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Hey everyone! I know I went dark for a bit. Despite not posting anything and the client work and also lots of private stuff on my mind, I did actually work on MMM. So, on the upside there's a bit more meat to this update. 

What I recently did:

Dialog system

I finally implemented a simple dialog system that I can use throughout the SessionMaker. It might look a bit ugly, but it works and I can improve the looks later.

Filename defaults to SessionName now

It was a request I finally prioritized. When you save a new session file the filename now uses the session name as a default.

All included spirals now available for custom sessions

Many have noticed that the prebuilt sessions use spirals that weren't in SessionMaker to choose from. Well, that's fixed now. See below.

Spiral Preview

In the future you no longer have to guess how a chosen spiral will look based on the static image. I've implemented a first preview to make a more informed choice.

Hands look better now on mobile devices

I don't know why, but I'm excited about this, it just looks a tiny bit better. 

What I hope to accomplish next:

Builds for Alphas to test new things and report bugs

You testers waited long enough to get a new Work-In-Progress build. 🙂


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