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One Piece Episode 265:

One Piece Episode 266:




Ok all caught up with One piece. lets do some Q/A For episodes 261 - 266 Sanji's kick based fighting style Sanji has pointed out before that a chefs hands are there lives, and to precious to risk injury by fighting. Last OP episode count? From ep.207 - 263. A total of 57 episodes. The previous OP has been with us since the introduction of Splithead(Foxy) Current OP? The current OP will only run from ep.264 - 278, a mere 15 episodes. This is because of a number of recap episodes, which spans episode 279 - 283 (5 episodes) were given their own OP. These recap episodes simply refresh your memory about each Straw hats own personal stories. They can be safely skipped. The current OP has some spoilers that go beyond the OPs run. So if you want to avoid ALL spoilers, you cannot watch the OP until ep.293. Guard shifts on Enies Lobby? I think that they probably use shifts for the guards. However that means there are plenty of guards who are sleeping at any point during the day, and because Spanda is a panicky loser, he wants everyone working to stop Luffy and friends.


Robin & the ancient weapon Pluton? Here is what you (should) know so far. Pluton is 1 of 3 ancient weapons active during the void century. The others are Poseidon and Uranus. Dated some 800 years ago, the void century was so perilous, that records from that era are all but lost. Only the Poneglyphs hold any remaining info about that lost history, which only some can read.(Robin, and apparently Gold Roger.) Pluton was a great warship built in Water 7, a terrible and unstoppable weapon. It is claimed to be capable of mass destruction, destroying a whole island in 1 shot. Pluton is presumed to have survived to this day, lost somewhere out in the world along with the other 2 weapons. Crocodile caused the Alabasta revolution to coverup his attempt to find Pluton for himself. He believed that Pluton resided somewhere in Alabasta, its location detailed on the Poneglyph guarded by Vivis family. Franky, like Tom and Iceburg before him, has possession of the original blueprint used to create Pluton. The blueprint has been passed down through the ages as a countermeasure. Should anyone find the first Pluton, only another Pluton could hope to match it. This is the core of the issue Tom and Iceburg had with Robin, they are aware of what her research could cause. Spanda, the idiot from Franky's backstory, learned of the orginal blueprints and desires them for himself. Robin had her bounty placed on her apparently because she is capable of reading Ponyglyphs, not because she sank several marine ships, as was publicly claimed. The argument that Lucci claimed as an excuse for Robins capture, is that because Robin is simply capable of finding Pluton (the sleeping devil) she is a danger to the whole world. Robins life is therefore a sin in the eyes of the government, and so they can do to her as they please, for the "GREATER GOOD".