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An Astrologian in training uses the wrong deck of cards for their Star Globe, and instead of calling upon the power of the heavens with the tarot, calls upon the power of a Primal with their Triple Triad deck...

Patron commission from Baox featuring their own Final Fantasy 14 character. Semi-spoils one Stormblood boss. Consider it a different continuity from the ones with my own character probably. 


The Black Shroud was peaceful at night. It was not silent by any means. Nocturnal animals and insects woke up and went about their business, owls hooted and the occasional wolf howled. The wind whistled through the trees in a soft song. Wood creaked, trees bowing under the weight of their own immense height. But it was peaceful - it was the noise of nature, not men.

Deltas was no hermit. He liked people. Maybe even loved a few. He would not work so very hard to keep them safe if he didn’t, after all. But still, when you dealt with so many people every day, it was hard to keep up. Life in Eorzea’s cities was stressful and loud and filled with emotions. Every now and then you needed a break, just to stay sane. So he’d filled his chocobo Kwest’s saddlebags and rode off from Gridania into the forest.

One didn’t go camping in Gridania usually - the Black Shroud was not kind to outsiders who didn’t follow its ways. But two factors let Deltas go where he pleased unmolested. One: He was an experienced adventurer. He could easily deal with anything the Shroud had to put against him, and most of the wildlife sensed that - even the most aggressive wouldn’t dare attack. The second was that he was in good with the elementals who controlled the Black Shroud, due to helping them and their chosen people more than once in the past; he wouldn’t wake up to find his tent suspended 30 feet in the air by vines or whatever.

This particular camping trip had a purpose - privately practice magic. He’d found a large clearing in the East of the Black Shroud, where he could easily see the sky. Most of the day had been spent clearing the site of animals and plants so that they wouldn’t be hurt or interfere with the training - and then he’d had to wait.

Deltas was a man of many talents, and could wield a number of weapons and magicks efficiently; but he still needed to train in order to do so, and the magic of Sharlayan Astrology was one that needed careful study as well - especially of the stars. He spent the bulk of the day reading up on the books his tutor in the craft had recommended; treatises on the powers of cards and of the way that constellations would have different influences at different places in the night sky. When he grew tired of that he played a few practice rounds of Triple Triad, a favored card game, to whittle away an hour before resuming his study.

It was only when the sky grew dark enough that it was difficult to read that he was really prepared to begin his practice session. Using his fingers and a sketched map from earlier training, he identified a few constellations in the increasing star-covered night sky, trying to find an auspicious time to begin. Such things might be superstition to many, but Sharlayan Astromancy relied on it - and the effects of that magic were entirely real (if he really wanted to look nuts, he’d try Ishgardian Astrology, which focused purely on a single star to predict the movements of dragons).

“There we go… this seems like a good moment…” Deltas muttered, stifling a yawn. Maybe he should have slept a bit more in preparation for a long night… but it was a bit late to consider that kind of thing, so he just had to press on.

He picked up his Star Globe - a tool that floated off his hand when in use and glowed with the light of the heavens, the object that distinguished an Astrologian from a common fortune teller. It hummed softly at his touch. Yes, tonight was a good night to practice the art.

Nodding with satisfaction, Deltas couldn’t help but yawn again as he went to pick up his deck of cards. The cards were the second part of an Astrologian’s kit - the things that channeled the heavenly energies gathered by the Star Globe into a practical form. With the marriage of cards and the star globe, an astrologian was able to do more than read the will of the stars - they could impose their own upon their surroundings.

For most, that meant healing and strengthening their allies, and that was what Deltas hoped to practice here. He slotted his cards into the Star Globe and spun them around, pooling his aether for the upcoming spells.

He sent the cards spinning around the globe and closed his eyes, waiting for the right moment as his aether built and built… any moment now… there! He suddenly pulled a card from the spinning deck and raised it to the sky. He didn’t look to see the name of it as he used it’s ability. “Lakshmi! …Wait, what!?”

Deltas did a double take as he opened his eyes and looked at the now glowing card in his hand. A depiction of Lakshmi, the Primal worshiped by the Ananta tribes of Ala Mhigo, winked back from a Triple Triad card. He blinked, and looked at the rest of the cards in the globe - which were the rest of his favored Triple Triad deck. Deltas had picked up the wrong set of cards, and now he was casting magic based on a card game rather than the Tarot!

He thought the spell would fail, but instead, it kept sucking up aether to power it. Deltas had the magic to spare, but to what end was it being used? It certainly wouldn’t be any kind of healing spell with that Triple Triad card as the focus would it?

It would not be a long wait to find out. Blue aether swirled around Deltas before beginning to coalesce in front of him. At first the whorl of magic compressed into a roughly human sized blob, which then morphed into humanoid shape. It grew brighter and brighter, and just as it verged on too bright to look at, it began to fade.

What was left in it’s place was a stunningly beautiful woman with pale skin, luxuriously long brown hair, and a figure that would turn heads just about anywhere she went. Soft brown eyes looked down from her too-perfect features, and her lips quirked into a slight smile that could melt even the most frozen of hearts. The outfit certainly didn’t help one keep their wits about either - a thin blue silk chest-wrap was all that kept her bosom in place, and it was matched with a similar silk cloth around her hips to give her a modicum of modesty. Beyond that, her only garb was jingling jewelry - gold and sapphire - all across her body.

Deltas was not the most well composed of men when it came to attractive people, male or female, and this woman was drop dead gorgeous. A single shake of her hips would put all the Ul’dah street dancers out of a job, and a hair-flip would have people falling over themselves to ask her out. This was the kind of woman that would make Deltas lose his tongue, unable to make a sound beyond mumbled apologies as he tried to excuse himself.

At least if it wasn’t this specific drop dead gorgeous woman, who despite the strange dancer’s garb she wore was no less recognizable to him. “Lakshmi!” he snarled, preparing his Star Globe for a fight with one hand while his other went down to his chocobo whistle, making ready to flee.

But something felt different about this summon. For one, he’d made no sacrifice of crystals or lives to create her - it had been purely his own aether, which while quite significant, wasn’t in quite the same category as the literal crates full of crystals that were used in a normal Primal summoning. She wasn’t sucking up the surrounding aether to sustain herself either - he felt a tug on his own pool of the stuff, indicating she was sustained by his own magic.

There was also the fact she wasn’t actively trying to temper him - the fact that he had summoned her should have borne no relevance to that, as they more often than not did try and temper their summoners as a matter of course. “...What are you?” Deltas asked, not backing down from his combat-ready posture but also not actively attacking her.

The summoned being smiled a bit wider, and then made an elaborate bow. “Why, as you said, I am Lakshmi… Master.” she said.

Deltas blinked once, then twice. “...Pardon? ‘Master’? Primals aren’t exactly known for listening to people…”

“They aren’t.” Lakshmi agreed. “Quite lucky for you then, that I am no Primal. I am a familiar, Master - specifically yours. Did you not summon me using my image as a focus?”

The Astrologian in training looked at the card he’d drawn to start this mess, and indeed, it was a card that depicted the Ananta’s goddess; he’d acquired it from a few card games with a fellow enthusiast among the tribe. It was not the only card depicting a primal he had - one for Garuda, one for Titan, one even for Bahamut… probably good he hadn’t drawn that one. How could he have known that his love of a card game would lead to him summoning a primal himself?

“Just so.” Lakshmi said. “I confess, as a manifestation of your own will, I only truly know as much as you do about the process that created me. But know that I am not going to harm you, Master, nor any who you do not wish me to harm. Perhaps if you were of poorer character I may, but you need not worry on that front.”

Naturally, it was hard to trust a face he knew only as a maniacal pseudo-god. But he had a magical sense that she was telling the truth - he’d created this summoned being and bound it to him, if by accident, and that meant it couldn’t lie to him if it wanted to.

“I… ok…? How do I, uh, put you back?” Deltas asked awkwardly. Now that it wasn’t a life threatening situation, the fact that a very attractive woman was calling him ‘master’ was… well it wasn’t something he was prepared for.

“Oh, so soon? I was hardly finished explaining.” Lakshmi dodged the question and sauntered up to him, hips swaying as she walked. “I won’t harm you. In fact, I’d like nothing more than to please you~ So why don’t you allow me to do so~?”

Deltas flushed red, his earlier composure now gone completely. He was not being threatened anymore. So now the part of him that didn’t know how to handle a pretty lady was coming to the fore as the part that did know how to handle monsters and primals receded. “I-I, that’s fine, really, I-I should get back to practicing…”

“Why don’t you relax? You’ve already summoned me, so why not enjoy it~?” Lakshmi said. “Just watch me. Closely now. Let your worries drain away…”

She danced for him. She danced, and he couldn’t look away. Her hips swaying in the breeze, as if to the beat created by her jewelry jingling along. As if to provide a real beat, she added in a song as well. The lyrics blended together in Deltas’ head as his eyes tracked on her hips, on her exposed body.

“In time you shall follow… in time you shall follow…” she intoned, dancing slowly. It was slow and sensual - it wasn’t trying to be overtly sexy, but it didn’t have to be either. Lakshmi’s body did that, as her song wormed it’s way into his ears. “Tonight… step from the dark to the light… tonight…”

The soft jingling of jewels and the breathy voice of her song sank into Deltas’ mind. He had to listen. He couldn’t not. He had to watch and feel. She swayed closer with every step, never quite reaching him but beginning to circle him. He felt good, the discomfort and awkwardness from earlier fading to blissful peace.

“Fire… born of the flames of desire… this fire, give in to the hunger…” the song proceeded. Peace began to give way to something else. Something more primal. His blush was no longer awkwardness or embarrassment, but arousal as he felt his whole body heating up. “...Give in to the hunger… cast off inhibition… let passion run wild!”

The worries faded to nothing, replaced by a fervent need. That dance, those words, they worked together to push every single compunction the young man had to the side. He knew what he wanted, now. Any thought of de-summoning Lakshmi was discarded as he approached her, and pulled her close. She stopped singing, taking the opportunity to press her whole body up against his. “That’s a good boy, now~” she whispered in his ear.

The Lakshmi familiar had been formed from Deltas’ thoughts on the Primal - his memories, his beliefs. He remembered how she was so eager to enthrall everyone. But as a Familiar, her mission changed; she couldn’t well harm her Master. But she could help him throw his inhibitions to the wind and enjoy himself with her. The Echo might protect against many things; it had protected against the Primal version of Lakshmi’s own magic even. But the Echo couldn’t protect against one’s own aether, and as this Lakshmi was a familiar created purely out of his magic, Deltas now could be influenced by her.

“A-Ah… I’m sorry, I just have to… you’re so beautiful, I just can’t help myself…” Deltas panted, as he pushed Lakshmi to the ground. She fell gracefully, clearly still in control of the situation even as she made sure Deltas had no qualms about using her.

“Why should you be sorry, Master? I’ve offered myself to you freely. Would I have such a lurid form if I was not meant to be used in such a manner?” Lakshmi reassured Deltas, stroking his hair even as he struggled out of his pants.

Once his erection was free, it was a short path to it’s destination. Lakshmi shifted subtly, her silken cloth pulled aside by the moment to reveal her bare womanhood, practically steaming with need. “Let desire take you, that unquenchable fire…” she said softly.

“I-I’m going to start…” Deltas murmured. No longer an apology or asking for permission, but a statement of fact; Deltas was going to fuck her silly and no force in the world had a chance of changing his mind now.

Deltas let out a hiss of pleasure as he bucked his hips and slid inside the familiar’s tight womanhood. He stayed there for several moments, panting and trying to calm himself enough to continue without blowing it all in the first few seconds. Lakshmi decided to encourage him leaning up to give him a soft kiss on the lips as encouragement.

He took that encouragement and went with it, pushing further inside while one hand pulled aside her top to start playing with her breasts, thumb tweaking the nipple. Lakshmi started making some pleased noises herself - it was more fun for everyone if both of them enjoyed, after all.

As Deltas slid deeper in, Lakshmi helped him out. Her legs wrapped tight around him, locking them together so that he had no choice but to keep pounding her. She kissed him again and again, whenever he slowed, renewing his resolve and stamina to keep going. Even bottoming out, his balls slapping against her pussy with the last thrust, wasn’t enough for them.

After the first thrust reached it’s completion, Deltas pulled out to do it again - then again, and again. Lakshmi bucked her hips to meet him with each shock of pleasure, and the pair settled into a rhythm. Hands wandered - across her breasts, across his ass, the pair exploring each other’s bodies thoroughly as they made love.

“I-I’m going to… hnn… I-I can’t hold…” Deltas stammered as he felt the dam filling, near to bursting. He was so close.

“Don’t hold back, my lovely master.” Lakshmi whispered in his ear. “Fill me. Claim me. Make me yours, and make me a part of you.”

Deltas groaned as he came, his cock spouting bursts of cum into Lakshmi. Deltas wasn’t sure if it was some ritualistic component, or something about having a piece of him, or what, but he felt Lakshmi’s aether become more stable - she was now here to stay, something he could summon whenever he pleased. Of course, that was a fleeting feeling - the overwhelming majority of his mind was occupied with the base animal need to fill this woman up to the brim with his semen.

The familiar didn’t go without pleasure either, orgasming with her master. But she handled it far better than he did, recovering faster. She allowed him to rest on her as he went limp from the shocks of pleasure, stroking his head like a favored pet as she waited for him to recover. “Thank you, Master. I’m happy you’ve so clearly enjoyed my body. Why not take more, then? It’s all yours. Every single piece.”

The young man moaned softly as he started to recover. He’d never even disengaged from Lakshmi, his cock at half mast inside of her - but steadily stiffening as he realized that. “A-Ah… I see…”

“Perhaps next time you practice, you can try and summon new Familiars… you know how, now, and I’m sure you’ve many former foes who may be of… use, to you…” Lakshmi whispered in his ear.

His cock pulsed at the words. At least one part of him liked the sound of that a lot. He hoped that his girlfriend didn’t find out about this… she wasn’t one to get mad about such things, but she would never let him live it down with her endless teasing.

That thought was banished from his mind almost as soon as he had it though - he’d made the error of looking down at Lakshmi and seeing her waiting for him with her tits bared and his cock inside of her pussy. And now he was ready to go again.

It was going to be a long, long night.


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