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Content warning: Explicit NSFW

A magical girl has decided that she's too vulnerable to corruption to be allowed to think for herself and decides to submit her will to the dark side of another member of her group. However, the dark magical girl rather likes her and has different plans in mind...

Patron commission for ForbiddenArchive featuring our characters from a TTRPG we're in.


Being a Magical Girl wasn’t all fun and games, especially not in the world of Irowa Yukino, Magical Girl of Love. It was a dangerous job, with villains and monsters that you never even realized were there before seemingly around every corner. You tried your best to help people but it didn’t always work out. But you tried, you helped. Maybe sometimes you really could save the day. Irowa liked to think the others in her group were like that. They were real Magical Girls.

She… wasn’t. She didn’t believe she really qualified, even if she had magical powers. Being a Magical Girl was not all sunshine and rainbows when the demons you fought did their best to corrupt you - and when it felt so goddamned good when they did. What kind of Magical Girl hated being one because she’d seen her friends turned to demons in the distant past? What kind of Magical Girl kept getting more corrupt with every battle, and spread it to her new friends like a pox? Hell, in her first incursion she’d gone and drank a demon soda that had given her a dick!

Irowa was terrified that she’d lose it. It felt closer every time even as she staved it off, as she tried to suppress the corruption that festered so strongly inside of her that she had a dark side that was for all intents and purposes a separate person, who went by ‘Erowa’ due to her lewd nature.

This last demon incursion was the last straw. She had lost it and nearly taken one of her close friends with her into demonhood - fused together early on to have the strength to deal with an ambush while their numbers were low, she and her friend’s corruption had merged as well. It continued to grow and grow and grow as they investigated the dungeon until it overwhelmed them, and they became a demon.

That was why she was now in front of her close friend Shinobu’s room in the dead of night. Friend? Lover? Girlfriend? She wasn’t sure. Whatever the case - more than anyone else in the group, the Magical Girl of Dreams Shinobu could control her evil side. She kept Erowa on a tight leash whenever they were together. And in the Incursion, it had been her that brought the demon Irowa had become under control and then forced the fusion to split back into their distinct, and human again, halves.

Shinobu wasn’t without her dark side too, of course. She’d gone dark during that Incursion as well. But she seemed to have a handle on herself in a way Irowa couldn’t even imagine - and she had been pretty much single handedly responsible, in Irowa’s view, for keeping the party from falling to pieces during the Incursion both before and after going into Corruption Break.

It was a scummy move. One that befit someone as corrupt as Irowa. She shouldn't have put this on Shinobu if she really cared for the woman. But she couldn’t trust herself any longer.

Irowa knocked on the door, and there were some noises from inside before Shinobu came to it. Her blonde hair (it had been dyed at some point, since it was black when they met) was in a mussed-up bedhead and her shirt was partly hanging off the shoulder, but her eyes were bright and alert. Irowa felt her girl-cock twitch at the sight - how did she get away with being so pretty with no effort?

“Irowa? It’s kind of late, what’re you doing up?” Shinobu asked. “I know neither of us have classes tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean we should mess up the sleep schedule.”

Irowa’s heart shook - maybe she shouldn’t do this. Just keep it in like she always did. But she’d already come this far and this close… taking a deep breath, she stepped into Shinobu’s room. The woman took a surprised step back, but that still left them close together. “S-Shinobu… I’m sorry but… I have something I need to ask you…”

Shinobu blinked, but could tell Irowa wasn’t doing well. Knowing her, it was probably about that recent incursion… “What do you need? I’ll do whatever I can to help.” It was a bit weird, but at least this time she was asking for help instead of shutting herself away.

“I need you to control me.” Irowa said hurriedly.

“...Pardon?” Shinobu asked. Did she hear that right?

“L-Like you controlled me and Mai in the Incursion, when we turned into a demon. I-I can’t be trusted to think for myself. I can’t be trusted to keep in control. If Erowa comes out again or a demon targets me or… I don’t want to think about what I might do to you all…” Irowa rambled, the words spilling out of her mouth in a flood now that she’d begun to express them.

“C-Control? I… I don’t know how to do that… it only worked on the dolls because they were, well, dolls who needed someone to pull the strings…” Shinobu stammered. She was surprised.

“You don’t normally, but… your other self does, right?” Irowa asked. She felt disgusted with herself as she asked - oh, you’re concerned about your own corruption so you ask your friend to take some on herself? - but she’d committed. “Y-You don’t have to if you don’t want…”

The two stood there for a few moments, both blushing fiercely. Shinobu was shocked by the question; it was the first time any of them had even considered going into a Corruption Break intentionally. But there it was, out in the air now.

Part of her rejected the idea out of hand, but the rest of her had to give it a bit more consideration. She didn’t want to go into that form, to feel those feelings and have those awful thoughts… but she did want to help Irowa. The last time something nearly this bad had happened she’d shut herself away from them all. This time? It was going to break her. She didn’t want Irowa to crumble like that if she could do anything to stop it, even if it meant taking advantage of darker powers than she’d normally even contemplate.

“Well… when I said I’d do whatever I can to help, I meant it.” Shinobu said after a few moments to steel herself. “Are you sure? Are you really sure you want that?”

Irowa wordlessly nodded, not able to meet Shinobu’s eye.

Shinobu shuffled the young woman into her room and closed the door behind her, locking it so they wouldn’t be disturbed. She wasn’t sure what she’d do once she let that part of her out, so she didn’t have Irowa do anything in particular to prepare. “Uh… I’m going to apologize in advance if I’m weird, ok? …Well it’s not really an if, but…” Shinobu said, before shaking her head. Get it over with.

She hadn’t intentionally invoked a corruption break before, but she had an idea of how to do it. Demonic corruption fed on lustful feelings, fed on rampant emotion. So she let herself feel horny. She let herself plunge into her own hidden feelings. She didn’t really notice as her thoughts began to twist and turn in ways they normally didn’t - as doors in her mind she kept under lock and key burst open.

The outside change was rather more noticeable to Irowa, however. First off, Shinobu’s hair got longer, and corrected itself - no longer the bedhead mess but smooth and elegant waves, going from her normal shoulder-length to cascading down her back before ending in a slight lift. The coloring changed as well, becoming a night-sky blue spangled with a sea of golden stars, reflecting her nature as Magical Girl of Dreams.

The next bits were something else. Since her first Corruption Break had taken place while under the influence of the Incursion, her natural dark form reflected the effects she’d been under. Specifically, the influence of a magician demon that had made her into their assistant for the show.

Shinobu’s clothes rapidly morphed, the simple bedtime clothes becoming a black latex leotard with a star design across it, showing off far more skin than Shinobu ever did whether in mundane or magical forms, squeezing all the cleavage it could out of her modest bust. It was accompanied with fishnet leggings that showed off her rather nice legs. Her slippers became similarly dark high heels (which gave her a good couple more centimeters of height over Irowa than she already had). The outfit was punctuated by the arrival of a pair of rabbit-ears and a tail on her body, making her a complete bunnygirl.

However, that wasn’t quite all - as now, rather than being under someone else’s power, she was in control. The transformation was completed with the formation of a dark blue waistcoat and a hat with holes for her ears. “Pyon~! Magical Bun of Nightmares Shinobu, at your service~” the dark magical girl giggled, her voice rather more sultry than Shinobu’s ever became.

The effect on Irowa was immediate. Her cock, already having been a little stiff from seeing Shinobu earlier, sprung immediately to full mast, straining against her panties and tenting her skirt. Irowa felt a wave of guilt - she should not find this form of Shinobu incredibly hot. She really shouldn’t. But it was, and she did. Shinobu was plenty hot herself, in Irowa’s opinion - but this corrupted form actually realized that and used it and, to Irowa’s immense shame, she thought she was a little bit hotter than her normal self…

She couldn’t even pretend she wasn’t aroused as her skirt pitching up made it abundantly clear - and Shinobu certainly noticed. A lurid grin crossed her face (the expression on it’s own making Irowa’s dick twitch with desire) as she approached. “Ehehehe~ Like what you see, don’t you~?” Shinobu said, “Getting a little horny for this cute little bunny~?”

“N-N-No,” Irowa stammered, but this was rather undercut by the way she moaned as Shinobu’s hand found her shaft.

“Oh, don’t lie to yourself~ You came here and begged to be allowed to submit to me, I already know where you wanna stick that cute prick of yours~” The bunnygirl said, giving her a little stroke through her skirt. “This is what you wanted, so just enjoy yourself, kay~? Let your sexy girlfriend have her fun~”

“Hnnn- S-Shinobu…” Irowa moaned, back arching with the bolts of pleasure that just that little touch gave her. Shinobu grinned at her and none too gently started dragging her towards the bed.

“Why don’t you get out of that skirt, cutie~? It’s getting in the way~” Shinobu said before pushing her onto the bed. When Irowa hesitated, Shinobu climbed atop her and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Oh, you thought I was asking~? No, you came to submit to me. Drop the skirt.” she hissed softly, giving Irowa a soft kiss on the neck to encourage her.

“Y-Yes m- Shinobu, ok…” Irowa stammered, barely avoiding saying ‘mistress’. She… she had asked for this. She’d asked Shinobu to do her thinking for her. To take away her worries. She just had to listen to her as she said she would… she dropped her skirt, and her panties as well, letting her cock stand stiff and tall. Pre dribbled from the tip already, a sign of just how ready to go she was.

Shinobu licked her lips, and took a few moments to stroke the member. “There’s a good girl~ Just let me do the driving here~” she said, pulling her leotard a little bit to the side. This was what informed Irowa that the transformation had left Shinobu going without panties - because she now had a clear shot at her womanhood.

“S-Shinobu-” Irowa stammered, cutting herself off with a moan as Shinobu slowly began to drop herself on the cock. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt this - they were no strangers to sex with each other. But something about it - the way Shinobu was acting, the situation, maybe just that damn leotard - was making it feel so much more intense. It was all Irowa could do not to shoot her load instantly.

Shinobu, for her part, took her time. She took it inch by inch, letting it sliiide in slowly. “Good girl, good girl!” she repeated, while one hand reached down and pulled up Irowa’s shirt to have an easier time molesting her breast. “Just relax. Relax, and do nothing but feel.”

Wisps of pink began to form around Shinobu, before coalescing into a cloud. Her dream magic coming out to play as she had her fun. The cloud flowed downwards, down towards Irowa, cushioning her head. It began to slip inside her ears, a pleasant tingling feeling that would be a lot more noticeable if all of Irowa’s attention wasn’t focused a little bit below the hips.

“Listen to me, now~ I want you to remember this feeling. I want you to remember how good it feels. Just relax and feel good…” Shinobu repeated, now directly in Irowa’s mind.

Irowa was sure this was where it was going to happen - where Shinobu would seize control of her mind. She was… ready for it. Eager for it. She wouldn’t think anymore. Just listen to Mistress and feel good. She had given up her agency gladly, and it was long past too late to take that back.

“I want you to remember these feelings. I’m going to tell you what to think, and when you think those thoughts, you’ll feel just as good as you do now~” Shinobu said.

But the next words weren’t words of domination and control. “You came here because you wanted help.” Shinobu said. “That was good. It was good to recognize you need help and to try and get a friend to give it. There’s no weakness in that.”

Irowa blinked in surprise - but the command was still in place, and she felt her hips buck at the words of affirmation. “H-Huh…?”

“It’s okay to feel good. You haven’t lost the right to enjoy yourself just because you’ve had some problems.” Shinobu continued.

Shinobu was, right now, definitely a dark magical girl. She was going to control Irowa and the fact she had such power over her was turning her on so much right now. But even a dark Shinobu cared for her friends and loved ones. They might be toys to her at the moment, but they were her toys.

Irowa was a particularly special one. It hurt her to see the girl in so much pain, so much of it self inflicted. More than any in the group she castigated herself for her failings, and seeing that hurt Shinobu. When Shinobu let herself change to this form, it had been with a goal firmly in mind - help Irowa. She would not see her friend fall to pieces, even if she had to personally duct-tape her sense of worth back together.

“You don’t need to hide from the world just because you made a mistake. You do have the strength to move forward.” Shinobu continued. She punctuated each sentence with a buck of her hips, further impaling herself on Irowa’s cock and associating her words with the pleasure. She squirmed a bit herself - as confident as she was acting, it was still her girlfriend’s cock and she was incredibly horny.

This wasn’t what Irowa had been aiming for, but the commands were settling in her mind. Picking up the pieces of her self worth. Maybe this wasn’t a permanent solution - but she really wouldn’t accept anything said herself.

And with her feeling better… it was time for Shinobu to have a bit more fun. “You can feel confident. You can feel sexy. You can feel good about yourself. We care about you for you…” she said, “And right now, don’t you want to pound a bunny flat~?” she said - and punctuated the statement by slamming down her hips and burying the cock inside her up to the hilt.

This last line came with a bolt of strange magic. It seemed like Shinobu’s magic was mixing with Irowa’s, and it led to the girl transforming. It wasn’t quite a corruption break - it was a new, confident self. Irowa’s dark hair grew longer, her clothes (what was left on her body anyway) shifted. Suddenly, her hair was lengthy and tied back in a ponytail, while her night clothes had become a latex leotard and fishnet stockings just like Shinobu’s. That probably predicted what was next - a pair of rabbit ears and a cute little cottontail, as in a flash Irowa had become a bunny girl as well.

“Well… I suppose I do… Mistress~” Irowa said, her voice now oozing confidence that was utterly alien to her frame. Even the word ‘Mistress’ was more teasing than subservient. As Shinobu fidgeted and squirmed with the full length of cock inside of her, Irowa began taking a more active role. She shifted positions, sitting up so she could give Shinobu a full kiss on the mouth, while adjusting their postures.

As they passionately kissed, Irowa slowly began to pull out of Shinobu - only to shove back in once she had only the head inside of her. It was the first bunny’s turn to moan, as Irowa began to slowly but insistently fuck her. What had once been one sided was now mutual as they moved together as one - half a competition and half a dance as they tried to see who could successfully please the other first.

The phrase ‘fucked like rabbits’ would come to mind as they made a mess of Shinobu’s bed, rolling about the bed, Shinobu’s legs locked around Irowa’s waist to make sure she never dare withdraw until they were done. When their climaxes came, Shinobu made sure it was both at once - and made sure that Irowa knew this was the sort of pleasure she’d get from a sense of self worth.

Shinobu’s whole body shook and shivered as she tightened down on Irowa’s cock - which, in turn, began to pulse. Shinobu splattered Irowa’s cock and hips with her juices even as Irowa painted her womb white. This went on for minutes on end, their magical forms providing inhuman stamina.

When they were eventually spent, they didn’t bother to disentangle themselves. Their magical forms faded away, leaving them to doze off in a lewd cuddle. Shinobu was only dimply aware of what her other self had done, but had a deep sense that it wasn’t anything she’d complain about. Meanwhile, Irowa had pleasant dreams for the first time in far, far too long.


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