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Last night was a tough night with dealing with all of the accusations from everyone on YouTube. I need a good laugh, so I watch Simpsons on my new ultra HD 4K laser projector. But instead of being a dick to everyone else here at the campground, I used my Bluetooth headphones for audio instead. It doesn’t take much to be a decent human being. But these days it’s just expected that you get to do whatever you want and people have to accept it. If you even think about complaining about someone being disrespectful, you’re racist… I will never understand the world we live in. Things have changed and it’s gotten so ugly. There is way too much ugliness in the world. That’s why I like to keep to myself mostly.



Joanne Winters

Eric did you have your head shaved it sure looks like it If you did they profiled you for a white supremacist

Steve Marshall

The world has become insane. Hopefully this nonsense will blow over.

Kathy McMahon

I will just amen everything everybody else said the world has just lost its collective mind…anybody remember Thumper? If you ain’t got nothing nice to say don’t say nothing at all!

A. Booth

I totally agree. And I saw your original video. There was nothing racist in it. This world is very messed up.

Deborah Harmse

I agree with Joanne—Assholes make so much more noise. Gotta learn how to ignore them. (Takes time, I know. I’ve got about 30:years more practice. You’ll get there. Hope it’s sooner…) ❤️


First off - I totally agree with you Erik. Social media is a cruel space. Yet know that there are lots of really good people out there that really enjoy the content you put out. I’ve followed you for several years and you’re like one of the family as we enjoy following your adventures around the US! Keep the faith, and ignore the haters (I know that’s easier said than done). On a less heavier note, I have to ask you what brand/model 4K projector you got. I’m looking for a portable set-up for our RV so brightness, external speaker connectivity, etc are features that probably drove to your latest purchase decision. Safe travels my friend!

Jerry C (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-18 01:57:31 Keep up your travels and enjoyments in life, don't let others get you down. There are millions on the internet just waiting for a chance to push their [woke/liberal/underdog/oppressed/racist/gender/anti-Semitic/pro-terrorist/whatever] agenda on others at every opportunity. These highly critical and dogmatic people will always exist, are in the largest quantities ever, but it doesn't man a single one of them gets to shove their opinion of modern society in a free country down others' throats. The entitled will be the undoing of modern American if we don't right the course soon.
2023-11-18 01:14:51 Keep up your travels and enjoyments in life, don't let others get you down. There are millions on the internet just waiting for a chance to push their [woke/liberal/underdog/oppressed/racist/gender/anti-Semitic/pro-terrorist/whatever] agenda on others at every opportunity. These highly critical and dogmatic people will always exist, are in the largest quantities ever, but it doesn't mean a single one of them gets to shove their opinion of modern society in a free country down others' throats. The entitled will be the undoing of modern American if we don't right the course soon.

Keep up your travels and enjoyments in life, don't let others get you down. There are millions on the internet just waiting for a chance to push their [woke/liberal/underdog/oppressed/racist/gender/anti-Semitic/pro-terrorist/whatever] agenda on others at every opportunity. These highly critical and dogmatic people will always exist, are in the largest quantities ever, but it doesn't mean a single one of them gets to shove their opinion of modern society in a free country down others' throats. The entitled will be the undoing of modern American if we don't right the course soon.