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Hey everyone. I’m alive and well. Well, not really "well". I’m in a burnout since 2021 and no matter how much I tried to relax, it didn’t get any better. But I believe I found out why I couldn’t get back on my feet. I wasn’t simply overworked, I went into an autistic burnout. And since I didn’t know I was autistic, I didn’t understand the symptoms and had no idea how to fix it. Thinking I was simply overworked I reduced so many things that needed time and energy. MMM was one of the things I really enjoyed working on but I put less and less time into, hoping and waiting for my batteries to finally recharge. Spoiler: It did not work. I felt even more spent instead. Only thing I did was paid work. Which was unfulfilling and exhausting.

Change of plans!

Now that I figured some things out and continue to discover myself, I made plans for 2023. Apart from paid work (after all, I need to eat and pay the bills), I will focus my energy back on projects I love. That means MMM front and center. I will also work on Recreation Room and a personal financing software (an iteration of something that made my finances a lot easier to manage for years), but MMM has the highest priority.

So where does MMM stand right now?

I did manage to get things running in 2022 and I’m picking up from there. First platform I wanted to get running in public again was the iOS version, but of course that keeps crashing instantly. But nothing I can’t fix, I’m sure. I’m also overdue for an update on the other platforms and while it’s not a “big update” yet, it’s going to be one that will make things run again for a while. I will then do more and smaller updates. One of the first fundamental things will be an updated import process. It will make the clunky wireless import process obsolete, at least if things work out as I hope. But enough of my plans for the future. Time to focus on the things in front of me.

But when will there be updates?

I won’t make promises on how fast the update(s) will come That rarely works out as planned anyways. BUT: I’ll be at an hypno con in Germany in March and I’ll be damned if I have nothing to show there.

As always, get in touch with any questions.


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