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What do I need to get you guys to check out Exorcist 3?


Easy Nathan, Request it.. as a Senior/Headmaster or Bestie Tier👍.


I'm so happy you guys watched the Exorcist, it's definitely one of my favorite films of all time. I was too young when I first saw it, couldn't sleep for a week after I was so scared :D Also kind of glad yous didn't watch the "Exorcist: Version you've never seen" as it adds a lot of nightmare footage to an already scary film. When it comes to Father Merrin, I think he suffered from a heart condition for which he took nitroglycerine pills. The stress of having to face the demon again and the cold temperature of the room combined made his heart give out, I assume. And thank God (and a lot of scientists :) medicine has come a long way in the last 50 years with MRIs and CT scans, healthcare in the 70s was no joke. I used to get a lot of ear infections as a kid (I was born in 1977) and the doctors would poke a needle through my eardrums (without anesthesia) and use a pump to drain the infection in my ears because at that time they apparently felt that punctured eardrums were better than give children antibiotics every time they get an ear infection. It probably didn't affect my hearing too much later in life but sure left a bunch of psychological trauma lol