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so there's a bit of a leak in our home that to repair, we're going to have to knock out a portion of the kitchen. This'll mean we won't be able to use the dishwasher, kitchen sink, stove, or washer for about a month.


And all this demo work and having to act as a contact for contractors / repair guys is likely going to cut into my productivity. (Already it interrupted my plans to stream today.)

This same shit happened last year when were renovating my office area and it sucked ass.

I'm gonna try to keep up with my projects and stuff but be prepared for a few slowdowns.



Sorry to hear that, I know how sucky it can be to have to do that sort of renovation.


Sorry to hear that, mate. Take your time with production. I'll be rooting for you.

Simone Spinozzi

Don't worry! We'll still be here. Do you need some extrea money?