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Yes, I'd uploaded a video this afternoon, then turned off comments, then removed the video entirely. Sometimes, as a creator, we get completely surprised by the comments and the accusations that arise out of nowhere. Sometimes, just the poorly educated people post random hate that gets HUNDREDS of support when it doesn't even align with the video or the facts of the video. I'm being called "racist" for showing what the Hispanics did to me, and for the LIE told by the Native Americans for me to leave their drum circle (when they had no authority to do so) I stated FACTS. I shared my exact experiences and showed the chaos that ensued from the FACTS of how I was treated by two different races of people. I am not "racist" for sharing the facts. I never said "all hispanics" or "all native americans".... I said "These Hispanics". I said "these native americans".... and so forth. The world is blind to racisism and now EVERY time you even mention A RACE, it's automatically racisim. I'm baffled. I'm confused. I can't even IDENTIFY a group by their race and share my encounter becuase it's apparently "racist" to identify someone. I give up guys. I'm re-editing the video to air later tonight. I'm so over this world. 


Kent Kunzler

As soon as you mention anything about race in general, someone will take it the wrong way and bitch about it. Not much you can do about it.

Brian Sharp

race is irrelevant, there are only good people and bad people. you encountered some bad hate filled people... karma is a bitch , they will get what they deserve......don't give 2 shyts about the comments or the assssshooooles. We love you man. we all know you aren't racist. keep moving forward and just throw that day and those people in the dustbin of time.


Eric, I am a long time subscriber. I have never, ever seen anything from you that is remotely offensive or racist. You are a kind, caring and honest person. How anyone could make those cruel comments to you is beyond me. I joined your Patreon page today to show you my further appreciation and support. I put my money where my mouth is. If I could give you more right now, I would. Maybe after Christmas. My husband and I love your content and watch every video. Please try not to take any of those ridiculous comments to heart. We don’t know you, but we know you…you are a good human. A far cut above the belly crawling cowards who attack you from behind their computer screens. Give Opie and Tara tummy rubs from us! Your fans, Henry and Jani Z. 🥰

Matt Buchanan

Why even mention their race at all? No reason to bring it up unless you are trying to make an issue with it. If someone is being a jerk they are a jerk. When you say "Hispanic jerk" then you are making it about race.

Jerry C

It's really difficult in our modern American society as a Caucasian to point out racial differences, as we are called racist all too often when trying to point out non-white racism towards whites. I think there is a war on white men in this country, and its every other gender and color that is waging that war. Don't give up, keep to your values, but sometimes it is better to keep our mouth closed, as you witnessed.