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They did all their diagnosing and tried to get me back on the road but they told me there’s still an electrical problem going on with my RV. So far the needle on the dash is staying put so I’m going to risk it.



Josh C

Get'er done!


Hope you have a jump starter unit. Bet you’re going to need it.


That battery tested good.

Joanne Winters

God bless you and keep you in his care always please keep in touch let us know you're okay take care Eric I'm so sorry all this BS is happening


Good Luck Eric, I hope it's not a wire or wires chewed somewhere.


So sorry. Praying for you. Keep us posted!


Just don’t turn it off 🤞🙏

Kent Kunzler

Hope the rats did not chew something

Joanne Winters

Hopefully you made it there safely

Nicholas Ervin

That's exactly what I was thinking about.... I feel like Eric spoke too soon the other day. 😔

Deborah Harmse

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Jeremy lappper

Interesting. The receipt just says normal. I wonder what on there tells them there’s a issue.


Defective alternator, diode ripple means bad diode(s) in alternator. Not charging battery enough.

Marie McAllister

Hopefully it’s not rat damage you can’t see.