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Getting my pencils in, just hours before the end of the month =D

Thanksgiving got in the way - goooo figure - who'd have guessed right? But finally back to work for a few weeks before I get to take a week off in December! 

This page has a TON of studies in the gutter zone, as I just kept tweaking things and messing with the specifics and the setup. Also trying to get the butt to look tasty took work! So I really put in the hours and made sure to really look at a bunch of butts. The things I do for you guys ;D

I think a lot about Owens Butt... and well, I hope the butt isn't TOO human looking; that's been really tough balancing act for me; and I sort of flip between drawing it on zoop-model and drawing it all muscley and a bit human, depending on what I'm trying to show. I hope it's not jarring and isn't something that pulls attention. But, well, I'm a fan of a good muscley butt =/

The parts I'm most excited about so far? The sort of play in perspective on both of the major panels. I think it's really fun to have this whip-lash camera go from Nick's face to the focus of his attention and have these layered foreground-background elements. It could even be kinda cool to animate and have the different layers parallax as the camera whips. 

Looking forward to making more progress on this! Hope you all dig it so far amigos.


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