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Prosthesis (combat arm), uncommon

Component: Construct gears

“This drill is the drill that will pierce the earth!” Thus were the words of Bombuku upon completion of the first earthpiercer prototype. After being asked if the same didn’t technically apply to most drills, he declined to make further comments.

Attacks made with this prosthesis’ Launch and Melee properties deal piercing damage.

Deep Drilling. This prosthesis uses a drill instead of a hook for its Hookshot property. When you hit with an attack roll made to attach the drill to a creature, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage. When the drill is detached from a creature, that creature takes 1d6 piercing damage.

Tunneler. This prosthesis has the Mobility (burrow 5 ft.) property.


Common variant: Remove the Tunneler property.

Rare variant: The prosthesis has the Emergency Anchor property.

  • Emergency Anchor. You can use the prosthesis’ Hookshot property as a reaction when you’re moved against your will, instead of only when you’re falling. When you do, you choose how far away you can be moved from the the point to which the drill is attached (up to the range of the prosthesis’ Hookshot property).

Very rare variant: Increase both damages to 1d8. The prosthesis has the Emergency Anchor and Overcharge properties.

  • Overcharge. You can use an action to overcharge the drill, increasing its penetrative power. For 10 minutes, while using the prosthesis’ Mobility property to burrow, you can burrow through solid rock, leaving a 5-foot diameter tunnel in your wake. Once this property of the prosthesis has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.





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