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NSFW Warning! Includes explicit sexual content. 


“Hey! Hey, Hato! Hey, can I get you something? I want to be helpful!” An excited Gabriella asked, tail wagging up a storm as she stared expectantly at the writer.

“You can get me some privacy.” Hato replied, turning the page of her book. Just pretend she’s not there and she’ll go away, just ignore her…

“Ok, what’s that look like? I’m not sure it’s in the Arcane Sanctuary but I’ll look!” Gabriella nodded eagerly, tail wagging.

The white-haired author sighed and glanced up from her book. She had hoped she could use the opportunity to do some reading, work through some of Lulu’s stories while the caretaker was out doing something or other. Given all of Gabriella’s jobs at the place, Hato had even dared hope that watching the place for Lulu would not require her to interact too much with the stone dog-girl whose high energy always exhausted her just watching.

Unfortunately for Hato, it seemed that the overriding priority of the guard dog wasn’t actually guarding the place, it was helping visitors - in this case, it meant making sure Hato had everything she could possibly need to be comfortable, as long as she didn’t need some privacy. She was far too friendly to consider giving the woman her alone time.

Hato was… not a dog person. In the sense of not particularly liking dogs, that is. It wasn’t that she hated pets or anything, but dogs in particular were far too high energy for her, and had no concept of personal space. Gabriella, despite being a dog-person, was no exception, a constantly happy girl who would constantly push herself onto people she liked (which was unpleasant enough from beings not made out of stone and the occasional gem).

When it became increasingly obvious that ignoring Gabriella would not make her go away, Hato decided to try something else. “Well, I suppose there is something. Why don’t you get me… a book, let’s say. Why not something that compares different systems of magic, hm?”

Hato was not the only one that hopped between worlds like one might ride a bus between towns, but there weren’t that many of them. Of them, the number that were so scholarly as to write such a treatise were even fewer, and then of them the number interested enough in the comparison were fewer still. Surely it would take Gabriella some time to find a tome of that like, even with the helpfully-distorted layout of the Arcane Sanctuary doing its level best to send her to the vicinity of the book.

Gabriella was undaunted by the wild goose chase set before her, springing to her feet with an eager salute and a wagging tail. “Yes! Yes I’ll get you a book like that, I’m sure we have one somewhere!” she declared, and bolted off, feet clacking against the floor and fading into the distance.

Hato sighed and snuggled back into the chair - that would keep her occupied at least long enough for Hato to finish the next story or two in the book, surely. At least, she hoped it would.


Gabriella had been looking for several minutes now, and the dog-girl was beginning to get frustrated. There were a whole lot of books on different kinds of magic - of course there were. There were even some looking at the magic systems of several different worlds. But anything comparing systems was terribly hard to find, and she was getting a bit antsy that she had left Hato waiting too long.

She was in a darker part of the Sanctuary than she usually had to go to. Rarer stuff. This was the first time in quite a while she wasn’t able to instantly identify books by looking at them, she had to actually investigate them. Touch them, read them, and so on.

Just as she was getting ready to leave and find some other part of the library to investigate, she noticed one book. It wasn’t anything fancy like most of the others, a little black-leather bound book compared to the monstrous tomes it was surrounded by. She had a feeling like she should pick it up. That it would help her find what she sought.

Something was itching at Gabriella’s mind as she picked up the book. It felt familiar somehow, like she could recognize it’s magic if not it’s name. It reminded her of a time long past. She didn’t think too much about when she’d been human (or male), but she did remember it; she still could do magic, she just rarely saw a reason to.

This book was putting those thoughts to the front of her mind. Spells and incantations she’d let slip away from her memory coming back. Specifically, a tracking spell. She flipped open the book, and found the right page, and then made just the right hand movements, mouthed just the right words, and a white light appeared in front of her. It sailed into the shelves, trailing ethereal dust behind it, and when she followed it, it was barely a minute before she found quite possibly the one book in the Sanctuary that could match Hato’s description.

“Well, that was helpful!” Gabriella said. She closed the book, and moved to return it to it’s place on the shelf. But she couldn’t make herself put it down. It made things so easy. Why shouldn’t she keep it? Why shouldn’t she just use it for a bit more? If someone asked for it she’d give it to them of course, but until then, why not just keep it around?

Using that magic had made her feel good in a way she didn’t remember it feeling before, when she’d been a human. Maybe it was the book? The thought fled as soon as she had it - no of course not. Why would it be this weird little book doing that? It just felt really good because she hadn’t done any magic for a while, that was it. She’d have to do more, it would make getting what she wanted easier… and she deserved to get things she wanted, didn’t she? Such a hard working, good girl like her…


Hato was just getting to the good part when Gabriella came careening back into the room. “Heeey! I got the book you wanted! I got it!” she declared proudly, plopping a book down on the table in front of Hato.

The white-haired woman blinked in surprise. She hadn’t expected her to come back so quickly; she’d known it was a temporary respite, but such a short one? “...Did you now?” she said, looking at the book. It was dusty and old, but from a skim of the contents, it did seem to be what she had asked for. “...I suppose you did.”

“Yes! I’m a good girl, right? A really good girl?” Gabriella nodded, presenting her head for pets - usually Lulu would pet her just about then. But Hato gave her only a token pat and went back to reading. “What can I do for you next? Do you need anything? Do you want something?”

“What I want is some quiet, and I can’t imagine that you plan to go fetch that.” Hato sighed.

Gabriella pouted. Was she doing something wrong, somehow? She just wanted to be a good girl.

She was definitely good. She held the other book she’d found - the small black magical book - to her chest. It glowed faintly as she did. She was a good girl. But she couldn’t just wait for orders, she had to be proactive. And Hato seemed… stressed. She wasn’t able to focus on anything because she was stressed, and she was so upset because she was doing way too much thinking.

Gabriella wanted to be her friend. As a friend, she wanted Hato to feel better. The book told her how to accomplish both - she just had to make Hato feel really good and understand how good it felt to not think so hard about things. Gabriella barely thought about anything, and she was very happy! So clearly, Hato should be more like Gabriella.

The stone dog-girl could tell she was being influenced, on some level - to take a specific solution to the issue she normally would not. But who cared? It was going to be fun. Using magic was very fun for her. So she opened the book to the right page, and made a new series of gestures in Hato’s direction.

The writer noticed the glow at last, but as she turned to look it was already too late. She was pulled away from the table by a pink glowing light wrapping around her neck like a collar, dragging her to the floor. Her clothes burst apart as she was dragged in front of Gabriella, leaving her completely naked and exposed, huge breasts heaving from the sudden movement. “What is the meaning of this? Do you know who you’re dealing with? Bad girl!” Hato shouted, angry at the sudden attack.

Normally that would have set Gabriella whimpering but she didn’t this time. The magic made her feel so good, so in control, it was great… “No, I’m a good girl! I’m a very good girl!” Gabriella said insistently. “You just don’t know what’s good for you, but that’s ok! When I’m done, we’ll be best friends! And you won’t have to do any stressful thinking anymore!”

There was a mad pink glow in her eyes, clear evidence of the magical tome’s influence. Hato tried to use her own abilities to free herself, but it seemed that the collar of magical energy sucked up any attempts to channel her own - she was rendered powerless, just like that. So she just sighed and waited for what she knew was coming. She wrote this kind of story all the time, and if it wasn’t presently happening to her she’d probably get off on it. And might still later on.

Gabriella clearly didn’t realize what she was doing until she did it. Even though the book was full of complicated magic, she was running on instinct; she just had a natural understanding of how to use the magic. And she had urges she suddenly had an intense need to fulfill. The pink glow around the stone dog-girl intensified, and Hato shielded her eyes. When she opened them again, she found something resting on her face: a cock. Specifically, one made out of rock like the rest of Gabriella, sticking out of her womanly parts. Despite it’s material, it’s warmth and the way it throbbed against her made it quite clear it was fully functional.

“Ehehehe… just let me take care of everything Hato, ok? We’re going to be best friends. You’ll be a good girl just like me.” Gabriella giggled, pushing Hato down to the ground and straddling her. She was careful with the distribution of her weight, but that was the only consideration for Hato’s feelings she showed.

“I don’t suppose I could convince you to let me off with oral…?”


With no further preamble, Gabriella positioned her new member with Hato’s pussy, and thrust. Hato let out an involuntary moan of pleasure as she was split open by the monstrous dick - but not pain. Not only was she… well practiced, but the spell seemed intent on preventing any damage. Which meant Gabriella could go as hard as she wanted to, and from the frenzied look in her eyes as she let her tongue lol out after the initial thrust, she intended to go very hard. “Hnnn… so tight… so good… gotta breed…”

In the first thrust, Gabriella only managed a few inches. That clearly wasn’t satisfying enough for her, as she pulled out and pushed herself back in again, deeper this time, and drew out a louder moan from Hato.

But it wasn’t just her vagina being claimed by Gabriella, it was her very humanity - from the spot where their bodies merged, a smooth white texture was beginning to spread. Not pale-skin white, but pure white or near enough as made no difference. Gabriella kept wildly thrusting into her, pressing her lower lips further and further apart and pushing her legs apart to allow easier entrance - and as she did so she was turning Hato to stone.

It was hard to worry about that though. Gabriella wasn’t the only one feeling good - every thrust brought Hato to a new height of pleasure, drawing out more and more screams of pleasure. She didn’t care she was turning into marble, she just wanted to keep getting fucked. “Haaah… n-nnnhh…” she moaned, trying and failing to refuse Gabriella’s advances.

Gabriella leaned down as her hips kept bucking, raking her tongue across Hato’s sizable knockers. Despite that being stone as well, it didn’t hurt at all - which probably had something to do with how her tongue was converting her to stone as well. Her chest’s bouncing slowed and stopped as it turned to firm rock, but the pleasure didn’t decline in the slightest.

It felt like Hato’s mind was breaking under the pressure. It felt too good, it shouldn’t have felt so good, but she found herself wanting nothing more than for Gabriella to continue. To fuck her brainless, to breed her like a bitch in heat. The magic was getting to her, and she definitely could tell, but even the formation of a tail on her newly marble bottom didn’t dissuade her. “Hnn… fuck me… fuck me-” she began to plead, punctuated by moans as Gabriella thrusted harder and finally hilted inside of her.

“Hhh~ Good girl~” Gabriella moaned, taking a moment to leave her newly formed cock buried inside of her prize, shifting her hips to stir it up and get her good and changed. “Don’t need to think anymore. Just be a happy girl like me…” The words were only partly hers, with much of it coming from the book.

Good girl. The single phrase snapped Hato’s mind in two - she had to be a good girl. She tried desperately to pull Gabriella in, to help the dog-girl change her, but with her lower half completely stone and much of her upper half changing, it was all she could do to weakly gesture as Gabriella resumed her thrusting.

Hato realized she’d cum several times, somehow despite her transformation. She was a good girl, cumming for Gabriella like that. That was good. She just had to be a good girl and finish transforming. When Gabriella moved up from her breasts and gave her a sloppy, horny kiss, she took it eagerly, fully aware of and welcoming the transformations it would bring.

When Gabriella withdrew, Hato had stopped moving completely - she was an immobile marble statue from the top of her newly developed canine ears to her tail, frozen in a look of orgasmic bliss. Gabriella found the sight unbearably arousing. Using the statue as effectively an onahole, she thrust and thrust even more, rutting for longer than she could possibly keep track of.

Eventually she felt a pulse, a twitch in her cock. She didn’t have the mental capacity left to understand it, but instinct took over again - she had to get all of it inside of her mate. She hilted herself inside of the statue of Hato, and let herself go. Thick spurts of something liquid filled the marble dog-girl up, and Gabriella had plenty of it to spare - she kept going until it was leaking around her cock.

Eventually, she pulled out, satisfied as the spell granting her a futa-cock - and indeed, the light from the cursed book in general - faded. She idly played with her womanhood, basking in the post-orgasm afterglow, before hearing something moving.


Lulu was glad to be home. It was nice to take vacations, and going out to get more stuff for the Sanctuary was fun too. But still, no place like home. “I’m back~” she called, waiting for Gabriella to show up.

The dog-golem bolted onto the scene with her characteristic speed. “Luluuuu! Welcome homeeee! I was a good girl! I helped Hato feel really good!”

Lulu raised an eyebrow at that. Before she could ask what she meant, however, a second figure came to greet her. “Lulu! Lulu! I missed you!”

The dog-girl was definitely Hato, but it took Lulu a moment to recognize her. Made of pure white marble in contrast to Gabriella’s granite grey, she was every bit the energetic pup that her new best friend was - tail wagging up a storm upon seeing Lulu, and eyes glinting as red rubies. It was kind of disconcerting seeing such excitement on Hato’s face.

“What happened here…?” Lulu asked with a sigh.

“I found a nice book! It told me Hato was thinking too much and she would be happier like me, so I made her happy! And then I mated with her! Or was that before?”

It was then that Lulu noticed something dripping from between Hato’s thighs - and something else between Gabriella’s, beginning to dissipate.

“Gabriella has bred me lots!” Hato giggled, rubbing herself against Gabriella some more. “It’s so much fun… better than all the thinking…”

Lulu rubbed her forehead. This was going to be… a bit annoying. But then she smiled. On the other hand… it was nice to put Hato in her place… it seemed it was her turn to claim her rival as property for a while, until she inevitably got turned back. “Well… I’m glad to see you’ve been so good to our guest. Hato, you’re going to help Gabriella with her job now, right?”

“Ehehehe, of course~” Hato giggled. There was not a single intelligent thought behind those eyes now, and Lulu couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the sight. She’d never let the other writer live this down.


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