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So, I managed to not post for way too long. Things got too much and when stress reaching a certain level I tend to remove all kinds of social contact and human interaction and writing these status posts weirdly cost me sppons as well, writing / communicating to you. I'm really sorry. :(

What I recently (or not so recently) did:

Released v1.3.4

After two versions for Alpha and/or Beta supporters, a lot of bugfixing and smaller improvements went into the latest version. I hope no critical problems are in there, so I can focus on new stuff now.

What's new?

  • new, improved water
  • new transition into hub scene for increased visual comfort
  • new visual "red space", which is inspired by "Ganzfeld" experiments.
  • Visual quality of hub scene slightly improved and optimized for the different platforms

Noteworthy fixes

  • Session info showed wrong, often shorter, session length for imported sessions
  • Library stopped working if a corrupted session file was encountered
  • in-session-menu positioning was not nicely vertical
  • pointer was often behind GUI

Store codes to $20+ lifetime supporters

I was a bit late this month, but a few more patreons now have their store codes so that they can activate/get the full version without havingto invest another $20 on the store.

What I hope to accomplish next:

Update the project to Unity 2020

Unity released their LTS (long time support) version of 2020, meaning it will now only receive bugfixes and no changes in features. I can safely update *everything* to newer versions, which means quite some work in update code and scenes. This *will* break stuff, though. But sometimes you need to destroy something to make it better afterwards.

Rebuild core mechanics

Updating also means getting rid of really old code that keeps getting in the way when fixing bugs or adding features. There's a lot of things in there that isn't needed anymore or breaks with newer Unity functionalities. I hope to make things better, keeping new features in mind while also having more streamlined code.

SessionMaker Update

I need an editor that is able to edit sessions with multiple sessions. But also I want to make it usable directly from MMM, and that also means in VR. It will still be a 2D editor, also usable as standalone and free app. But I want users to be able to quickly jump into session making right there without leaving MMM or changing computers.

That's the status for today. As always, please get in touch with any questions or problems or comments/thoughts!


Flip Ericson

Thank you for working on this. Be kind to yourself.