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First things first:

Patreon Payments are still paused. And I'll do that as long as I don't have a clear plan on how to turn this into something better for my patreons.

I'm also working again on updating the app. This is mostly an stability update, making sure things are still working fine, especially on mobile platforms. I plan to roll this out in short phases. First is Android and iOS, this week. Afterwards I'll update the Quest version, then the PC version. I plan to also get that itch.io "release" done while on it.

"Bad" update news:

I've stripped Android and iOS of CardboardVR capabilities. Those SDKs just no longer properly work. Getting the versions that I have working again flawlessly with everything else in the app would eat a few weeks of full-time development that I don't have. Also, CardboardVR is officially discontinued since March of 2021 and while there are still people updating the source, I don't think it's a vialbe solution for VR anymore. So, to anyone still using that: I'm sorry!

"Good" news:

Some time last year I had the original hypnosis files re-recorded by someone who is experienced in hypnosis and not just some voice actor. So the update will have those two sessions updated, together with the third one that I never released. Mind you that the scripts weren't really updated, meaning these sessions aren't perfect by far. But, between us, I don't think anyone *here* is interested in those files anyway. You are here for more spicy stuff, so while it's probably beneficial for MMM as a "product", you couldn't probably care less about the updated included sessions.

Personal update:

I'm still deep in autistic burnout. But I learned a lot in recent months, made lots of smaller and (very few big) changes in my personal and professional life, and keep figuring out better strategies and mindsets to live my life in a more healthy way for my neurodivergent brain. And if I remember that I'm still in burnout and that my energy is very limited then I think I accomplish some things again when I keep applying those tactics and strategies. And since VR, programming and hypnosis are still passions ("special interests") of mine, working on MMM is actually a good thing for me to do.

Future Plans for MMM:

I've collected many feature requests over the years and I'll have to look into those again. But I already know what I see as highest priority for me: Improving on the whole session import (and distribution) process. I know how I want to do this and if things go as I want them to then we'll have a much more intuitive process of imnporting that will also benefit those who'd like to create and distribute files. But more on that ehen we get to that.

(Wow, I did not think that I had a such a long post in me today, but there it is!)


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