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Naruto Shippuden Episode 205:

Naruto Shippuden Episode 206:



Sarah بيرى

Oh also will you make a video reading the comments you receive to make a review/exchange? I think you did that before I remember before starting an episode it was cool! I like your reviews in general hehe


I skipped over a significant chunk of content to catch up because I have a lot to say about these two episodes. First, I think the infinite tsukuyomi is such a compelling concept. It is such a tempting idea. A world where everyone lives their lives free of death, pain and sadness. And you don’t even have to screw over the people you don’t like to do it because everyone has their own individual fantasies. And that’s what makes it such an evil plan. It sounds perfect but it’s a monkey’s paw. It takes away our free will. It takes away our ability to self improvement. It takes away our ability to create a new generation. It takes away everything that gives our lives before death meaning. It’s basically hell disguised as heaven and I love it narratively. Second, As a Sakura apologists I just have to say thank you for that analysis. 206 is the hardest episode for me to watch reactions to. Not because of the material itself, though I will admit that is a factor, it is because so many peoples take away from the episode is: wow Sakura is an idiot or wow kishimoto doesn’t know how to write women(just ignore Temari, tsunade, and that universally acknowledged really well written character that is coming up that I can’t talk about yet. They are probably just the exception to the rule I guess.) or wow Sakura is a trash character. I especially liked when you brought up the fact that she is a teenager because I have heard the argument that well she is a shinobi/soldier she should be trained to act better than this. As if that changes her ability to have strong emotions about this very personal topic. To be clear I am not endorsing her behavior. Nor am I even saying I don’t have criticisms with how the scene itself was handled from a narrative point of view. I just hate it when people chalk up irrational decisions as bad writing. I don’t want to shove my opinion down anybody's throat. This topic is just very personal to me so it just really grinds my gears when people either make fun of, or worse misconstrue, this kind of stuff. I will also say this entire part is objectively Sakura’s lowest point in the entire series so if you come out of it with your respect for her intact then you should be good going forward. If that is the case I will be very happy.