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Hello and thanks so much for joining the Supporter Tier!! ^^ Your generous donation helps me in paying for the additional costs for electricity monthly, as well as purchasing future assets, such as models, textures, addons, etc! 

Here, you'll have access to all of my previous work in native 8K. Note that I'm currently using Dropbox to archive my work, and change the link monthly, so be sure to look in the "Archive" tag in order to locate the most up-to-date link!! 

In addition, you should be automatically added into my private Discord server, Mitzi's Club, by becoming a patron. Here, you can hang out with others from my small, close community, as well as hang out with myself and other artist friends! If not, here's the inv link: https://discord.gg/quWvdfwEGt

If you have questions about locating things, or didn't automatically get added into my server, feel free to reach out to me!!
Added: 2024-01