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Author's Notes: Little tiny bit behind (this shoulda been done in August) but now it's done! Onward to September!

[fu/?] [tentacles] [bondage, sort of] [anal] [oral/deepthroat] [titfuck/chestjob] [tentacle handjob?] [urethral insertion (minor)]


‭‭‭I love draugr.‭ ‬Not in a gross way or anything,‭ ‬but they’re so slow and stupid that even the biggest,‭ ‬toughest ones will walk across as many runes as I can lay.‭ ‬They get all mad and they shout and wander around‭ ‬--‭ ‬usually right into another rune‭ ‬--‭ ‬but they never find me.‭ ‬It’s just a matter of patience and finesse.

And Vex says I’m not a real thief.‭ ‬Just because I use different tools to do my burglary doesn’t make me any less of a thief...‭ ‬I don’t think.‭ ‬Does it‭?

Whatever.‭ ‬I push those thoughts from my head as I continue to skulk through the ancient crypt Vex had sent me into,‭ ‬popping flame runes in front of tombs to give the restless dead within an extraordinarily rude awakening.‭ ‬I’ve been in a good number of these crypts before and I think I have a pretty decent handle on them‭ ‬--‭ ‬already found the claw‭ (‬this one’s an odd,‭ ‬metallic green color I can’t easily put a name to‭) ‬and made my way through some spinning-block puzzles with a hawk,‭ ‬a snake,‭ ‬and a...‭ ‬whale‭? ‬Is that a whale‭? ‬A dolphin‭? ‬Something like that.

As I move deeper into the dungeon,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬I’m starting to notice some slight,‭ ‬strange changes that are quickly becoming not-so-slight.‭ ‬What I first assumed was some kind of brown mold on the walls is now growing in thickness and changing in texture,‭ ‬resembling some kind of creeping,‭ ‬deep reddish-tan fungus,‭ ‬though even for a fungus it seems...‭ ‬dense,‭ ‬and smooth.‭ ‬More like....

Skin,‭ ‬maybe‭?

I run my tongue across my teeth,‭ ‬and for the first time since I’ve been in here I drop my darkvision spell and cast magelight.‭ ‬I want light in here.‭ ‬Real,‭ ‬actual light,‭ ‬just for the comfort of having it if nothing else.‭ ‬With invisibility intact,‭ ‬any draugr or...‭ ‬anything else...‭ ‬will just see a little floating star moving nimbly across traps from chest to chest,‭ ‬looting what few coins,‭ ‬stray potions,‭ ‬or completely fresh cabbages were left here by the nords of old.

The deeper I go,‭ ‬the more ubiquitous the weird stuff on the walls becomes,‭ ‬and the more it starts to glisten with some kind of eldritch wetness.‭ ‬There’s a sound,‭ ‬too...‭ ‬kind of a formless rhythm,‭ ‬like a rattling breath or someone whispering a song with no words.‭ ‬It’s a while before I even notice I’m hearing it,‭ ‬before it’s gotten so loud in my head that I can’t hear my own self breathe.‭ ‬Something’s wrong,‭ ‬down here.‭ ‬Something’s really,‭ ‬really wrong....

Vex,‭ ‬where in Nirn did you send me‭?

But then I see it,‭ ‬and my concerns melt away.‭ ‬A chest,‭ ‬a huge chest,‭ ‬hidden in an alcove in the dungeon’s deepest reaches,‭ ‬revealed by a lever I’d found.‭ ‬The thing almost looks falmer in design,‭ ‬but older‭ ‬--‭ ‬huge and covered with strange angles and spikes,‭ ‬its parts looking abstractly organic.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬ancient or not,‭ ‬some things never change:‭ ‬locks,‭ ‬and traps.‭ ‬Carefully examining the lock,‭ ‬lid,‭ ‬and surrounding area for strings,‭ ‬pressure plates,‭ ‬or other catches reveals no apparent traps,‭ ‬so whoever hid it probably figured the secret room was enough to keep it safe.‭ ‬How wrong they were.

That pulsating sound in the back of my head is louder than ever as I set to the lock,‭ ‬carefully fiddling with a pick‭ ‬--‭ ‬lockpicking is one of the few things I still do the old-fashioned way.‭ ‬Never‭ ‬really got the hang of Alteration magic,‭ ‬and never could find someone who’d sell me the necessary spells for dungeon-delving.‭ ‬Still,‭ ‬a pick works just as well,‭ ‬and after a few moments I hear a familiar click.

See,‭ ‬what did I say‭? ‬Some things never change,‭ ‬no matter how ancient and spooky.

I’m quite taken aback,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬when I open the lid and dozens of long,‭ ‬glistening appendages rapidly unspool from the confines of the chest,‭ ‬lashing out at me before I can react,‭ ‬my invisibility broken from my lockpicking.‭ ‬With all the time I have to squeal and not react in any helpful way,‭ ‬my mind races with questions about this swarm of tendrils,‭ ‬the same brownish color as the stuff on the walls.‭ ‬They have the smooth,‭ ‬tough texture of an eel,‭ ‬though slick and sticky with Boethiah-knows-what.

How did they all fit in that box‭? ‬How are they coming out so fast‭? ‬Is there a bigger creature they’re attached to,‭ ‬and if so,‭ ‬is that‭ ‬also‭ ‬somehow in the box‭? ‬Is this the thing Vex wanted me to get‭? ‬If so,‭ ‬in what manner am I meant to collect it‭? ‬Why is it taking my clothes off‭? ‬Why are the tips of each tendril strangely...‭ ‬phallic‭? ‬And while I’m at it,‭ ‬what’s that taste--‭ “‬Mmmllphh‭!”

My muscles twitch,‭ ‬and my body squirms helplessly,‭ ‬but the mass of tentacles strikes like a constricting serpent‭ ‬--‭ ‬lashing out and coiling around me in less than a second,‭ ‬wrapping up my wrists and pinning them together,‭ ‬behind my back,‭ ‬making any attempt at spellcasting futile before I even try.‭ ‬My ankles,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are suddenly wrapped and bound,‭ ‬and just as I begin to topple over I feel myself lifted up,‭ ‬held aloft in the air by the sea of strange appendages.‭ ‬The booming whisper in the air is even louder now,‭ ‬clouding my mind,‭ ‬and the next thing I know each ankle is wrapped individually,‭ ‬my naked legs spread apart,‭ ‬my robes in tatters around me and even my boots discarded to the dungeon floor.

One of the tentacles pushes its way into my mouth,‭ ‬cutting off any attempts to cry out into the dead,‭ ‬unhearing stone of the dungeon beyond,‭ ‬though I don’t know who I expect to try to save me.

‭“‬Whhmmphh...‭ ‬hlgggaacck‭~~!” ‬I splutter as I feel one of the tendrils pressing its way against my lips,‭ ‬pushing and slipping,‭ ‬sliding,‭ ‬then forcing its way into my mouth,‭ ‬and down my throat,‭ ‬filling my senses with the smell and taste of it‭ ‬--‭ ‬a strange cross between shellfish and animal musk.‭ ‬I try to pull away as it feeds itself to me,‭ ‬try to struggle,‭ ‬but the coils only seem to tighten around my wrists and ankles,‭ ‬keeping my legs spread apart.‭ ‬More tentacles continue to spill forth as well,‭ ‬winding around my waist to keep me steady and prevent me from squirming,‭ ‬and then....

I shudder when I’m forced to admit a sensation that I can only qualify‭ ‬as...‭ ‬pleasure.‭ ‬Even as I struggle to wiggle free,‭ ‬screaming anxiously around the tentacle that’s buried itself down my throat,‭ ‬gooseflesh ripples along my skin as I feel one tendril slither along my small breast,‭ ‬the tip encircling one nipple,‭ ‬tracing it.‭ ‬Another wraps itself completely around my other petite tit,‭ ‬squeezing it,‭ ‬testing it out,‭ ‬then wrapping fully around me to squeeze both swells of pale gray flesh against each other‭ ‬--‭ ‬providing a valley,‭ ‬however shallow,‭ ‬for a second tendril to slip between,‭ ‬beginning to thrust,‭ ‬easing its slippery length back and forth against my chest.

I can barely bring myself to admit what’s happening,‭ ‬even despite how strange my adventures in Skyrim have been thus far.‭ ‬But as I feel another tentacle start to slowly wind around the base of my penis,‭ ‬and yet another rubbing and prodding between my thighs to tease my back entrance,‭ ‬there’s no denying this thing’s...‭ ‬this‭ ‬creature’s...‭ ‬motivations.‭ ‬It’s trying to fuck me.

And as those dripping,‭ ‬shimmering appendages slide and rub against my sensitive skin,‭ ‬I can’t help but start to want it a little.‭ ‬Want it to keep sliding between my tits,‭ ‬fucking my mouth.‭ ‬My thighs tense and try to clench shut when I feel one bigger tendril press its wet,‭ ‬rounded tip against my asshole,‭ ‬but the fleshy bindings around my ankles render that impossible.‭ ‬I’m helpless,‭ ‬forcibly surrendered to the feeling of that sticky thing pushing into my asshole,‭ ‬shallow at first but then slipping deeper,‭ ‬sliding back and forth slowly into my experienced back tunnel and‭ ‬fuck it feels amazing,‭ ‬so slender and flexible,‭ ‬filling me in the perfect way,‭ ‬and...‭ ‬nnnngh....

I feel my cock rising to life as well,‭ ‬stiffening and standing up as that one thin tentacle wraps around it,‭ ‬bands of slick meat winding around my length and then starting to slide up and down gradually,‭ ‬stroking me,‭ ‬forming into a gooey corkscrew passageway that I find myself awkwardly thrusting my hips against in midair.‭ ‬Boethiah,‭ ‬it feels incredible,‭ ‬spasms rippling throughout my body as I’m teased and pleasured and fucked,‭ ‬my ass tightening down around the one tentacle slithering back and forth inside of it.‭ ‬So forceful and yet so tender at the same time,‭ ‬giving me time to adjust.‭ “‬PhhnnmmMmmghhacckkKk‭!‬”‭ ‬I squeal out through a throatful of tentacle,‭ ‬my body rocking forward and back with what little autonomy I have left in my slender gray body,‭ ‬my violet eyes watering as I try to suck in breath through my nose,‭ ‬doing my absolute best not to gag or cough or drool on myself.

The latter threat,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬has already begun‭ ‬--‭ ‬and as that tentacle pumps itself more rapidly back and forth inside of my throat I find a stream of saliva mixing with the creature’s juices and dripping down my lips and chin in long trails,‭ ‬trailing down my neck and between my tits,‭ ‬providing even more lubrication for the other tentacle to thrust between my delicate boobs,‭ ‬my nipples achingly hard as I get more and more frantic with arousal.

My hoarse wails and whimpers are almost flooded out by that strange sound,‭ ‬that deafening whisper,‭ ‬and I feel myself getting lightheaded‭ ‬--‭ ‬whether from pleasure,‭ ‬lack of oxygen,‭ ‬or the tentacled creature’s strange presence I can’t tell.‭ ‬My eyes start rolling back into my head as I enter what borders on a trance,‭ ‬my cock throbbing as its stroked by those coils.‭ ‬I’m only barely snapped back to the reality of the dungeon when I feel the thing upping its game‭ ‬--‭ ‬a second appendage,‭ ‬a little bigger than the last,‭ ‬now forcing its way up into my tight little asshole,‭ ‬sliding and squirming along its counterpart as both of them pump and thrust deep into my butt.‭ ‬If I were standing,‭ ‬my knees would be too weak to continue to do so,‭ ‬but again,‭ ‬the creature takes care of everything,‭ ‬holding me aloft,‭ ‬supporting me,‭ ‬letting me twitch and scream as much as I want as long as it gets to have its way with me.

‭“‬Mmmphhh‭! ‬Mnn,‭ ‬nnm nn,‭ ‬nhh‭ ‬hh uhhghh‭!‬” I shriek,‭ ‬my eyes widening when I feel yet another new thing,‭ ‬another addition,‭ ‬the beast not letting up.‭ ‬As the two tentacles beneath me rocket in and out of my ass,‭ ‬I watch as another‭ ‬--‭ ‬thinner than an inkpen‭ ‬--‭ ‬snakes up to the tip of my cock,‭ ‬pressing gently against my cumslit and rubbing back and forth along it,‭ ‬purposefully spreading its own slickness and my dab of precum along my tip before slowly trying to force itself inside.‭ “‬NNmmmNNNNNNNNHHHH‭!!‬”

My cry,‭ ‬obviously,‭ ‬falls on deaf ears as the tendril slides into me‭ ‬--‭ ‬not deep or even roughly,‭ ‬but teasing me from the inside out,‭ ‬its extremely small size making it manageable...‭ ‬though it’s definitely felt.‭ ‬As it nestles itself inside I see it begin to glow faintly,‭ ‬the tiny tentacle pulsing with a foul red light from within,‭ ‬as if sucking something out of me.‭ ‬That light begins to spread to the rest of the formless mass,‭ ‬each tentacle slowly flooding with red light,‭ ‬starting to thrust faster,‭ ‬harder,‭ ‬harder,‭ ‬harder,‭ ‬my wet,‭ ‬muffled cries echoing around the dungeon as tentacles cram themselves in my mouth,‭ ‬between my tits,‭ ‬and up my ass,‭ ‬keeping me wrapped and bound tight as they have their way with me and then begin to squirt their juices of relief onto and inside of me.‭ ‬A legion of the things swims around me,‭ ‬shooting wads of thick,‭ ‬sticky white spunk across my face and body while others flood my mouth and ass with the goopey stuff,‭ ‬and I...‭ ‬can’t possibly take all of it without a release of my own.‭ ‬I feel myself climax,‭ ‬I feel the orgasm shake me,‭ ‬course through me like a stampede of elk,‭ ‬though with the slim tendril inside the tip of my cock nothing comes out.‭ ‬Instead,‭ ‬I see that thin appendage glow brighter than ever,‭ ‬flashing with red energy....

And then slide out of me,‭ ‬retreating back into the chest.‭ ‬Followed by the one in my mouth,‭ ‬then one of the tendrils inside my ass.‭ ‬Then the one between my tits.‭ ‬Then the other,‭ ‬larger one that had been stuffed so deep into my tight butt.‭ ‬They unwind from my waist,‭ ‬wrists,‭ ‬ankles,‭ ‬all retreating back into the chest,‭ ‬and the red light coming from within is almost blinding.

I lay there on the floor where I was lowered,‭ ‬cum-soaked and panting,‭ ‬quivering in the aftermath of my forced orgasm.‭ ‬It feels like half an hour at least before I raise to one foot,‭ ‬my leg wobbling beneath me as I move to the chest.‭ ‬Inside,‭ ‬the creature is gone without any trace.

The chest is empty.

But for a single item.


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