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You wouldn’t know it by this picture, but kitties are not allowed on the counter in the RV… Obviously, I’m a push over and they laugh at my crazy rules…



A. Booth

Lol! My cats always did the same thing.

Michele Haddock

A strip of aluminum foil over the stove…they dont like the sound and texture.

Joanne Winters

They go where they want at night or when you're not there I'm sure they're on your stove and that whole area it's just how cats are you try and try to train them but they only do what they want to do maybe the humor you once in a while


Bad kitties 🐱 ❤️🐱


They are still training YOU!


My daughter cats do the same thing but on her book shelf they love getting on them and knocking off her things.


Opie has the "Oh no I've been caught" look, while Tara is calm thinking " I can jump off before you can reach me" 😄

Deborah Harmse

My cat jumps of the counter as soon as I yell her name, so she obviously knows the kitchen counter is a no-no. What a brat.

Marie McAllister

Pray tell . Every cat owners low point. How do you yell at them with those eyes 🤣🤣