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How is he with the cats?

Joanne Winters

He is so precious where's the piddle pads if he doesn't want to be on them just have them close by he's probably used to being on the ground instead of on a soft bed he'll get used to it he'll like it he's just has a whole new world now for the rest of his life Eric he is precious how is Opie and Tara taking it they might be extremely jealous or they might be mad at you that's all normal you know that just give him time they're going to love him

Josh C

Gonna have to take him out to pee a lot until he figures it out. You got this lol

Wayne Bradish

If it's warm at all out he might just be enjoying the cool floor. Or it's just what he's used to. He may get used to the softer surface over time. Enjoy, have fun with him.

A. Booth

Awww. I don't blame you! I fake squeezed my puppy a hole lot when she was little. Though she is 8 now I still do it once in a while. She does not love it but she tolerates it. 😆


New daddy pictures lol Love it.

Steve Davis

It will take him a bit to learn his new home. We have had are new pup sence January and she is still learning us and us too. She has her corkes. Kind of think she might have been mean to. She doesn't like men at all and water hoses. So not sure. But she is sweet to me now and the wifes buddy and shes not a pet person. Lol. She is getting there slowly. He will learn quickly i bet. Cutie for sure. 🐕

Josh C

You got editing to do to show us his first meeting with those putz with butz!


He'll be testing out everything for sure.

Marie McAllister

That's because of the temperature and laying on the floor is cooling his body down. A dog's temperature is higher than ours so the heat affects them differently and faster.

Nomadic Fanatic

I got some. But I don't think we're doing crate overnight. I'm going to try to get 6 hours of sleep in bed

Joanne Winters

You know he might not go 6 hours he probably will want to go about every two or three just depends and if you're going to have him in bed you definitely want the pee pads also I said the pee pads because in the middle of the night if you hear coyotes or something outside you don't want to bring them out there so you have the pee pads so he can go on them so he learns at least that's where to go when he's in the house I am a voice of experience I am the cat lady but I have had some dogs in my time in fact right now I have somebody's little guy I don't know how this happened but it's going to happen for the next month if you're going to put him up in the bed with you and he's not in the crate make sure you have a pee pad under you because what a mess there will be in your bed otherwise but I understand what you're doing sounds great if it can happen he seems like a mellow little puppy so let's hope it all works out how are the kitties doing hopefully they're starting to get a little used to him

Teresa Calvert

Ok the floors cooler dad🐶🐶🐶🐶❤️

Debbie T

My pup enjoys laying in the doorway with his back ½ on the kitchen tile and his front ½ on the living room rug 😂🐕🥰