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Patron, using some of their OCs along with Lulu. 


Lulu hummed softly to herself while she read a book, lounging in a chair without a care. The library was nice and peaceful, just the way she liked it, and as far as she was aware there were no pressing matters requiring her attention at the moment. It was why she somewhat liked staying over at Europa’s place sometimes; even if, while there, she usually ended up turned into a foxgirl maid, doing work for Europa was still less work than keeping the Arcane Sanctuary in order.

She idly turned the page, and then glanced up at the young woman who was glaring at her, hands on her hips. Europa’s head maid, Artemis, had been standing there for a few minutes, waiting for acknowledgement. Lulu didn’t much feel like being yelled at, so she had yet to respond, but she’d finished a chapter and it seemed likely that Artemis was running out of patience.

Lulu sighed and closed the book, depositing it on the table beside her, and then leaned back in the chair, shifting her tails (which she had two of, for some reason, when turned into a kitsune as she was in this world) for comfort and resting her chin on a hand. “Yes, Artemis? Can I help you with something?” she prompted.

The red-headed fox maid twitched a bit at the casual tone. “...Firstly, could you please show me a little respect? I am your senior, after all.” Artemis said.

“I could.” Lulu said, smirking a little. She let that sit for a moment, then decided to humor her. “Alright then. Yes, Miss Artemis? Can I help you with something? Is that better?”

“Yes.” Artemis said with a huff, before continuing. “I’m sure I don’t need to remind you, but as a maid, you have certain duties you need to take care of each day before you can sit around and read.”

Lulu raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “Such as? Enlighten me, oh senior.” She said with a smirk.

“One, you have to do the paperwork - you’re fast at writing, that’s why we have you do it. Two, you have to inspect the library to make sure no books have gone missing, or even more importantly, none of the magical artifacts. You know how forgetful the others are about taking things and not putting them back! Three, you’ve got to make sure all the spells keeping the books from degrading are kept strong, and the anti-theft spells too! I can keep going, do you need me to?” Artemis listed off each, counting on her fingers, and looking smug as she thought she had Lulu nailed down with her job.

Lulu rolled her eyes. “I’ve already done some of that. I’m taking a break.” she said. “Don’t you have anything better to do than nag me? I’m an adult, I can do my job without you breathing down my neck.” Nevermind that she was a kinda lazy adult unless the subject interested her, and her habitual procrastination, and… probably some other things.

“Honestly, no.” Artemis said with a shrug. “Between you and Isime, keeping the maids on task is my biggest priority these days. It’s hard work when you have two lazy pranksters working for you!”

“I’m usually fine, it’s just when I split up that Luna causes issues.” Lulu said. “But in any case, if you didn’t want to deal with that, maybe you should be a bit less gung ho about turning every single visitor into a foxgirl maid, hm?”

“It’s a big mansion! I need all the help I can get!” Aremis said with a huff. “And I’ve only done that twice!”

“Have you considered taking a break?” Lulu asked. “This is a nice place, and there’s plenty to do besides work. I’m sure Lady Europa won’t mind you taking a few hours off.”

“And let you girls slack off?” Artemis shook her head. “Of course not!”

Lulu felt her eye twitch. This girl… “I see. So you’re going to keep bothering me until I finish my break, hm?”

“Until you stop being lazy.” Artemis corrected.

“If you’re going to keep barking like a dog, I think I’d rather you be a quiet fox instead.” Lulu said, taking a small notebook from her pocket. A pen appeared in her hand as well, and she smirked.

“Hey, what are you doing-” The fox-maid started, recognizing Lulu’s magic at work, but it was too late to stop the spell - especially when she had no magic of her own to counter it with. Lulu stood up, and Artemis realized that, while she was shorter than Lulu to begin with, she was getting even shorter.

Lulu smiled. “I’m making you stop being so nosy. Maybe this will teach you to mind your own business. It’s temporary, don’t worry~” she laughed.

Artemis found she wasn’t even able to move at all - she was rooted to the spot as the spell took hold, and she continued to shrink. Her maid uniform felt loose and baggy, and she hurriedly grabbed it and held it up to keep her modesty. “Y-You could at least make it faster!” Artemis stammered.

“Why? Instant-loss like that isn’t very fun to write.” Lulu said with a shrug. She’d not linger overly long on any part of the transformation, but she wouldn’t make it instant.

Already Artemis was only as tall as Lulu’s waist and rapidly shrinking further, down to her knee, and then even lower. Her maid uniform was practically a tent now, covering her and making it hard to keep her head outside of it and nothing else. By the time she was done, she was a fraction of her former size, barely as tall as Lulu’s shins. Using one hand to keep a bit of cloth over her chest, she rose the other to shake a fist at Lulu. “You’re going to pay for this, you know!” she shouted as loud as she could - which was not very loud given her current size and the associated lung capacity.

“I definitely will, but I don’t care that much right now.” Lulu conceded. “Besides, you think that’s it? I said you’d be a quiet fox. You’re still quite loud. Don’t worry, you can be cute, too.”

“E-Excuse me!?” Artemis stammered, but the changes were already starting to continue. She stumbled in place, unable to keep her footing as she fell to all fours - and realized that instead of hands, she had thick black stubs at the end of her arms. Fuzzy, soft stubs, that squished a bit as she fell forwards onto them. The plush fuzz spread up her arms and legs even as she watched, the limbs getting shorter as they thickened and extended. Past the elbows and knees, the black color brightened into a red-orange shade.

Lulu grinned and wrote a bit more into the book - that blush was a great reaction that she wanted to capture in text. “I forgot to ask what kind of fox you are, but I think I’ll just go with your fur color scheme for that.”

The fuzz spread and Artemis felt the change inside and out - she wasn’t just becoming soft and fluffy, she was filled with the stuff inside as well. She didn’t even get the dignity of becoming a real fox, she was becoming a plush toy! She wanted to raise a fist to shake at Lulu, but she could no longer move her arms or legs. Even her torso was starting to morph, gaining a thick coat of red and white as her human parts gave way to yet more plush.

Soon, she couldn’t even complain - her body had turned to that of a stuffed fox toy and with it her lungs and ability to speak were gone - her female shape completely hidden in the fur and fluff of her new body. She didn’t feel bad, mind - Lulu tended to avoid transformations that felt anything but nice. Artemis was feeling as light and fluffy as her new body would indicate, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t complain about it the whole time she could.

Her face came last, starting to distort and distend. It was only seconds before she was completely unrecognizable as Artemis, and not much longer before her new muzzle had settled, her ears had turned to the same felt material as the rest of her, and her transformation was complete.

Lulu bent down to pick up the plush fox from the pile of clothes, and placed it on a stack of books on her table where it could watch her read and later work. The clothes she bundled up and folded neatly, to take with her to the laundry room the next time she passed it by. And with that, she returned to reading, leaving no sign that she’d even been interrupted.


The book-loving lady, as she was wont to do, completely lost track of time as she got really into her book. She hardly noticed that hours had passed her by without a second thought, and only came out of her reverie at the polite cough of a new visitor.

Blinking out of her daze, Lulu looked up to see Europa standing before her. “Good evening, Lulu.”

“Evening, ma’am.” Lulu said - finding herself speaking overly politely automatically, as a result of currently being a maid. “Did you need to pick up a new book for nightly reading? I’m nearly done with this one, and it’s quite good.”

“Perhaps later,” Europa said, “No, I was wondering if you knew what had happened to Artemis? She’s been missing nearly all day. It’s not like her at all, and I’m worried as to what happened to her.”

“Oh, that.” Lulu said. She picked up the fox plushie from the table where it had sat motionless while she read, and put it on her lap to give a few pets. “She was nagging me about work during my break. So I made her stop nagging. She’s very cute like this, isn’t she?”

Europa blinked, leaning over to inspect the plush toy. “...You mean that’s Artemis?”

“Mmhm!” Lulu said cheerfully. She took one of the toy’s paws and waved it. “Hi Lady Europa! I’m no fun at all, but I’m very cute!” she said in an imitation of Artemis’ voice. “Don’t worry, she’s still quite conscious and not in any discomfort.”

“...I see.” Europa rubbed her forehead, as if a sudden headache were coming on. “...About how long will this last?”

“Until I turn her back. Or about 24 hours from when I changed her. Whichever comes first.” Lulu said with a shrug, before offering the plushie to Europa. “Why don’t you take her to bed tonight? I’m sure she’d prefer it to staying in the library all alone.”

Europa seemed a bit conflicted… but looking at the little pouty fox face on the plush, she decided not to pursue it. “...Well, you’re not wrong, she is very cute like this.” Europa said, taking the toy and hugging it to her chest. “I’ll have her properly apologize for not trusting you to do your job tomorrow. But you will have to apologize for overreacting as well, understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Lulu said automatically. “...Ok, yeah, I might have gotten a bit too annoyed…”

“As long as you understand what you did was wrong. Goodnight, Lulu.” Europa turned and left, tails swishing behind her in a way that Lulu felt meant she was quite pleased, words aside.

Europa would head to bed soon after, settling in with Artemis in her arms. She drifted right off to sleep, faster than she would have expected normally, and went to her dreams holding the plush fox close to her chest.

That night, Artemis had the… unique, experience, of being cuddled like a stuffed animal in her Mistress’ bed. It was not at all unpleasant, to say the least - in fact it was very enjoyable, being hugged and cuddled like that, and being so close to Europa’s warm body… not that Artemis would ever admit so to Lulu.


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