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As some of you might have noticed, we've really been ramping up our engagement and marketing efforts. This is being juggled with the ongoing development of Episode 3, and my day job that funds the majority of the development costs.

We previously mentioned a potential release date in February, and while it is technically possible to push the update in its current state, we decided to rather postpone and implement more features as we originally envisioned for Episode 3.

We've been working on, and planning tons of exciting stuff including allowing players to navigate around the ship and the various sectors (this code will later be reused to allow players to pilot the Tabitha, deciding which systems to visit etc. Woooo!)

Another thing I'm quite excited about is the minor flavor changes that impact how your character experiences the world, influenced by the choices you make. We showed an example earlier this week, but I look forward to sharing more soon!

Most of the week was spent on implementing our new marketing and engagement schedule, BUT we still managed to get some work done on Episode 3.

  • Continued working on the story for Episode 3.
  • Started creating and recording relationship variables for Episode 3 (There are sooo many compared to the previous two episodes.)
  • Experimented with some new textboxes.
  • Finetuned the moving backgrounds for Episode 3.


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