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Still here, actually. Look, I won't make any promises about more regular posts. I tried that before and look where we are now. So yeah, I'm still trying to get my shit together, I'm struggling a lot with my ADHD lately and the world keeps getting worse, and let's just not talk about money.

Status: I'm working on getting things to run, again, on all platforms. Turns out that things went downhill last time because VR controls and most systems for unified input don't play so well together. But while working on another little project I found out which way I had to go to get things working. Great! Not so great though is that I had to fix a lot of things to make them work with the new solution again. Basically I had to modify a lot of UI code and then manually edit every single interactable UI element in all the menus in MMM. There are nearly 300 of those. To add to that, my adhd brain just hates boring repetetive tasks. Buuut I'm done with the menus.

What's left for finally getting a update (that will mostly just fix the problems on iOS): Wireless transfer. It's still broken. I'll rip the networking code out and will put in a vastly updated version of a  plugin I used before, File Transfer Server. I will do that this months. Yes, really. I hope...

What's that other project I mentioned: It's "Recreation Room", born from the desire to take a walk in nature when that isn't possible. You can check it out over at https://heptamind.itch.io/recreation-room and a Steam release is coming soon.
If you'd like to get it for free, get in touch.

Thank you so much for still supporting me! I am planning to put in a credits screen in MMM and will contact you to see if and under which nome you'd like to be there. You all deserve at least some form of credit for all the support!


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