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We haven't done one of these in a while, but it doesn't mean that we haven't been hard at work.

Before we continue, A very warm welcome to our latest patron, Admiral Chewie. We're excited to share our journey with you and all our other patrons!

Before we dive into the actual changelog for the dev version, here are some of the drafts for the backgrounds from Episode 2

Incidentally this is also the placeholder backgrounds were using while working on Episode 2

(Apologies for the greyscale)

On to what we've actually accomplished coding wise!

  • Added new character art - Lochem.
  • Added new character art - Raymond.
  • Added new character art - Kiaria.
  • Added new character art - Veera Armored.
  • Added memories of earth track.
  • Added personal quarters BG.
  • Added placeholder BG for: Corridor, Bridge, Medbay.
  • Added SFX for door to Episode 1 & 2.
  • Added CtC for Lahkhadia, Raymond, Lochem and Kiaria.
  • Implemented Veera's armor in Episode 1.
  • Replaced profanities with Mushkaraq equals.
  • Implemented new Drop Drone background.
  • Removed Ava from credits. (no longer using her artwork)
  • Added new Patrons to credits.
  • Add packing scene BG for Drop Drone.
  • Added Story content for episode 2. (9of12 scenes done)
  • Added pauses for content added thus far.
  • Added facial expressions for content added thus far.

There is still a bit more work to be done, but the most of it is behind us!


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