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Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you an update on the state of things and sort of give a prior warning in some ways. This post is likely going to get quite lengthy (apologies about that!), but is very relevant to the future of the project. 

So, there will be an update tomorrow for patreons. This will contain some of the work I've been doing recently, extended progression for characters and the new game mechanics and trying to tie all that in together.

Here is where the warning comes in: I do not like what I have done / changed. I thought the mechanics I have built would help prop up the idea of corruption and making the game feel shorter (in terms of "grind"). The problem is I believe its had the opposite effect! And the mechanics I've added, though fun to develop, I don't feel like they facilitate the game in the way I wanted it to. 

This has kind of had an impact on my confidence in terms game development. It it has left me doubting what I actually want to see from this game. And doubted whether I "have what it takes" to make it enjoyable.

After a lot of negative thoughts, I started to revealuate things and bringing myself back up to a "neutral" level. I started to think about what my strengths and weaknesses are as a game dev. It's good to reflect for sure and get focus.

With that I came to conclusion that my strengths are definitely in story building, character progression and having a sense of what (I think) people will like to see in terms of sexual content and specific characters (while also maintaining what I like as well!) 

My weaknesses are usually always around game mechanics. Often times I make mechanics thinking people will enjoy them or they will help facilitate story telling, but often times they fall flat and end up feel "grindy" and something to avoid / cheat rather than actually play. 

So I know you're probably wondering now... "What the hell are you rambling about!?"

Basically this is my way of saying I'm going back to the drawing board (again) on this. I have to be happy with the game to work on it to a good standard that you guys will also enjoy! I don't take this decision lightly, but I have been thinking about this for quite a while.

My plan going forward is to strip things back to basics a bit. Keep the focus on the story / character progression. I'm going to start by making things more like my other project, The Solarion Project. Very similar to a VN that I can later build mechanics on that doesn't require massive reworking. 

The artwork for this game is so wonderful (see example below!) and I think you will enjoy the diverse set of characters we have (and will have) in the game! So I want to make sure it's an enjoyable experience for as many people as possible.

What comes next?

So I'd expect massive changes again in the game for the next build (as I say possibly something closer to The Solarion Project in terms of gameplay). Though I still want to keep the corruption skills / progression idea I had (you'll see that tomorrow) in some manner.  I still want to keep corruption having an impact upon the city too as I liked that idea.

My main focus will be catching up on the work that is missing so the next build will be a biggie in terms of content. So it will be the Marina (sorceress librarian), Lucille and Titania getting their update in the next build. (Lots to look forward to!) I

And in the future I can start working out the details for game mechanics that you guys will enjoy and that I will also enjoy creating for. 

A lot of info here, sorry about the rant!

Please, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this both now and after you have had a chance to play the release. 

I'll keep you updated, this might be an all nighter for me to make sure it's ready for tomorrow!

 - Nergal

I wish when I crash out tonight it could be next to a hot elf priestess like Lucille!


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