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Winter Solstice is already behind us, in the next weeks most of the world will celebrate the start of a new year. I'll hang up my kurzgesagt calendar of the year 12024.

So many things happened over the last 12 months. 

Realizing I was not only ADHD but also autistic. Going into a rabbit hole for that thing. Finally got th ADHD diagnosis and the meds why I did seek out that one.

This is the year I found my real first name and also managed to get it changed in a matter of months.

I went deeper into my autistic burnout, forced to leave a well-paying freelancing project. Living off of savings since then.

Kept learning about myself, started therapy. Also got the diagnosis for being autistic, no surprise there.

This year was a year of struggles, revelations, milestones, speed-running things that others have to spend years for.It was incredibly taxing but I also could not slow down. I feel like I'm constantly fightning with the burnout I'm in, spending energy in order to recharge energy, driven by the fear that it could be too late, the doors closing forever if I don't run, if I slow down.

Anyway, to top the year off, my last two weeks were wasted by covid.

In 2023 I also resumed working on MMM. Didn't get much done though. The "small" stability update is still not done, I planned to roll it out over a few weeks, so far only the mobile version, now stripped of Cardboard support, no more VR support on our phones. The desktop version is nearly done, and the Quest version should also be only need one more round of testing. Basically, I only need to build all the binaries for desktops, including SessionMaker, and upload that everywhere. 

Will I make it before end of December? Unknown.

I guess I'll change the version name once more. Sure, I planned to do call it "2023.1", but now I think I'll change it. I'll make it "1.2024.1". I mean, that year versioning trend is already phasing out again anyways, why hop onto it now. 

So yeah, update is still coming, even though it's a stability thing and won't really look differently.  But the changes under the hood were critical.

Apart from that, well, I do have plans and ideas. But I think I should tell you about those in the next post. Which will be here before the new year. Or on the first few days of January. I'll try to not stress myself to much about it this time. Had enough stress this year.

Thank you everyone! Remember to take a break once in a while.


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