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Yes, I've been extremely unproductive since the 1.2 release. After a few hotfixes and sending out the store codes, I was spent. Work also changed into a higher gear and I somewhat personally struggled with self-discovery and my gender (nonbinary). All that in combination with my ADHS led to so many times I wanted to write a status post, send out new google play codes (Several people kindly reported that I sent out expired codes, I'm very sorry!) or reply to messages. Only once or twice I at least replied to questions on discord. But most of the time I just failed at starting tasks or doing stuff.

I'm so sorry and I wish I would have had a way to deal with it and be productive again.

So, I'll take this opportunity of actually writing a post to give a quick overview of the most pressing things I need to do:

  • Send out Google Play Store codes that aren't expired
  • Fix the import on 64bit Android, it fails to properly unzip the .mmm archive
  • Plan and start work on 1.2.1 (focus on having a demo version at last)

Apart from that March will be quite busy. I'll attend two hypnocons (London Hypnosis Workshop X next weekend, HYDE the weekend after that) and I'll also take part in a hypnosis learning course in Frankfurt at the end of the month. In between I'll still have to earn some money and of course work on MMM. We'll see how it goes and if it doesn't go too good, I'll just pause the patreon again so that you don't get billed.

I'm now off to take a hot relaxing bath to wash out some of the stress I still have in my system.



Self care is important! Realizing that you are non binary can really shake the foundation of your life, especially when you grew up in a binary world. Do what you need to, take things one step at a time and dont stress the little things.


Welcome to nb land! And thank you for both taking care of yourself and communicating with us!