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Gummythral Breastplate

Armour (breastplate, half plate, or plate), rare (requires attunement)

Component: Dragon (jörmungummdr) gummy heart and pouch of Dragon (jörmungummdr) gummy scales

The thick gummy plates of this armour wobble violently each time they’re struck. At first, these convulsions may be disorienting, but wearers of gummythral quickly come to appreciate how perfectly it absorbs each impact, and learn to move their bodies along with the wobbling instead of fighting it. It is for this reason that the gummy knights of Y’ummm are often said to dance across the battlefield.

This armour has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Sticky Situation. While you’re wearing this armour, you can use your reaction when a Large or smaller creature hits you with a melee weapon attack to expend 1 charge and catch the attack with your sticky gummy armour. If the creature used a weapon to attack, the weapon becomes stuck to the armour, and can’t be used again until a creature within reach of you uses its action to make a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to remove it. If the creature used one of its body parts to attack you, such as a claw or fangs, that body part becomes stuck and the creature is grappled by you (escape DC 15). You don’t need a free hand to maintain this grapple, and while it lasts, the creature can’t make attacks with that stuck body part.

You can only have one weapon or body part stuck to the armour. If you use this reaction again while a weapon or body part is already stuck to the armour, it is released to make room for the new one.


Uncommon variant: Reduce the DCs to 13, the charges to 3, and the recharge to 1d3.

Very rare variant: Increase the DCs to 16. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armour. The armour has the Abrupt Release property.

Abrupt Release. As a bonus action while you have a weapon or body part stuck in the armour, you can suddenly release it with great strength. If you have a weapon stuck, make a ranged weapon attack with it, treating it as an improvised thrown weapon which you are proficient with. If you have a creature’s body part stuck, the creature loses its balance and is knocked prone.




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