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What the kittys think?

Joanne Winters

He's been fed and everything he feels all the love from you he feels safe and now he's crashed happy and content Give Opie and Tara sometime of course they're going to hiss at him they don't want him in the house he's an invader they are only children just show them a lot of extra love and include them as much as you can with the puppy you know what to do Eric please take care I'm so happy for you it's so wonderful to see you happy you deserve it

Josh C

Little floppies!

Mary Brown

They sleep a lot but not all night long yet. Gonna be fun!

Marie McAllister

That's what you call a cat nap. Boy when he wakes up.

Mysterious Cat

Even I, a dog hating cat, am liking this hound.

Ron And Mendy J

I LOVE THAT PUPPY!! He is so cool. I can’t wait to see him grow and learn so many tricks.

Teresa Calvert

OMG🐶I can't get enough🥰🥰🥰🥰

Debbie T

It will probably take about a week. Maybe sneaking up to sniff him while he’s sleeping.

Debbie T

He’s really cool Eric!