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We have some quality of life features in this prototype update.

Local Multiplayer Lobby

We've upgraded the Local Battle menu to make it easier to set up your input device via a button press on the gamepad or keyboard. This makes it easier to ensure that everyone who is playing has their input set up correctly before the match starts.

Post Match menu

There is now a menu once the final kill has ended the match. Here you can restart or return to the menu, or even better, jump right into a replay of the match you just had. This also means no more press 'P' to restart or 'M' to return to the menu. Hooray!

Also, the freeze that happens for a few seconds once the match ends has been fixed. This freeze was due to the replay being saved to a file as soon as the match ends. While the replays are still saved in the same manner, the process is now threaded to avoid freezing the game.

There are a number of other small additions and tweaks. The warrior will now flash red while he is vulnerable to being kill (as state we call in peril). There's also visual and audio effects when the warrior enters the peril state. Other changes are listed in the changelog below.

Once again, thanks for the support!

Erik, Andy and Rob

Full Changelog

  • New feature: local multiplayer lobby. To join a multiplayer match, players can now press a button on their gamepad (or Shift on the keyboard). Previously, player input devices were assigned manually via a dropdown. 
  • Added a post match menu that appears after a game is over, allowing the player to exit to the menu, restart the match or watch the replay. 
  • When the Warrior is in peril (i.e., the next hit will kill them), they will flash red in addition to limping. 
  • Impacts that cause the Warrior to enter peril spawn a visual and audio effect. Developer's note: this effect (and the above flashing) are designed to make it much more clear to both players when the next hit will kill the Warrior.
  • UI sliders have much larger hitboxes, making them easier to select in VR. 
  • Projectiles thrown at the Warrior while they are riding the rocket now have aim assist applied. 
  • All levels now contain a light, ambient wind sound. 
  • The game will no longer freeze at the end of a match. Developer's note: this freeze was due to the replay being saved to a file—while the replays are still saved in the same manner, the process is now threaded to avoid freezing the game.
  • When the VR headset is far away from the in-game Giant's head (due to the head being cause behind an object), the head will be display transparently to the VR player. 
  • Disc of Death has been slightly tweaked.


2020-11-24 10-39-54

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Why does the cannon curve away from the giants head?