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Cant think of a good name.... anyways I forgot to post on Wednesday. Well the animation is done and I'm currently working on audio. While I think the flow is a bit off on some parts - mainly due to me starting off as stills and then deciding to animate it. While I would like to post the soundless version, there is a lot of voice lines i ended up using so just having audio-less preview would be a bit much. I ended up liking working on all of it and getting excited, but I started to get that whole "not good enough" thing from working on it for too long lol. Imma just gonna stop and see if you guys like it as is. I keep flipping back of forth on the voicelines but whaaaatever >_>

I decided to show off the middle part. The only thing in there is the voice lines so its not the final product.

Its the small things that bug me :0

This is the first thing i animated when i announced this project and prolly my favorite part so if youre not into those spoilers haha avoid





Looking good so far.


besides lack of anticipation between slaps, I was really impressed with the lip sync and the body language. I'm always impressed by an artists who challenges themselves in each project.