentially a ground-up  rebuild of the Wreckage Systems concept. During the development, patrons had access to the secret test stream. Now that V2 is LIVE the test stream is dormant. But there are months and months of weekly devblogs charting its progress. Have a read! As a member of 65LABS, you now have a direct voice in deciding not just the future of Wreckage Systems, but the future of other 65LABS endeavours. So find us on the Discord server, or the Patreon blog, and let us know what you're thinking. Thank you very much for your continuing support. 65.x

Added: 2024-05