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I studied So. Many. Butts, you guys.

Right, so, what are you looking here? Well, it's the Inks and Flats for Page 16, and then a bunch of show-and-tell of all the work I did for that ONE single BUTT PANEL. The thing is when I penciled it before, I'd sort of leaned heavily on the previous butt (on page 15), and figured I'd just match a few things and call it good, but when I started to ink it, and the more I worked it, the more it looked off-model and weirdsies. There wasn't enough... buttock, and hip, and taint, and ball-drop, and then the weird perspective and... ugh. I redrew it maybe 3? 4 times? Each time it got better, so I just kept going.

Truth be told, I'm still not perfectly happy with it. It might not overlay as well as I'd wanted, and the press doesn't feel as squashed-in as before. BUT. At some point, you gotta call it good-enough and move on!

Anyway, I wanted to show you all that process, show you what I was getting stuck on; I was looking at a lot of refrence and drew a lot of butts. Untill I found things that felt right and fit enough with what I wanted that butt to look like. 

I hope you've all been keeping well? My December has been so flipping busy; this is my first real weekend in 3 weeks(?), just too much IRL-work crunch as the year ends.
I'm really looking forward to finishing this page in the next week or so, then I might take a week off while I think up layouts for the next few pages: I can't wait for it, you guys. I want to see that snoot all up on that junk!

Sending you all<3's I might be a bit slow to reply tonight, and might save it for tomorrow =) Gotta go put a few hours into 1899 (and still have to finish watching Andor!)


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(An up-to-date index of all the chapter and Patreon page links!)




Just dropping in here to say wow! This is all phenomenal work. I'm honestly not even into this kink but I am totally here for the quality of writing, depth of character, and attention to detail you're putting into this Ama! Like, look at all those butts! You could have just settled on a butt earlier but your pursuit of perfection brought you here, and you're killing it. What you're doing is making this kink more accessible to everyone, and maybe even helping people learn a thing or two. Thanks and keep crushing it


Oh gosh, what a lovely comment to get - thank you so much Adrenaline. Really does mean the world to me to hear that sort of support. I wanna be making you all the finest of cucking comics =D


Step by step, day by day~