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Oh well, right now I'm thinking about what I should do to better give you patrons what you deserve. I am angry at myself for not putting more work into development, for being so silent on this site, giving so few updates. I want to give alphas and betas more versions to test, but I'm a bit swamped with projects and right now patrons mostly get store keys reaching that $20 lifetime patronage and not much else. And I'm not happy about that. So, if you have suggestions or specific wishes on how to give you better bang for your buck, please get in touch!

Anyway, here's the update:

What I recently did:

MMM remembers your preferred spiral

One of the smaller features I wanted to do forever, MMM will now memorize the last spiral you set for each session. So if you have a preferred spiral for that one session you use often, you no longer have to use the first few moments to bring up the menu and cycle through spirals.

Concept for next iteration of SessionMaker

I now know how I want to extend SesionMaker to allow for more dynamic and versatile sessions. It's complicated to explain, but you will be able to add and queue "blocks" for each feature, with possible transitions between them. It will take some time before it will be all implemented, but honestly coming up with aa concept was a big block for most of the year, holding me back from starting work on those more dynamic sessions.

What I hope to accomplish next (this week):

better Oculus Quest 2 Support

I finally bit the bullet and got a Quest 2. I had to import it as Germany has a legal dispute with facebook (over the forced facebook account on oculus devices) and facebook stopped selling VR headsets here for the time being. But as I got reports of broken local session import on the Quest2 I knew I had to get one. So I'll work on that bug and improving support overall. I will have to get in touch with Unity since I'm currentlxy not sure how to switch Oculus SDK versions, older ones don't support new devices and newer versions dropped support for GearVR (and maybe already the Go).

Slightly improve local session import

I'm not yet sure what I'm going to do here, but I'd like to add the "Downloads" folder on all Android-based devices as an import folder. I'm also wondering if I can make the system open MMM for .mmm session files.

Concept for "Report a problem" feature

I want to give the user an easy way to report a problem and/or give feedback from both  MMM and SessionMaker. I have ideas, but I should just take the time to make a clear and concise concept.

That's the status for today. Please get in touch with any questions or problems!


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