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Here's your link to the $5+ Picture Pack for September! Tried some new stuff last month and also went back to some classic ideas -- hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Thank you again for your support!
Published: 2022-10

Here's your link to the October 2022 $5+ Picture Pack! I wasn't as productive as I wanted to be because of my surgery, but I hope there's still stuff here that was worth your support. Personally, the Pokemon character pieces are some of my favorite work I've done this year. Thank you very much, and have a great weekend!
Published: 2022-11

Here's your link to the November 2022 $5+ Picture Pack! I tried learning some new stuff last month -- some of it worked out, some of it didn't. But I'm still glad I gave it a shot, and I think I made some cool artwork, too. I'll do my best to do even better in December! Thanks again for your support!
Published: 2022-12

Here's your link to the December 2022 $5+ Picture Pack! I tried some new techniques with digital painting, got back into Arknights and YuGiOh, and did a little original art that I really like. I missed a little productivity the week I was super sick, but overall I still think I did some cool stuff -- hopefully you enjoyed it, too!

I'll try to make even more/better stuff in 2023. Thanks again, and happy new year!
Published: 2023-01

Here's your link to the $5+ Picture Pack for January 2023! Some Pokemon, some Arknights, some YuGiOh, and some original work. Anxiety has still been rough, but I did my best -- and I'll *keep* doing my best. Thank you so much for your support.
Published: 2023-02

Here's your link to the February 2023 $5+ Picture Pack! It was nice to draw a good mix of original work and fanart, sketches and finished pieces, tasteful nudity and straight-up explicit stuff. Hopefully there was something there you enjoyed, too. Thanks so much the support!
Published: 2023-03

Here's your link to the March 2023 $5+ Picture Pack! I think I did a good variety of pieces this month -- fighting game characters, Fate, RE4, Zelda, Metroid, new original characters and old ones, artistic nudity and hentai manga. I enjoyed making it, and hopefully there was something there worth your support. Thank you so much, as always!
Published: 2023-04

Here's your link to the $5+ Picture Pack for April 2023! I tried out some new rendering techniques this month and played around my art style a bit -- I'm really happy with how things turned out, so hopefully you also found something to enjoy. Thank you for your support!
Published: 2023-05

Here's your link to the March 2022 $5+ tier Picture Pack! Thanks, as always, for your support, and hope you enjoy!
Published: 2022-04

Here's your link to the $5+ tier Picture Pack for April 2022! I think I did a nice variety of stuff and even got to draw some original designs -- I hope you've enjoyed it. Thank you very much for your support! 🙏
Published: 2022-05

Here's your link to the $5+ Picture Pack for May 2022! Hope you enjoy, and thanks as always for your support!
Published: 2022-06

Here's your link to the June 2022 $5+ Picture Pack! Iru and Paz are a ton of fun to draw and I'm looking forward to introducing some more characters of that sort in the future. Hope you enjoyed, and thank you very much for your support!
Published: 2022-07

Here's your link to the July 2022 $5+ Picture Pack! It was a lot of fun drawing original characters (both mine and my friends') and learning more about animation. Thanks so much for your support!
Published: 2022-08

Here's your link to the August $5+ Picture Pack! I tried a few different things in August and made some pieces that I really like -- hopefully you liked them, too. I'll do my best in September to make more interesting stuff, so thank you for your support!
Published: 2022-09