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With the slow transition from publishing as an individual, to publishing as an Indie Studio, I've decided to spread awareness of IF THEN ELSE Interactive Fiction through a crazy early bird special.

This one isn't for everyone, but if you are a game developer yourself, you might want to continue reading!

As a special thank you to our loyal patrons, everyone on the Commander+ tier will gain FREE access to $XXX worth of character assets, created by the very talented Anna, from now until the end of March 2023.

Additionally, if you sign up for the IF THEN ELSE Interactive Fiction Patron before the end of March, you'll lock in 40% discount for Life! That's $XXX+ worth of character assets, every month, for just $15.

(EDIT: After talking to some of you, I've slashed all the ITE prices by 50%)

If you've always wanted to create your own visual novels, but never had the art, we've got you covered with a ton of free portraits that you can use in your game jams!

What does this mean for Infinite Stars?

Nothing is changing except for the name of the publisher. The same team will continue to work on the project under the same leadership.

Why make the change?

To scale. I've been a self-employed entrepreneur almost my whole life, and I take business serious. Infinite Stars started out as a hobby, and has been validated as something worth doing right. By creating IF THEN ELSE Interactive Fiction, it allows Infinite Stars (and other projects) to have the loving home it deserves.

Does this mean we'll see more of Draegan Herald?


Will you be less involved in Infinite Stars going forward?

Not at all. As Infinite Stars and IF THEN ELSE continues to generate more revenue, I'll be justified to spend more of my time on the project. I've been juggling multiple projects (including Draegan Herald) for a long time, and there shouldn't be any major changes in my day-to-day workflow.

What of my Patronage? How will that be effected?

The Infinite Stars Patreon will remain as is, as will the Draegan Herald one. If anything, this will allow me to create more cross promotion, while adding more cool Patron Rewards like the free assets!

Does this mean you'll have a full-time team to speed up development?

Not yet. Not entirely. We have entered into part-time agreements with several team members (like Anna) that will continue yielding results, and as our revenue grows, we'll be able to shift some of them to full-time down the line. I'm also hesitant to expand too fast with our little one on the way, and will be ring-fencing some of my income. Ultimately it will depend on the generous support of our Patrons, but I'm in this for the long haul!



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