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48 hours to go!!! 🐶


Debbie T

Yeah 🙌🙌🐾🐾


Can't wait!

Debbie T

Awesome set ups. You’re a great dog dad too 🥰

amber durand

Yea!!! I recommend no bedding in the crate until you find out if he is a chewer. You don’t want them to chew on it and get a blockage. Remy has no bed in his kennel but has a bed he travels on

A. Booth

Yay looks lookin good!


Oh my gosh, the clock is ticking for Tig!

Joanne Winters

I am so excited for you I think you're all going to be so happy together t i g is coming into such a loving home and now you will get the loving dad Kitty dad and loving dad doggy dad puppy dad for now award thanks for sharing Eric this is so special

stanley thomas

Is kitty trying to lay claim

Deborah Harmse

Looks like you’ve got it covered. Love the restricted/contained area. You are way ahead of the curve for newbie dog owners. Just remember: take Tig out for a potty break every two hours AND after a meal or a playtime. Every time. Without fail. This is a full time job for a couple of weeks, or until he’s reliable. Try very hard not to give him an opportunity to have an accident. The longer he goes only experiencing bathroom breaks outside, the less likely he will be to think it’s appropriate to go inside. And try to designate a “bathroom” area outside where he goes every time—when he poops, pick it up and put it where you want him to go so he recognizes the “bathroom“ spot. Then carry him to that spot every time. Do not let him choose his spot. He’ll make the entire property his bathroom. No good. (I was paid $25 an hour in the 70s to train dogs/owners…you get this advice for frre❤️) Can’t wait to see Tg’s homecoming.

Marie McAllister

OK 1st things 1st we need to get a release signed that he agrees to be on YouTube.🤣🤣

Mary Brown

Yay! You’re gonna be a great Dog Dad, and the kitties will adjust……..we hope🤞🤞🤞

Ron And Mendy J

Make sure you have LOTS of teething toys Tig he is going to be such a great companion.


So excited for you Eric :)

Laina McGuire

Good idea with the baby gate!

Teresa Calvert

Oh I can't wait to see the puppy!❤️❤️❤️

Carole Rotella

So excited for you and Tig!!