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Author's Notes: Took a long time, but pretty lengthy! I don't know how I feel about this exactly, it seems maybe cluttered, but I dunno. Up to you guys!

As far as lore, this isn't meant to be explicitly lore-friendly. It's a kind of mashup of MK9 and MKX and yadda yadda and just... take it for what it is. Consider it the Lexi MK Universe.


Mileena mostly uses her MK9 outfit, but with her MKX face.

Sonya uses this skin.

Sheeva's just Sheeva.

[futa/futa/futa] [doublecock] [anal/dap/tap] [blowjob/double bj] [titfucking/double titfuck] [frotting kinda]


‭‭‭‭“‬I have returned.‭” ‬The distinctive,‭ ‬challenging rasp of Mileena’s voice heralded her arrival,‭ ‬hips swaying slowly from side to side as she strode up to the elaborate throne upon which Shang Tsung‭ ‬--‭ ‬her creator and,‭ ‬for the time being,‭ ‬her master‭ ‬--‭ ‬sat.‭ ‬Despite the casual nature of her gait,‭ ‬the violet-clad assassin carried behind her a captive,‭ ‬half-conscious and struggling to hold her head up as she was dragged by the back of her vest.‭ “‬Did you miss me‭?”

The old man upon the throne merely scowled,‭ ‬his withered cheeks tightening against his face as his grimace deepened.‭ ‬Without rising from his seat,‭ ‬Shang Tsung’s sinister,‭ ‬pupilless eyes narrowed‭ ‬--‭ ‬and he greeted his creation with only a question.‭ “‬I commanded you to return with Kitana’s head.‭ ‬Did you not bring it‭? ‬Or did your...‭ ‬appetite,‭ ‬get the better of you‭?”

Beneath the dark purple mask that covered the majority of her face,‭ ‬Mileena’s thick,‭ ‬sharp fangs clenched together,‭ ‬only the tightening of her jaw visible beneath the concealing fabric.‭ ‬Dropping the woman she was carrying to the ground at her side,‭ ‬the assassin lowered herself to one knee.‭ “‬It was nearly mine,‭ ‬my lord.‭ ‬Earthrealm warriors...‭ ‬intervened.‭” ‬Feral orange eyes tilted upward,‭ ‬back to the man on the throne.‭ “‬I captured one of them for questioning.‭ ‬The other fled within the belly of a bird of iron,‭ ‬while my sister escaped.‭”

“And you consider your performance to be...‭ ‬satisfactory‭?” ‬Shang Tsung growled back,‭ ‬fingertips drumming rhythmically upon the arm of his throne.‭ ‬Beside him,‭ ‬unbeckoned,‭ ‬the old sorcerer’s shokan bodyguard took her position,‭ ‬her arms‭ ‬--‭ ‬both pairs of them‭ ‬--‭ ‬folded across her chest.‭ ‬The half-dragon beast simply stood and glared,‭ ‬silent for the moment,‭ ‬but alert for instruction.

‭“‬Yes‭!” ‬Mileena snarled.‭ “‬With one Earthrealmer disposed off and the other fled,‭ ‬the hunt for Kitana may resume.‭ ‬This time...‭” ‬the failed clone’s feline eyes narrowed.‭ “‬This time,‭ ‬she shall not elude me.‭”

“I agree.‭” ‬Shang Tsung said simply,‭ ‬a twisted smile curling his withered lips.‭ “‬Perhaps proper punishment for your failure shall serve to better motivate you.‭ ‬Sheeva--‭” ‬the old man waved one hand towards the shokan by his side.‭ “‬See that Mileena is imprisoned along with her Earthrealm captive.‭ ‬I’m sure the two will have much to discuss.‭”

Four arms unfolded,‭ ‬hands know clasped together to crack and align her knuckles,‭ ‬and Sheeva stepped forward from beside her master.‭ ‬Her stance widened as she interposed herself between Shang Tsung and the half-tarkatan,‭ ‬preparing herself for what she knew was to come.‭ “‬Shall you make this easy,‭ ‬then‭? ‬Or must Shao Kahn’s dog first be whipped before it is kenneled‭?”

Mileena’s eyes narrowed,‭ ‬her hands slowly reaching for the sai across her back as she stood up.‭ “‬So says the pet shokan that never strays far from her master’s si--‭ ‬eh‭?”

“Did you misplace these‭?” ‬Shang Tsung said,‭ ‬holding up one hand and summoning both sai,‭ ‬crossed and floating above his outstretched palm.‭ “‬Just because I must discipline you doesn’t mean I must underestimate you,‭ ‬Mileena.‭”

“Traitors,‭ ‬both of you‭!” ‬Mileena growled,‭ ‬drawing her hands away from the empty scabbards across her back and holding them up into a fighting position.‭ “‬I don’t need my blades to rip you apart‭!”

ROUND‭ ‬1‭ ‬-‭ ‬FIGHT‭!

Shokan and half-tarkatan rushed toward each other in a flurry of savage attacks,‭ ‬Mileena immediately taking the offensive with a barrage of kicks and swipes of her claws,‭ ‬setting the mohawked,‭ ‬four-armed titan on her heels,‭ ‬weaving her hands back and forth in desperate parries.‭ ‬While Mileena may have lacked the skill of the woman she was cloned from,‭ ‬she seemed to make up for it in sheer ferocity,‭ ‬continuing to press forward so wildly that it forced Sheeva to pivot,‭ ‬angling her backpedal to the side in order to avoid crashing into her observing master,‭ ‬Shang Tsung.‭ ‬It was during this pivot that Mileena drew first blood‭ ‬--‭ ‬a brutal cut with her claws across the shokan’s hip,‭ ‬drawing a howl of pain.

‭“‬Your arrogance betrays you,‭ ‬dragonling,‭” ‬Mileena purred,‭ ‬backing up a step to catch her breath.‭ “‬You may be strong,‭ ‬but are you as strong as an edenian‭?”

“You shall find out soon enough‭!” ‬Sheeva roared,‭ ‬leaping into the air and speeding back downward like a comet at the spot where the assassin stood,‭ ‬causing Mileena to backflip away for cover‭ ‬--‭ ‬though the impact of the shokan’s landing still sent Mileena sprawling,‭ ‬regathering herself before lunging forward once again.‭ ‬A wild blow to one side of the bodyguard’s skull,‭ ‬then another into her ribs,‭ ‬sent Sheeva staggering backwards once again,‭ ‬growling with pain and annoyance.

In retort,‭ ‬Shang Tsung’s personal jailer began to summon forth a ball of flame,‭ ‬doing her best to lock on to the frantic moving target that Mileena provided before casting it forth,‭ ‬finally finding the perfect instant when the cloned princess finally stopped dodging and attacking‭ ‬--‭ ‬and only noticing an instant too late that the reason for Mileena’s stillness was because a field of telekinetic energy had suddenly coiled around her,‭ ‬locking her into place and holding her fast.‭ ‬Energy not projeced by Sheeva herself.‭ ‬The fireball,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬struck true,‭ ‬blasting Mileena backwards and sending the savage experiment sprawling across the arena floor of Shang Tsung’s island fortress.

‭“‬Why did she--‭” ‬Sheeva began,‭ ‬then narrowed her eyes when she heard the smug chuckle of Shang Tsung behind her.‭ ‬Turning to face her master,‭ ‬the shokan’s proud glare betrayed her feelings even before she spoke.‭ “‬You interfered with our battle‭?”

“Mileena has enough tests ahead of her,‭” ‬the sorcerer replied simply.‭ “‬Save your honor for the arena.‭ ‬Now take her and the other to the dungeons...‭ ‬I’m sure they’ll have a wonderful time getting to know each other.‭”

“You--‭” ‬Sheeva began,‭ ‬gritting her teeth together before placing the palms of her lower hands against each other and bowing forward.‭ “‬Yes,‭ ‬my lord.‭” ‬Turning,‭ ‬she strode back towards the unconscious bodies of both Mileena and the Earthrealmer,‭ ‬lifting both by the neck and dragging them to the underworld of Shang Tsung’s island...‭ ‬to the dungeon where they would share a cell.


It was many hours later before Sonya Blade was jarred awake by the sound of a scream,‭ ‬a particularly shrill manifestation of the...‭ ‬interrogations,‭ ‬that so often took place in Shang Tsung’s private dungeons.‭ ‬Dark,‭ ‬stone walls around her,‭ ‬one single gate of thick iron bars in front.‭ ‬No clear escape route.‭ ‬Inventory‭; ‬needed to take inventory,‭ ‬find her gear‭ ‬--‭ ‬but a quick survey of her equipment revealed very little.‭ ‬Combat boots,‭ ‬leather pants,‭ ‬her dog tags,‭ ‬and lightweight black vest that covered little more than her back and sides,‭ ‬fastened in place just tightly enough so that her nipples weren’t quite visible.‭ ‬Utility belt was gone,‭ ‬as was her wristpiece.

‭“‬Fuck...‭” ‬the green beret grimaced.

‭“‬And here I’d been imagining a much bloodier way for us to spend our time together,‭” ‬came the raspy purr of the cell’s only other inhabitant,‭ ‬the sound and sudden movement causing Sonya to scoot quickly up against the wall,‭ ‬balling her hands into fists.‭ “‬But I suppose that would be a more rewarding pastime,‭ ‬wouldn’t it...‭?”

The skimpy,‭ ‬violet tabard and matching mask marked the other woman in the cell as a royal guard,‭ ‬a close approximation of the outfit that Kitana had been wearing when Sonya and Jax had dropped in to save her from a tarkatan attack.‭ ‬The woman with the sais‭ ‬--‭ ‬the woman who’d nearly killed Jax and knocked Sonya out,‭ ‬presumably dragging her here.‭ “‬You,‭” ‬Sonya hissed.‭ “‬What the‭ ‬fuck are you doing here‭?”

“Same as you,‭ ‬Earthrealmer,‭” ‬Mileena hissed back,‭ ‬reclining against the cell’s opposite wall.‭ “‬Rotting in a cell,‭ ‬betrayed by my creator.‭”

Sonya’s brow tensed,‭ ‬and she glanced back out to the corridor beyond.‭ ‬More glistening stone and tormented screams.‭ ‬Finally,‭ ‬she inhaled through her nose,‭ ‬looking back to the assassin.‭ “‬Why the same cell,‭ ‬then‭?”

“Shang Tsung thought it would be amusing for us to kill one another,‭” ‬Mileena confessed,‭ ‬swaying her booted foot from side to side as her cat-like orange eyes admired the human woman.‭ “‬I considered doing it many times while you slept.‭”

“Let me guess,‭ ‬some bullshit Outworld‭ ‘‬honor‭’? ‬You want to fight standing up‭?”

“You overestimate me in much the wrong way,‭” ‬Mileena replied with a husky chuckle.‭ “‬We share a goal‭ ‬--‭ ‬to escape unharmed‭ ‬--‭ ‬and as such are allies.‭ ‬That,‭ ‬and...‭” ‬the ninja let out a true purr now,‭ ‬her chest rumbling with the sound of pleasure and excitement as her feral eyes turned down to Sonya’s chest.‭ ‬So much of the mouth-watering gorge of flesh was exposed in that scandalous vest,‭ ‬even more than Mileena’s own battle-dress did.‭ “‬...I simply had too much fun watching you sleep.‭”

“Oh,‭ ‬don’t you dare tell me you--‭” ‬Sonya began,‭ ‬her voice already rising with an annoyance before her own eyes caught sight of something.‭ ‬Something rising beneath the strip of violet cloth that hung between Mileena’s perfect thighs,‭ ‬something forming a considerable tent.‭ “‬Oh.‭” ‬Blinking her eyes,‭ ‬the human looked up from the swath of fabric draped over that impressive tower of gently pulsing flesh,‭ ‬then up along Mileena’s body,‭ ‬her exposed stomach and cleavage,‭ ‬up to her predatory eyes and mostly-concealed face.‭ ‬Seeing the assassin in...‭ ‬something of a new light,‭ ‬forced to acknowledge an attraction to the tarkatan mutt that she’d never had time to entertain in the past.

‭“‬Does something you see interest you‭?” ‬Mileena grinned beneath her mask.

‭“‬Yeah--‭ ‬finding a way out of here,‭” ‬Sonya snapped back,‭ ‬but then recoiled when the other woman suddenly lunged forward,‭ ‬both hands reaching out to grab the soldier’s and pin them to the wall behind her.‭ ‬The hold was strong,‭ ‬but not painful‭ ‬--‭ ‬clearly not a serious attack,‭ ‬but it did bring the two face-to-face with disconcerting closeness.

‭“‬Futile,‭ ‬until guards arrive.‭ ‬That shall be hours,‭ ‬at least,‭” ‬Mileena chuckled,‭ ‬her fierce eyes boring into Sonya’s steely ones,‭ ‬her face drawing nearer until the american shifted upwards,‭ ‬wrapping both leather-clad legs around Mileena’s waist and twirling with her,‭ ‬landing on top of the Outworlder and pinning her to the cold stone of the dungeon floor.

‭“‬Hours spent far better without you,‭” ‬Sonya growled.

‭“‬You only say that because you’ve never tried it,‭” ‬Mileena grinned,‭ ‬shifting her hips upward to grind that shaft beneath her dress up and against Sonya’s backside,‭ ‬grinding firmly underneath the blonde soldier and causing her to recoil,‭ ‬giving Mileena a chance to counter-grapple and get Sonya against the floor,‭ ‬with the assassin mounted across her stomach.‭ ‬The drape of cloth between Mileena’s legs spilled across the valley of cleavage that Sonya’s vest offered,‭ ‬but she could feel what lay beneath it against her bare skin‭ ‬--‭ ‬thick,‭ ‬warm,‭ ‬throbbing,‭ ‬setting her sensitive skin alight with unexpected excitement.

‭“‬G-get that...‭ ‬thing off of me,‭” ‬Sonya growled,‭ ‬only to be met by Mileena’s hidden grin.

‭“‬When I can already taste your lust in the air‭? ‬My my,‭ ‬Earthrealmer,‭ ‬it has been some time for you,‭ ‬hasn’t it‭?” ‬Her purring swelling in volume,‭ ‬Mileena kept one hand held to Sonya’s wrist,‭ ‬the other drawing away the strip of fabric to reveal her thick,‭ ‬erect girlcock,‭ ‬nestled snugly between the prone blonde’s breasts.‭ “‬I can satisfy you in ways none on Earthrealm can even dream,‭ ‬little human...‭” ‬the half-tarkatan cooed,‭ ‬waiting for a moment to see if Sonya would fight back with her free hand.‭ ‬Despite her conflicted glare,‭ ‬the blonde took no further action,‭ ‬so Mileena took it upon herself‭ ‬--‭ ‬bringing her hand to the side of Sonya’s full,‭ ‬firm breast and squishing it against the other,‭ ‬entrapping both smooth orbs around her cock and thrusting forward between them,‭ ‬letting out an animalistic snarl of pleasure as she finally enjoyed what she’d been coveting.

‭“‬You...‭ ‬you d-don’t...‭ ‬nnngh...‭” ‬Sonya groaned,‭ ‬biting down on her lower lip as she felt Mileena thrust forward again,‭ ‬that hot length sliding between her breasts so smoothly.‭ ‬Even if she didn’t want to admit it,‭ ‬or even think about it,‭ ‬there was something thrilling about being titfucked with her clothes on‭ ‬--‭ ‬that she didn’t even need to remove her uniform to feel a hot,‭ ‬pulsing alien girlcock between her boobs.‭ ‬And it felt so much better than she’d imagined it would.

‭“‬Don’t what‭?” ‬Mileena let out a harsh,‭ ‬raspy giggle,‭ ‬finally bringing her other hand from Sonya’s wrist and letting the human hold herself up,‭ ‬providing a better angle for Mileena’s thrusts and also letting the twisted clone use both hands to squish Sonya’s tits together,‭ ‬holding them tight as she rammed her cock up between them.‭ ‬A husky moan of pleasure escaped her as she thrust upward again and again,‭ ‬her hips slamming into the undersides of Sonya’s abundant chest and sending both breasts jiggling with the force,‭ ‬the tip of Mileena’s cock erupting from between them.

‭“‬Don’t get too comfortable.‭”

The sound of a third,‭ ‬unexpected voice caused Mileena to snap her head toward the cell door,‭ ‬but not to scramble away from her prize‭ ‬--‭ ‬she remained mounted on Sonya’s stomach with her womanhood stuffed between those smooth orbs as her eyes darted to the newcomer...‭ ‬though the face was not as new as she may have liked.

The shokan,‭ ‬Sheeva,‭ ‬the one who had put her here.‭ ‬Betrayed her.‭ ‬Cheated her.‭ “‬Come for feeding time,‭ ‬shokan whore‭? ‬If you wait but a few moments,‭ ‬perhaps you and the Earthrealmer can share.‭”

“Hold fast to that blade you call a tongue,‭ ‬Mileena,‭” ‬Sheeva barked,‭ ‬her voice far deeper than either of the women in the cell.‭ “‬I too was betrayed by Shang Tsung,‭ ‬and robbed of my honor.‭ ‬He interfered with our battle.‭”

“And you came for a rematch‭?” ‬Mileena snarled,‭ “‬Apologies,‭ ‬jailer,‭ ‬but as you can see I am‭ ‬busy‭ ‬at the moment.‭”

“Is...‭ ‬anyone gonna tell me what’s going on‭?” ‬Sonya mumbled,‭ ‬blinking,‭ ‬still pinned to the floor with a dick between her tits.‭ “‬I was just starting to get into this....‭”

“Perhaps your...‭ ‬predicament,‭” ‬Sheeva said cautiously,‭ ‬one of her lower arms inserting a massive iron key into the cell’s door.‭ “‬Shall provide us a new means of contest.‭” ‬Opening the door,‭ ‬she stepped inside,‭ ‬closing it behind her with a heavy‭ ‬thunkk of metal on metal.‭ ‬Hooking one arm into the various loops of her outrageously revealing red battle-thong allowed the shokan to slip entirely free of the garment in an instant,‭ ‬revealing her tall,‭ ‬muscular,‭ ‬primal figure‭ ‬--‭ ‬her deep tan skin,‭ ‬her full breasts,‭ ‬rippling stomach,‭ ‬and....

‭“‬She’s got two dicks,‭” ‬Sonya stated simply.‭ “‬Why’s she got two dicks‭?”

“Well,‭ ‬she does have four arms...‭” ‬Mileena mused,‭ ‬though even the half-tarkatan was left blinking her feral orange eyes in amazement.

‭“‬Join us,‭ ‬Earthrealmer,‭ ‬and perhaps you shall find out,‭” ‬Sheeva twisted her lips into a wry smirk,‭ ‬setting her lower hands on her hips and widening her stance,‭ ‬both remarkable lengths of ladycock swelling quickly to their full size,‭ ‬easily eclipsing Mileena’s in both size and girth.

Mileena and Sonya glanced towards each other,‭ ‬then back to the shokan,‭ ‬a sort of understanding flickering between their gazes.‭ “‬We share a goal‭ ‬--‭ ‬to escape unharmed‭ ‬--‭ ‬and as such are allies.‭”‬ This seemed like the best opportunity the two would get to escape,‭ ‬didn’t it‭? ‬Plus,‭ ‬like...‭ ‬two dicks,‭ ‬right‭?

A moment slipped away as both caged women stripped themselves of their combat uniforms.‭ ‬With Sheeva’s proposition,‭ ‬it seemed fair to simply accept what was about to happen.‭ ‬The dressing-down revealed the impressive bodies of both Mileena and Sonya,‭ ‬remarkably curvaceous for how athletic and well-built both of them were‭ ‬--‭ ‬though with her unique physiology,‭ ‬Mileena did eclipse the human in sheer power and grace,‭ ‬even if it wasn’t incredibly obvious at a glance.‭ ‬That same moment lent itself to both women getting down onto their knees...‭ ‬or,‭ ‬more accurately,‭ ‬Mileena getting onto her knees while the blonde crawled into her lap,‭ ‬tilted sideways slightly so that both of them could access Sheeva’s impressive pair of shafts from only a slight diagonal.

Stacked atop the tarkatan hybrid,‭ ‬Sonya spread her legs a little,‭ ‬revealing her own thick,‭ ‬throbbing erection,‭ ‬overexcited from all of this tension and no direct play yet.‭ “‬Hold still,‭ ‬masked bitch,‭” ‬the soldier grumbled,‭ ‬as annoyed at herself as anyone else that she was about to do what she was about to do‭ ‬--‭ ‬but if she and Mileena were going to pleasure this four-armed monster woman,‭ ‬she wanted to have some fun while she did it.‭ ‬When the assassin‭ (‬who had notably not removed her mask with her other clothing‭) ‬did as instructed without complaint,‭ ‬Sonya lowered her backside down onto that fat,‭ ‬hard cock that had been between her tits only a minute ago,‭ ‬its natural juices beading and smearing along the human woman’s tight back entrance before slowly starting to slide into it.‭ “‬Aa-ahh‭! ‬Fuck...‭!”

“Perfect,‭” ‬Sheeva cooed,‭ ‬stepping forward more firmly now that the two prisoners had stacked onto one another,‭ ‬Sonya’s legs spread apart while she took Mileena’s hard dick into her ass,‭ ‬her own pale shaft bobbing up and down with excitement.‭ ‬It would have to wait its turn,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬for the shokan had two in need of tending to.‭ ‬One upper hand went onto Mileena’s and Sonya’s shoulders to steady them,‭ ‬while the lower hands reached for the opposite sides of their chests,‭ ‬squishing their breasts into each other and using their close proximity to one another to squash both girls together as well,‭ ‬further conjoining them as Sheeva pressed her cocks forward.‭ ‬Her bottom cock slid smoothly up between Mileena’s breasts,‭ ‬while the top cock slipped into Sonya’s already-slick cleavage,‭ ‬the american’s mounted position serving Sheeva’s vertically-aligned pair of rods quite efficiently and allowing her to easily titfuck both Earthrealmer and Outworlder simultaneously.‭ “‬Nnnghhh...‭ ‬I should have been conducting contests like this long ago....‭”

“More rewarding than throwing fireballs at ensnared opponents‭?” ‬Mileena let out a teasing kiss,‭ ‬nuzzling into Sonya’s neck as she thrust up,‭ ‬stuffing her own dick a little deeper into the human’s anus and drawing out‭ ‬a groan of desperate pleasure.‭ ‬Both hands began to slide and caress up and down the soldier’s body,‭ ‬teasing up across her hips and stomach before finding her boobs as well,‭ ‬squeezing them together tightly around Sheeva’s top dick and letting the shokan focus on groping her own,‭ ‬both pairs of tits held firmly around the two rocking,‭ ‬thrusting pillars sliding up and down between them.

‭“‬You would...‭ ‬attempt to taint our rematch with foul taunts...‭?” ‬Sheeva snarled,‭ ‬thrusting up harder now,‭ ‬keeping her four arms shifting and moving to create the most friction,‭ ‬compensating for the way Mileena rammed up into Sonya,‭ ‬and the way the human squirmed and pressed down into her lap in turn.

‭“‬Shut up with your...‭ ‬battle and...‭ ‬honor bullshit...‭” ‬Sonya groaned,‭ ‬tilting her head down to quickly flick her tongue out along Sheeva’s cock as it peeked out from between the valley of her tits,‭ ‬Mileena now squeezing and pulling torturously at her nipples while she fucked the soldier girl’s tight ass.‭ “‬And...‭ ‬f-fuck me already...‭!”

“I thought that was what I was doing‭?” ‬Mileena giggled,‭ ‬tugging one nipple hard and drilling Sonya with a particularly rough series of thrusts,‭ ‬the shifting of her body drawing a heated groan from Sheeva as her tits squished and rocked up and down along the lower of her two dicks.

‭“‬But you’re...‭ ‬nnfgh...‭ ‬distracting me,‭” ‬Sonya hissed back,‭ ‬shoving her butt down into Mileena’s lap and grinding hard against it,‭ ‬trembling with pleasure and wrapping her arms around Sheeva’s waist,‭ ‬nuzzling into the underside of the shokan’s breast while her own were roughly sexed.

‭“‬Your pet human grows restless,‭” ‬Sheeva smirked.‭ “‬Perhaps we let her blow off some steam‭?” ‬Taking a firm step backwards,‭ ‬the shokan let out a satisfying groan as both cocks slipped free from their sleeves of warm,‭ ‬creamy cleavage,‭ ‬glistening with precum but not yet ready to erupt‭ ‬--‭ ‬still,‭ ‬they were bigger and more angry-looking than ever,‭ ‬pulsating with lust that it seemed the alien jailer had pent up for quite a while.‭ “‬Lay back,‭ ‬tarkatan mongrel‭ ‬--‭ ‬it is time I felt you around me.‭”

“Mmn,‭ ‬I thought you’d never ask‭~” ‬Mileena purred,‭ ‬bumping her nose into Sonya’s shoulder before helping the human down off of her lap,‭ ‬laying back now instead of kneeling...‭ ‬and spreading her legs,‭ ‬her shimmering girldick laying against her flat stomach as she exposed her ass for the claiming.‭ “‬Let’s see if it’s true what they say about shokan girls.‭”

“What do they say about shokan girls‭?” ‬Sonya murmured,‭ ‬a little dazed and looking for a vantage point to crawl back into the action.‭ “‬And...‭ ‬what the fuck’s a shokan,‭ ‬again‭?”

“I am,‭” ‬Sheeva’s husky voiced boomed as she settled to her knees,‭ ‬her lower pair of hands shifting Mileena’s hips up and into her lap,‭ ‬letting her guide her bottom girlcock to the snug entrance between those full,‭ ‬milky thighs.‭ “‬And they say shokan girls fuck harder than the dragons we’re birthed from.‭” ‬With that,‭ ‬she thrust forward,‭ ‬driving her lower shaft into Mileena with a boisterous roar and causing the assassin to arch her back,‭ ‬shrieking out with sudden ecstasy as her backside was stuffed all at once with Sheeva’s huge dick.

‭“‬Living up to it...‭ ‬so far...‭” ‬Mileena moaned out,‭ ‬then gasped as a second thrust was taken into her tight,‭ ‬clinging rear.‭ ‬Sheeva’s top cock shifted forward along with it,‭ ‬aligning with Mileena’s smaller one now and sawing against it with each thrust,‭ ‬showing off how much bigger the shokan was in every‭ ‘‬department‭’‬...‭ ‬and showing Sonya Blade her opening.

The human crawled forward,‭ ‬mounting on top of Mileena and sitting across her chest,‭ ‬facing Sheeva.‭ “‬Hold still a sec...‭” ‬she said,‭ ‬nestling down and fitting her own cock between Mileena’s breasts‭ ‬--‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬it seemed unfair that she be the‭ ‬only one not to try out someone’s tits today,‭ ‬especially when two spins had been taken with hers.‭ ‬It was also as good as she’d hoped,‭ ‬immediately drawing a pleased moan from her as those firm,‭ ‬smooth orbs squished around her aching shaft,‭ ‬neglected for too long but now gliding gently along the trail of precum that Sheeva had left behind.

With that in place,‭ ‬she leaned all the way forward,‭ ‬trailing her tongue along the tip of Mileena’s dick,‭ ‬then Sheeva’s,‭ ‬before opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around both tips,‭ ‬binding them together with the warm wetness of her mouth.‭ ‬More difficult than she’d expected,‭ ‬but surprisingly worth the ache that was already building in her jaw‭ ‬--‭ ‬shokan and tarkatan musk filling her nostrils,‭ ‬all that hot,‭ ‬throbbing flesh along her lips,‭ ‬tongue sliding and rolling between the two of them.‭ ‬Before she realized what was happening she was grinding her hips forward in rhythm with Sheeva’s thrusts into her mouth,‭ ‬grinding along Mileena’s twitching length as the shokan’s other shaft was crammed again and again up the assassin’s ass.‭ “‬Mmmphhgh...‭ ‬nnnhchhh‭!” ‬Sonya groaned out,‭ ‬wrapping her arms around Mileena’s hips to hold herself steady as she took both throbbing shafts into her mouth,‭ ‬her own body still rocking forward to avail herself of the ninja-girl’s full,‭ ‬smooth tits.

‭“‬Hhaahh...‭ ‬I should have...‭ ‬had Shang Tsung interfere with a battle of yours...‭ ‬months ago...‭” ‬Mileena moaned out,‭ ‬clenching her eyes shut and squishing her breasts against each other from either side,‭ ‬more effectively trapping Sonya’s cock between them.‭ ‬She was assailed by so many sensations,‭ ‬all so sweet and so intense‭ ‬--‭ ‬her breasts being fucked by Sonya,‭ ‬her ass being drilled deeply by Sheeva’s massive dick,‭ ‬a second rod throbbing against her own,‭ ‬and both of them stuffed into the Earthrealmer’s mouth.‭ ‬Tremors and spasms of pleasure shook through her body,‭ ‬her back arching,‭ ‬her full figure squirming and twitching as every part of her was pleased in a different way.‭ ‬The way Sonya’s saliva dripped down across Sheeva’s cock and onto her own,‭ ‬tongue swirling around their tips as the shokan’s womanhood ground back and forth along her own.‭ “‬Nnnh...‭ ‬ffcckk--‭ ‬haaaAAhh...‭!‬”

“Already wearing out,‭ ‬little mutt‭?” ‬Sheeva grinned,‭ ‬tangling one hand in Sonya’s hair to yank the human’s mouth harder onto her cock,‭ ‬thrusting her hips forward faster and faster,‭ ‬her hips slapping into Mileena’s lifted rear.‭ “‬Are you going to break for me,‭ ‬after all‭?”

“Heehee...‭ ‬hahahahaha...‭” ‬Mileena’s strained laugh came out as more than a little perverse,‭ ‬and possibly even psychotic,‭ ‬a stark reminder to Sonya that she definitely didn’t understand these strange women as much as she should.‭ “‬It will take m-more than--‭ ‬aahh‭!‬ --‭ ‬that,‭ ‬shokan,‭ ‬if you wish to satisfy the future...‭ ‬p-princess of Outworld...‭!”

“Is that so‭?” ‬Sheeva grinned darkly,‭ ‬drifting back and sliding her top dick free of Sonya Blade’s mouth,‭ ‬leaving the human gasping and exercising her sore jaw.‭ “‬Maybe it’s time you took all I can give you,‭ ‬and we’ll see how smug the spoiled clone is after that.‭” ‬Licking her lips,‭ ‬the statuesque,‭ ‬four-armed half-dragon tilted her top cock downward,‭ ‬pressing it firmly against the lower one and forcing both forward,‭ ‬their thick,‭ ‬wet tips throbbing against Mileena’s slick,‭ ‬relaxed asshole.‭ ‬There was still a moment of resistance from the narrow entrance,‭ ‬but not for long‭ ‬--‭ ‬a satisfied grunt and both shafts popped inside,‭ ‬drawing a scream of what could have been ecstasy or anguish from Mileena.

‭“‬Mmmnphphhhfuckkk,‭” ‬Mileena winced,‭ ‬face screwing up beneath her mask,‭ ‬her cock laying against her stomach now as Sheeva crammed both of her larger ones up her ass at the same time,‭ ‬resuming a slower rhythm that was already picking up speed.‭ “‬Oh,‭ ‬Sheeva,‭ ‬you sure know how to‭ ‬--‭ ‬nnhii‭ ‬--‭ ‬t-treat a girl,‭” ‬Mileena gasped,‭ ‬fingers digging into the stone beneath her as she rocked her hips back and forth,‭ ‬trying to adjust to the sensation of having her backside double-stuffed with shokan girlcock.

‭“‬You put‭ ‬both of them in her‭?” ‬Sonya said,‭ ‬her voice slightly incredulous as she scooted off on Mileena’s chest,‭ ‬getting a better look at the stack of dicks pummeling the half-tarkatan’s anus.‭ “‬And she can take it‭?”

“Not for long,‭” ‬Sheeva sneered,‭ ‬one arm reaching out to grope one of the human woman’s tits.‭ “‬She still has a hole left,‭ ‬though‭ ‬--‭ ‬avail yourself of that.‭”

“She’d have to take the mask off,‭ ‬first,‭” ‬the blonde mumbled,‭ ‬a dry edge in her voice as she looked back over Mileena’s blissfully arched figure.‭ “‬What do you say,‭ ‬red-eyes‭?”

“Ohh,‭ ‬why didn’t you ask‭?” ‬Mileena purred,‭ ‬still panting softly as she reached up for her mask,‭ ‬drawing it away with a single motion and revealing the hybrid face beneath.

‭“‬Jesusfuckingchrist,‭” ‬Sonya said,‭ ‬her eyes widening as she scrambled back to the other edge of the cell.‭ ‬Mileena’s face was pretty,‭ ‬in its way‭ ‬--‭ ‬her catlike eyes,‭ ‬noble features and soft lips almost willingly defying the rows of jagged,‭ ‬lamprey-like fangs that took up most of where her cheeks should have been.‭ ‬Like a cheshire smile gone horribly,‭ ‬horribly wrong.‭ ‬The sound of Sheeva’s boisterous laughter made it exceedingly clear that both Outworlders knew from the start that the likelihood of Sonya accepting a blowjob from Mileena was pretty low.‭ “‬I think I’ll pass.‭”

“Are you sure‭?” ‬Mileena giggled,‭ ‬then winced,‭ ‬letting out another sharp moan as her ass was pummeled by a particularly rough thrust of Sheeva’s two cocks.

Sonya bit her lip in annoyance.‭ “‬Yeah.‭ ‬But since four-arms here was so wrong about you having another hole,‭ ‬maybe I’ll join her in the one she’s using.‭”

Before Mileena could protest,‭ ‬Sheeva grinned,‭ ‬lifting the clone-girl up and starting to twist her around so that the assassin faced Sonya.‭ “‬I like the way you think,‭ ‬Earthrealmer‭! ‬If she can fit two,‭ ‬why not three‭?”

“Wait--‭ ‬what--‭ ‬you can’t possibly mean to--‭”


“Where did that voice come from‭? ‬Wait,‭ ‬don’t finish me,‭ ‬I--‭ ‬iiyyyyYAAAAGHHH‭!!‬” Mileena screamed out like a banshee,‭ ‬her fanged mouth opening wide with her bellow as her protest fell on deaf ears,‭ ‬the green beret approaching and seizing Mileena’s stretched,‭ ‬offered entrance,‭ ‬her pale girldick squeezing into the slight gap provided between Sheeva’s two huge shokan cocks.‭ “‬Oh,‭ ‬fuck‭!‬” the ninja wailed out as the third cock forced its way into her ass,‭ ‬stretching her out even further but satisfying her in a way she hadn’t thought possible.

It was less than a minute before Sonya had met Sheeva’s thrusting rhythm and countered it,‭ ‬alternating her upward pumps into Mileena’s ruined ass with the shokan’s double-barreled pumps,‭ ‬three naked,‭ ‬athletic,‭ ‬sweat-slick bodies grinding and rubbing into each other‭ ‬--‭ ‬carefully avoiding anything resembling a kiss,‭ ‬for obvious reasons‭ ‬--‭ ‬as Mileena’s back entrance was rocked with an unceasing barrage of thrusts,‭ ‬her own cock flexing and pulsing in place as precum dripped down along it,‭ ‬throbbing harder and harder as she grew closer to a climax from the triple-anal onslaught she was so joyously surviving.

‭“‬Fuck,‭ ‬o-ohhh oh fuck,‭ ‬aAAGH FUCK,‭ ‬I’m...‭ ‬I’m k-kumming...‭ ‬I’m kumming‭!” ‬Mileena screamed out as she felt wave after wave of warm,‭ ‬thick spunk‭ ‬--‭ ‬from Earthrealmer and Outworlder alike‭ ‬--‭ ‬filling up her ass,‭ ‬causing harder spasms to shake through her as she erupted all over herself,‭ ‬covering her terrifyingly-fanged face and slick,‭ ‬heaving tits with her own tainted seed,‭ ‬tongue lolling out of her mouth as she was forced to unleash the contents of her tightened sack along her trembling body.


‭“‬Wait,‭ ‬who won‭?” ‬Sheeva arched a brow,‭ ‬looking up for the source of the disembodied voice.

The answer,‭ ‬surprisingly,‭ ‬came from a panting Sonya,‭ ‬who had all but collapsed forward,‭ ‬burying her face in Mileena’s cum-drenched cleavage.‭ “‬I think we all did.‭”


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