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Ive been working on this for waaaay too long lol
It was fun adding things here and there but at one point it got a little too much.

This can actually end at many points in the animation. Too many ideas I guess ha.
Ive been working on this for too long so im finding little faults everywhere and i dont want to look at it anymore >_> but here ya go

Mega VI

Also I havnt looked at it since, so if there is a obvious error pls tell me :0



Mr. Clean

lol the ending


lol so chaotic! I love it!


Glad to see it done. Turned out really good.


I honestly had no idea what to expect, but this met and exceeded expectations. Seriously amazing! :)


Yikes, that was much longer than anticipated. Love how it all came out. The animation of Batgirl forcing her way out of Harley was unreasonably impressive. Thank you for the putting the time you did into this animation.

Patreon Throwaway

You animate some of the best swallows and struggles in the game. This turned out great, some of your best work


Fantastic as always, only thing that might(?) be an error is that instead of being muffled when fully in the mouth/stomach/etc the victims sound like they're still outside their devourer. This is most noticeable when Harley is swallowing Batgirl but she sounds like she's still outside and not in her throat. I only bring this up because your animations with sound usually do take that into account and muffle voices accordingly. I wouldn't know if that's an intentional choice or not for this specific animation, you might've decided it too much a hassle this time. On a visual level though it's perfect.


I hate the transfer quota stuff on mega now

shimao zhang

I feel a little regretful that I didn't see her digested at last. I think she will have a great harvest (chuckling)


Hmm weird I used the same settings as usual. Maybe its because i didnt mess with the volume as much this time.


Really? :o it was one of those ill just add this in type thing for me xD I'm glad you liked it


Ya i didnt know how to end it (kinda) You can end the video on several spots to get the desired effect. Hmmm... i see what you mean though


This was amazing, on par with the original work that caused me to seek you out! Thank you!