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Continuing with our efforts from last week, here is the latest itchio results.

It's been continuing pretty steadily. You'll notice the spike in traffic and downloads on Wednesday. This was caused by the lovely ladies from Andromeda 6 retweeting one of our "Go Download the Game" tweets. Normally Twitter views aren't worth much, as while it might garner tons of likes, it seldom converts to traffic, except when Andromeda 6 RT's us, then it's almost guaranteed clicks.

We also had a sale on Friday (for $1), that originated from someone browsing to the game on itchio.

The marketing efforts seem to be paying off. We've consistently at least doubled our daily views and downloads. If you have any suggestions (or want to retweet or share our posts to help with the reach) you are more than welcome to reach out!

I'll share some more marketing stuff next week again, and will look into doing a larger, "month in review" post in early April.



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